Wind control

Chapter 54 See the skeleton again

Volume II

YY Novel Network Update Time: 2011-11-29 23:23:17 Words in this chapter: 3763

"What? No, how can things be so weird?

When Feng Ruo was about to give up entering the so-called water spirit hall, an idea suddenly came to his mind. It was too strange for the two of Qinglanxuan to disappear, and there could be no mechanism in this quiet spirit lake, because if so, Qi Huan would have to stay the method of entry.

But now I haven't received any tips. Doesn't this mean that it only needs a very simple way to enter the Water Spirit Hall?

"Water Spirit Hall? Water spirit? Is it true that the key to entering this water spirit hall is the water spirit?

Feng Ruo frowned and thought for a long time. Then he gently put his right hand on the blue stone at the bottom of the lake, and then began to run the black water formula. While absorbing the surrounding water aura, he compressed it with magic power, until he had a crystal clear 'water polo' in his hand

This is a more pure existence than the surrounding water aura. If it hadn't been suppressed by the magic power, I'm afraid it would have dissipated at any time

After a slight stagnation, Feng Ruo smashed the 'water ball' formed by the purer water aura into the bluestone below

And suddenly, Feng Ruo seemed to feel a flash around him, and then his whole body disappeared from the bottom of the lake

"My God, this fool, it took three and a half hours to find the right way to enter. This kind of enlightenment is really a ghost"

On the shore of Qingjingling Lake, the face of the head of Jianxinyuan was almost deformed with anger, and beside him, there were more Mu Feixue and the head of Hemingyuan.

"Ha ha, Brother Wan, I said that this boy is just lucky, but it doesn't matter. This water spirit hall can't be cracked at all. It's the same for everyone to enter. Let's pay more attention to Zhou Yu and others. The game after three days still depends on them. If they can win, maybe they can also enter Where is the Spirit Hall?

"Okay, but I think it's very difficult. The strength of the disciples of the Nine Shrines is not weak"

The owner of the Jianxin courtyard sighed and turned around and left. Only Mu Feixue's eyes flashed, as if he was thinking about something

Feng Ruo naturally did not know all this, because when he smashed out the compressed water aura, he was immediately sucked by a huge force. When he came to his senses, he found himself in a very strange space.

This space is extremely wide. What you see is a huge stone pillar. At a glance, it seems to have no margin. In addition, the top of these stone pillars is completely shrouded in clouds and fog, and the top can't be seen

As for the ground, it is even more strange, with countless straight lines on it, but Feng Ruo just took a look, and there was a burst of dizziness in his head

"Don't look down at the ground, it will damage your soul. If you want to leave, just hold down a stone pillar with your hand, and you will return to the spiritual lake above. In addition, if you want to stay here, you'd better not run around, because no matter how far you run, in fact you are still in place."

At this time, the voice of Qing Lanxuan suddenly came from not far away. Feng Ruo looked back and saw her sitting cross-legged on the ground, and another disciple of the Nine Gods Palace was also meditating not far away.

"Oh, thank you very much"

Feng Ruo smiled and looked around again. Listening to what Qing Lanxuan said, there should be some kind of magic array arranged here, but it doesn't look like it, because from his feeling just now, he should have been transmitted in an instant. In addition, he can leave by holding down the stone pillar, which is a little complicated, and the transmission array is There is a phantom array, and the lines on the ground are undoubtedly another strange array

However, the water aura here is more pure than that in the Ling Lake. It is estimated that even if you can only stay here for three days, it will be very rewarding.

But just as Feng Ruo was about to learn to meditrate and practice like the two of them, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be a small thing in his hand. He looked down and was shocked. It turned out to be the little wooden demon he hadn't seen for a long time. After the little guy integrated into his body that day, he never saw Come on, and he can't feel it, so that he is almost forgetting the little wooden demon now

But I didn't expect that in this so-called water spirit hall, this little guy actually ran out

However, it still seemed to be very timid. It just shrank in Feng Ruo's hand, and then slowly poked out the little skeleton's head. After looking around for a while, it actually rushed out.

This time, he scared Feng Ruo half to death. This guy is now a shady person. If he is found by the two of them, or if the little wooden demon goes to attack those two, he will never be able to eat it

"Feed you back"

Feng Ruo shouted in a low voice with hatred, but the little wooden demon ignored him. He just jumped gently and jumped from one pillar to the other, which seemed to be very enjoyable, but Fortunately, it has not yet attacked the appearance of the two of Qinglanxuan for the time being

"Hey, I said, get back right away"

Feng Ruo didn't have time to practice, but chased after him closely, but the speed of the little wooden demon was really too fast. He didn't wear cloud boots now, and he couldn't catch them at all. Fortunately, the little wooden demon also walked and stopped, and finally he would not be lost

However, Feng Ruo didn't notice that whenever the little wooden demon stopped on a pillar, the lines on the ground seemed to change slightly

Of course, even if Feng Ruo wants to pay attention, there is nothing he can do, because as long as he looks down at those lines, his mind will immediately faint to death

However, soon, Feng Ruo realized that it was inappropriate, because according to Qing Lanxuan's explanation, no matter how lun ran here, he could not leave the same place, but now he can't see the figure of Qing Lanxuan. Doesn't this mean that he has left his original position?


Feng Ruo is in a hurry. Although he is not qualified to study those advanced formations, he has also heard of the horrors of these magic arrays. Although he can't attack, he can play people to death.

"Hey, hey, you little egg, do you want to kill me? Come back quickly"

But no matter how Feng Ruo orders, the little wooden demon is still my own way, jumping around on the pillars. As long as he stops, it will stop. As long as he catches up, the little guy will continue to run forward

"What? No, this little wooden demon has always been jumping around on these stone pillars. Why hasn't it been transmitted out?

Feng Ruo suddenly thought of this problem. To be honest, he really doesn't know much about this little wooden demon, even the congenital wooden demon, because he did not know much about the congenital wooden demon and the wooden demon in the immortal world, and now he can only rely on it. Your own imagination and practice to determine these.

But there is really something wrong with the situation shown by the little wooden demon now. Is it to lead the way for himself?

Thinking like this, Feng Ruoso crossed his heart, and he didn't think about what to understand and practice, so he followed the little wooden demon and continued to move forward

It took more than half an hour. When even Feng Ruo was about to be stunned, the little wooden demon in front of him suddenly stopped, and then seemed to be extremely afraid and got into Feng Ruo's hands.

"What? What do you mean, you little guy?"

Seeing the little wooden demon jumping back, Feng Ruo was a little happy, because anyway, the little guy was finally not afraid of him. He gently mō its little body, which was really weird

"What did you bring me here for? In addition to the pillars around, it's still the pillars. Now it's good. I can't find the way back."

Feng Ruo said to himself. In his opinion, everything around him was the same before. He couldn't see any difference at all. Of course, he couldn't see the figure of Qinglanxuan.

Just as Feng Ruo was about to hold down a stone pillar beside him in order to transmit himself back, he suddenly saw that the many stone pillars around him began to change, and then the scene around him turned into another appearance.

This time he appeared on a huge square, which was still endless, and there were no buildings, and even those stone pillars were completely absent.

However, the square is not empty, because just in front of Fengruo, a huge skeleton that is dozens of feet high and nearly a thousand feet long is standing there quietly

Feng Ruo was shocked at first, but then he found that the huge skeleton actually made him stare a little familiarly for a long time. He grabbed the little wooden demon in his hand and compared it, and then he said to himself in surprise.

"Uh - isn't this - the skeleton of the spirit beast in the sea of dead wood? No, it's just similar, because the skeleton of this spirit beast is larger, and the dead wood sea can't be compared at all"

"It's strange. What kind of spirit beast does this skeleton belong to? Why does it appear here? In addition, what does the skeleton of the dead wood sea have to do with this?

After thinking about it for a long time, Feng Ruo's head became more and more confused. Now he can only be sure that the reason why the little wooden demon ran out was entirely because of this huge spirit beast skeleton, but the little guy seemed to be afraid of the spirit beast skeleton.


Suddenly, Feng Ruo found that the skeleton of this huge spirit beast was bound to the square by an extremely slender silk thread. If it hadn't been close, it would not have been found at all.

"What kind of silk thread is this? It's amazing that such a huge spirit beast can be bound. Is it true that the huge magic array outside is to suppress this spirit beast? Well, it's very likely, but I'm afraid this place has existed for a long time."

He circled around the skeleton of this spirit beast, but Feng Ruo saw a transparent crystal tablet carved from some material on the other side. On it, there was a string of runes that he didn't know at all flashed.

This rune is somewhat similar to the rune on the nine-day flowing cloud array. After thinking about it, he finally took out a few pieces of green yù and forcibly carved these runes.

After doing this, Feng Ruo was a little worried, because although he came here because of the little wooden demon, there was nothing interesting in this place except the huge skeleton. What's more, he didn't know how to leave

"Alas" sighed, and Feng Ruoyi sat on the crystal tablet. Just as he was about to ask the little wooden demon how to leave, he suddenly felt a whirlwind, and then with a "poof", he fell into a lake

"Uh-Qingjingling Lake"

(Thank you for your support and the third update)