Wind control

Chapter 56 Reinforcement

Volume II

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-11-29 23:23:18 Words in this chapter: 3653

Outside the window, there is a bright and soft skylight, reflecting the clear blue lake, and several hills with soft curves in the distance, indifferent in the ethereal.

The breeze comes slowly, with a wisp of comfortable coolness, which makes people's hearts calm.

This is the seventh room of the Yingbin Pavilion. It is also the most luxurious and comfortable room that Feng Ruo has ever lived in in his life. Although there is only one chair and a few cases, all of them are beautiful. They are carved from the best materials. It is simple, but it contains atmosphere

Now, even Fengruo himself has to admit that in this environment, it is very beneficial to practice. It doesn't need to be so brilliant and luxurious, as long as it is most in line with the quiet state of mind

"Simple to the extreme, in fact, it is also a kind of realm. The people in the Nine Gods Palace are really not simple"

Slightly talking to himself, Feng Ruo's right hand suddenly changed quickly, but what he used was the sword secret in the royal swordsmanship

"The power of power"

With the use of the sword formula, the phantom sword is like a light smoke that comes out of its sheath in an instant, and then hangs steadily in front of Feng Ruo. Through the faint fog lingering on the sword, you can see a cold light slowly flowing

After staring quietly for a moment, Feng Ruo put the phantom sword flat on the front desk. Now, with the more and more proficient swordsmanship, his sword speed has become extremely fast, and vaguely, the phantom sword seems to become a part of his body

At least for now, he can make all kinds of changes quickly within a certain range of the Phantom Sword at will. He can even feel the air bō lines caused by the Phantom Sword flying and spinning in the air. All the flight tracks are like the palm of the hand

But Feng Ruo is also very clear, which is far from enough

Royal swordsmanship is not only the fit between the sword and the intention, this is a realm with almost no top. The only thing that can last forever is to keep breaking through

"Let's start now"

The voice of Feng Ruo sounded slowly, as if talking to himself or to the Phantom Sword

When I raised my hand slightly, the window in the room quietly closed, and then a faint light enveloped the whole room. This defensive array came with this room, which was simple and convenient

This is the first time for Feng Ruo to live in the middle grade of the five elements stone, so he is extra cautious, because the power contained in the middle grade five elements stone is not comparable to the low grade and the lower grade of the grade of the five elements stone. Just by looking at the price of the last silver armored spider swallowing the earth genus Of

Take out the middle-grade five-elic stone of metal ìng. After a careful look at it for a while, Feng Ruo slowly entered his mana

Speaking of which, this five-eline stone is still somewhat similar to the spiritual stone in some kind of ìng, because there is a large amount of heaven and earth gas in both of them, but the heaven and earth gas in the spirit stone can be absorbed by the monks, whether they are gas-refining monks and Jindan monks.

But the heaven and earth gas inside the five elements stone exists in another way, which is more violent and rough. The monks don't need to say absorb, even if they want to live, they have to pay a certain price. If the cultivation is not enough, the heaven and earth gas inside alone is enough for the living to drink a pot

In addition, the more advanced the five-e elements stone is, the more careful it needs to be in the process of jī living. The output of mana must be balanced and stable, no more or less, otherwise it will lead to jī live failure, and the price is to destroy a valuable five-equint stone

Time passed little by little, and the metal ìng medium-grade five-elicor stone in Feng Ruo's hand finally changed a little bit. First, the shining golden light on its surface gradually became bright, and then a layer of foggy light curtain was formed

After waiting for half an hour, a golden light like snow floated out of the curtain with great difficulty. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, if you couldn't imagine it anyway, the light of nothingness could turn into a similar to substance, and it would not dissipate, but slowly flew in the air. , this situation is strange but with an inexplicable shock yn

And with the appearance of the first snow-like golden light, the second, the third, the fourth... fluttering, like willow catkins flying, and like uā petals all over the sky, under the cover of the golden light, elegant and far away

But Feng Ruo is not in the mood to appreciate this scene. Now the total amount of mana has been greatly increased after he built the foundation, but now it has also been consumed more than half of it. Especially now, almost every golden snow will consume part of his mana

But he can't do his best to stick to it, because the more gold and snow he survives, the better the enhancement of the Phantom Sword will be, so he must be perfect

Only in this way can his phantom sword stand out among all five-grade sword weapons, and the advantages and disadvantages of a sword weapon often represent a greater chance of survival on the battlefield at the moment of life and death

If you are good at your work, you must first be sharp. If you know this truth very early

Time has passed for half an hour in silence, and at this time, the golden snow fluttering in the air has reached hundreds. At a glance, it is like a group of golden butterflies

The mana in Feng Ruo's body also followed to the last point. As for the metal ìng Chinese five elements stone in his hand, he has already lost its original shining golden light at this moment, and it looks gray and white.

When Feng Ruo inputs the last point of mana into it, the gray-white Chinese five-egrade stone flew out of a golden snow uā again, and finally turned into flying ash in an instant

"It's okay, it's okay, I almost can't live all of it"

Feng Ruo couldn't help sighing for a long time, and then he picked up the phantom sword in front of him and gently penetrated into the interior of hundreds of golden snow in the air

Almost at the same time, a huge force suddenly came from the sword of the Phantom Sword, directly bouncing Feng Ruo's hand away. At this time, the Phantom Sword automatically suspended in mid-air.

As for the golden snow, it slowly rotated around the Phantom Sword. If you can clearly see it, the golden lights like filaments began to gradually disappear into the body of the Phantom Sword.

Soon, the whole body of the Phantom Sword seemed to be stained with a gorgeous sunset glow, and even the fog that always lingered became golden.

However, in this process, the number of golden snow outside is getting smaller and smaller, and when all the golden snow is integrated into the phantom sword, an extremely bright and dazzling light suddenly lit up from the phantom sword, and the light actually carries a kind of sharp atmosphere like substance, through Feng Ruo, who is far away, can't help closing his eyes

And his face seemed to be blown by the cold wind, with a slight pain

When he opened his eyes and used his hand, he was shocked, because his face actually had countless dense small wounds in an instant, and even his hair was neatly cut off a lot

"No way, this sword spirit is so exaggerated"

Feng Ruodang is really surprised and happy. You know, this kind of sword spirit can only be regarded as the sword spirit casually emitted by the Phantom Sword in the process of strengthening. If the mana is condensed, or the attack sword secret is displayed, how terrible the sword spirit emitted by it should be

"Haha, it's developed this time"

I couldn't help laughing. Feng Ruolian rolled and crawled over, picked up the phantom sword that had fallen to the ground and returned to its original state

But he immediately let go of his hand, because when he just held the hilt of the sword, his hand suddenly seemed to be scratched by thousands of steel needles, but this time, half of his arms became crisp and numb. It was because he did not have the power to protect himself now, so he was hit by the phantom sword. Reverse phagocytosis

Now you should know that this phantom sword is already a top-quality magic weapon. It is not only inlaid with the phantom array, but also strengthens the metal ìng five-e� stone. If you don't have enough strength, as long as you touch it casually, you will die. Not to mention mortals. Even Yes

Of course, although Feng Ruo's mana is exhausted, his physique is still very strong. In addition, this phantom sword is at least opposite to him day and night, so he will not be directly injured

After understanding this, Feng Ruo had no help appreciating the enhanced phantom sword, took out the wooden spirit crystal, and began to calm down and restore his mana

Three hours later, the lost mana in Feng Ruo's body was completely restored, and he picked up the phantom sword again. This time, because of the mana to protect his body, he only felt a little tingling. When he entered his own mana, the stingling disappeared immediately

"Hey hey, that's good. Now the phantom sword has greatly exceeded the sharpness of the thunder sword. If it is supplemented by the attack sword formula in the imperial swordsmanship, in time, my self-insurance ability will be nearly enhanced. When encountering those late stage of foundation-building, I'm afraid the monks in In the early stage of building the foundation of the realm, the monks are very sure to win"

Holding the Phantom Sword in his hand, Feng Ruo's self-confidence became stronger and stronger. Now he is looking forward to the upcoming test

But at this time, there was a sudden rapid knocking sound outside the room

"Feng Ruo, ten thousand masters have orders, all the experienced disciples of this sect will immediately gather in the first batch of the Yingbin Pavilion"

"Collection?" For a moment, Feng Ruo still put away the phantom sword and jumped out of the window quickly. When he came to the first hall of the Yingbin Pavilion, he saw Wan Chuxing, the head of the Jianxin Academy, the head of the Heming Academy, and Mu Feixue, the head of the Lingshan Academy, stood at the top heavily, and the

After all the experienced disciples arrived, Wan Chuxing said in a low voice, "According to the latest information, the bloodthirsty demon dragon is likely to be born again, so the test originally scheduled for the day after next day is cancelled. You still have three hours to prepare, and then go to the dry wood sea through the transmission array to support this matter and return During the mission, for a period of one year, each person will be rewarded with a contribution of 5,000 yuan, and those who escape without permission will be killed without mercy"

(Thank you for the reward support of Zhixiu, Longzhiěn1984 and other book friends)