Wind control

Chapter 60 Betrayal

Volume II

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-11-29 23:23:22 Words in this chapter: 3526

"How about the distance of each of the five of us patrolling ten miles? The old man Jin is divine. Does God know that what he said is true?

On a sand dune, Zhu Ping of the sword heart courtyard sat on it with some disdain. Far behind him, there were twelve flags with different faces, always shining with wisps of extremely obvious light, but this is a flag array that can be used to identify the direction and determine the distance. It is specially used in this sea of dead wood. Use it.

With such a flag array, you can see it clearly from 500 miles away, and there is no need to worry about the road at all

But now the flag array is arranged into 50 miles, just to facilitate their patrol teams to patrol. According to the arrangement, each five-person team needs to be responsible for the distance of 50 miles. The patrol time is 12 hours. When the time comes, the next team will come to replace

Before it is certain whether the bloodthirsty demon dragon is born, they must keep patrolling like this.

"Zhu Ping, I am the commander of this team. How should I patrol? I don't need your heart." Leng Xiaotian frowned and shouted. He was the only monk in the middle of the foundation of Feng Ruo. Therefore, he was appointed as the commander of the team by Jin Biao. Unfortunately, among the five of them, Feng Ru It belongs to Jianxinyuan, Dongyu belongs to Lingshanyuan, and only Leng Xiaotian himself belongs to Hemingyuan

In the upper three courtyards, unless the powerful later monks like Zhou Yu, Muhai, Ning Yao and Yue Xing can have a strong deterrent. Otherwise, they have always done their own way and disapprove to each other. The cold roar is only in the middle stage of foundation building, so Zhu Ping will not be completely convinced

"Haha, it's just a wooden demon. It's nothing. It's daytime now. Please, everyone, the old golden head also said that those wooden demons are best at appearing at night. Why do we patrol hard against this big sun? Why don't you keep your strength at night? Yanting, Feng Ruo, Dong Yu, what do you think?

Zhu Ping tilted his head and shouted.

"It's daytime now, but the old golden head said that he would investigate from time to time. If he violates the order, the 30 Lingsha every day will be deducted. If you like to lie here to bask in the sun, we have no problem." Feng Ruo said calmly, turned to Leng Xiaotian and said, "Brother L Let's start patrolling. In this damn place, if you are not careful, you may overturn the boat in the ditch"

"Haha, that's right. There is a lack of aura here, and there is no supply of the 30 Lingsha every day. Let's see how Zhu Ping cultivates us."

Leng Xiaotian laughed, bento walked forward first, and Feng Ruo and Dong Yu and Yanting followed closely. They didn't like this kind of boring patrol, but once the daily supply of Lingsha was cut off, it was a terrible thing

And Zhu Ping hesitated for a moment and could only bravely follow up, but he deliberately fell two steps behind.

The distance of 50 miles is really short for these foundation-building monks. Even if they don't fly with the imperial sword, they can easily walk back and forth in just half an hour, and it won't cost too much mana.

But this kind of work is simply too boring. It's just a few walks back and forth, not to mention Zhu Ping, even the cold roaring people are depressed.

If they hadn't been worried about the money that would come to patrol at any time, they would have found a place to hide.

Unlike Leng Xiaotian and Zhu Pingren, Feng Ruo's expression has always been very solemn. From the beginning of the patrol, the little wooden demon automatically drilled out. He could feel that there seemed to be some kind of force calling it. If he hadn't been suppressing it with his own mana, the little wooden demon might have run away long P>

It's just that as time goes by little by, the little wooden demon's struggle becomes bigger and bigger, and its body begins to expand gradually

The mana in Feng Ruo's body can't be suppressed.


Finally, the little wooden demon suddenly turned into a purple light and broke away from Feng Ruo's hand. It turned into a purple skeleton about three feet long in mid-air, and finally fell firmly on the ground

"It's a wooden demon, everyone be careful"

This sudden change scared Leng Xiaotian and others who were almost drowsy. None of them expected that a wooden demon would really appear in front of them, but they did not find that Feng Ruo's face was extremely pale, and they also did not notice that this whole body of purple wood demon was Appeared from Feng Ruo.

"Signal in formation"

Leng Xiaotian was still drinking angrily, and Zhu Ping and the other two no longer refuted at this time. They released their swords one after another and stared nervously at the sculpture-like wooden demon dozens of feet away.

Feng Ruo didn't do anything. He just stared at the head of the purple wood demon, but his eyes were extremely angry, because the wooden demon who came out with his own hands is now equivalent to betraying him

"Abominable death"

Feng Ruo suddenly pinched the sword formula, and the phantom sword behind him sounded softly, and then came out of the sheath and went towards the purple wood demon. He warned it that he could get it out and destroy it

"Feng Ruo, don't be angry with it, we are not its opponents" shouted, but before his voice fell, the purple wood demon suddenly turned into a purple light and disappeared in an instant. The speed was unimaginable, and Feng Ruo's phantom sword did not even catch the shadow at all

At this time, dozens of sword lights suddenly roared in the distance, but this was the defense guard summoned by the signal sent by the cold roaring sky

"What's going on? Why did you send a signal?"

The fast-moving Jindan monk was extremely angry. They thought they had found the wooden demon, but they only saw five guys with a dull face and jumping alive.

"Senior, we just found a purple wooden demon, so we sent a signal for help"

Leng Xiaotian quickly explained that they were all scared just now, because the purple wooden demon obviously belonged to the kind of powerful wooden demon, and he was afraid that he could kill them casually.

"Purple's wooden demon?" The face of the Jindan monk changed, but then he said suspiciously, "Didn't that wooden demon attack you?"

"No, the purple wood demon just confronted us for a moment, and then retreated"

"Aren't you guys kidding? Purple's wooden demon? If it's really that level of wooden demon, can you still be alive now?

At this time, another golden elixir monk said extremely unhappily, "Xin Daoyou, I think most of them are looking at the purple wooden demon, haha, it's so funny. Do you know what the bloodthirsty demon dragon that was seriously injured by our immortal world more than a thousand years ago? Is it also purple? Did you meet the re-re born bloodthirsty demon dragon today? All right, continue to patrol, and if you dare to make such a fuss, just exile me."

After scolding Feng Ruo and others, the dozens of guards returned to the original path under the leadership of the two golden elixir monks

"Well, did we really look at uā eyes just now? You've all seen that it's indeed a purple wooden demon, and its speed of escape is terrible." Leng Xiaotian couldn't help saying, and then looked at Feng Ruo again.

"However, Feng Ruo is still the boldest and dares to attack without hesitation. Fortunately, the purple wood demon has left, otherwise we will definitely be unlucky? What's wrong with you? Your face is so ugly that you won't be really scared, will you?

"I'm free to keep patrolling"

Feng Ruo smiled bitterly, but his heart was overturned. He had never taken the little wooden demon to heart. Even when he heard that the bloodthirsty demon dragon was born, he only focused on the huge skeleton in the underground cave. He always thought that it was the bloodthirsty demon dragon

But now, he finds that he is very wrong. He has been ignoring two very important things, that is, why can the little wooden demon know the magic array in the Water Spirit Hall? Why did the news of the birth of the bloodthirsty demon dragon immediately come out soon after he entered the magic array?

Is this just a coincidence?

Of course, this is not a coincidence. Feng Ruo suddenly has an intuition that he should have been used. If he guessed correctly, the little wooden demon is the real bloodthirsty demon dragon, or the split of the bloodthirsty demon dragon

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to know the magic array in the Water Spirit Hall well

But Feng Ruo still has a lot of doubts, that is, how can the little wooden demon make sure that he can enter the Water Spirit Hall? Also, if he remembers correctly, in the square in the Water Spirit Hall, the little wooden demon has been in his own hands, but has not done any extra actions

Feng Ruo thought left and right, but his head was always a mess, because if the little wooden demon is the legendary bloodthirsty demon dragon, or the split of the bloodthirsty demon dragon, then what is the purpose of its approaching itself?


for Mu Lingjing? It doesn't seem to be, because with its strength, it is very easy to kill itself, and for a long time, it has never done anything unfavorable to itself, let alone coerce itself to do something

"Well, it seems that there is a chance. I'm really going to go to the underground cave for a walk."

Looking at the depths of the sea of dead wood, Feng Ruo thought to himself in his heart.

"Hey, I heard that you have encountered the wooden demon. Haha, you are still alive. It's really gratifying. You know, you are the first team to find the wooden demon in the whole defense line."

At this time, the gold did not change to ride a sand migratory beast from another direction, but listening to his words, he obviously didn't believe it

"Brother Jin, I have another question to ask. I want to know about the causes and consequences of the war thousands of years ago. The more detailed the better, okay?"

Feng Ruo suddenly said.

(Sorry, I'm still sorry for being late...)