Wind control

Chapter 67 Demon Sword

Volume II

YY Novel Network Updated: 2011-11-29 23:23:31 Words in this chapter: 3566

Feng Ruo's suspicion did not last long, but was interrupted by a rumbling sound. Listening to this sound, it was a bit like a monk's attack.

A jump in his heart, Feng Ruo immediately carefully swept in the direction of the sound, about seven or eight miles away. Finally, he saw the figure of Qianshan, Ba Tian and dozens of others again, but at this time, he was shocked by another scene

In front of Qianshan, Batian and others, a huge range of palaces appeared out of thin air. The palaces inside were piled up one after another, and they couldn't see the edge at a glance

In addition, all these palaces are green, which seems to be built of some rare yù stone, but outside these palaces, there is a light and transparent light cover like running water, and Qianshan, Batian and others are attacking this light cover

It's just that the defense strength of this light mask is obviously very strong. The attack of those people in Qianshan just bounces up a small water uā, which has no effect at all

In order not to attract the attention of Qianshan, Batian and others, Feng Ruo carefully hid behind a thick tree root after approaching hundreds of feet and observed patiently.

The current situation is obvious. Qianshan, Batian and others must have obtained the secret of this underground palace from a certain channel, and then they followed the map and searched all the way. However, they still underestimated the mystery of this underground palace. Now they can't even break through the outer defense shield. It seems that they have walked for nothing.

Feng Ruo first carefully looked at the mysterious underground palace group for a while, and soon determined that he could not enter at all with his strength, so he simply focused all his attention on Boss Xing and others

At this time, Qianshan, Batian and others obviously realized that they could not break the defense at all with their strength, so they quickly stopped attacking, as if they were discussing something, but immediately the three of them quarreled about something

Unfortunately, to Feng Ruo's disappointment, they soon stopped quarreling, and then Qianshan, Batian and Boss Xing took out something and merged them together. Judging from their actions, it should be a clue to lead them to this place

But at this time, the three of them coincidentally looked in the direction of Feng Ruo

"What's coming out"

With the loud shout of Ba Tian, more than a dozen sharp sword lights roared to the position where Feng Ruo was located.

This sudden situation immediately shocked Feng Ruo. Why didn't he expect that the thing taken out by Qianshan and the other three people could find his trace?

Just as Feng Ruo was about to retreat, a strange roar suddenly sounded not far behind him, and then he saw a white light rushing out, but in a blink of an eye, he hit more than a dozen sword lights of Qianshan and others on the ground. At this time, the white light came out of the body, which turned out to be a The whole body is as crystal as a yù human skeleton, but it seems to have been severely damaged by something in the part of the mouth of iōng

When he saw this skeleton, Feng Ruo was almost scared out of a cold sweat, because this thing was hiding behind him just now

But the next scene made Feng Ruo even more confused. After seeing this skeleton, Qianshan, Batian and others actually looked frightened one after another, and then knelt motionlessly.

Teng Ruoyuan planned to turn around and escape, but the curiosity in his heart made him stay

"A bunch of wastes can't do such a thing well. You can get out of here now"

The yùè skeleton suddenly opened its mouth, and the sound was like the roar of the mountain wind in the dark night, which was not only unpleasant, but also terrible

"Thank you for your kindness"

Qianshan, Batian and others were immediately on the verge of amnesty. After knocking loudly, they left quickly. When Feng Ruo reacted, there was only the yùè skeleton left in front of him

At this time, the yùè skeleton slowly turned around, with a pair of empty eyes staring at the position of Feng Ruo, and then let out a chilling laughter

"Come out, it's not easy for you to come here"

The words just fell, and the roots around Feng Ruo suddenly retreated to both sides as if they were alive, and at the same time completely sealed his back road

But what made Feng Ruo more surprised was the sentence of yùè skeleton. What does it mean to invite him to come here? Did those people in Qianshan deliberately come here by themselves?

Countless thoughts flashed in his mind in an instant, and Feng Ruo finally asked slowly, "Who are you? What does it have to do with the bloodthirsty demon dragon?

The yùè skeleton laughed a few times, and then said, "It doesn't matter who I am, but you don't have to worry. I don't have any malice. This time I invite you to come, just to express my gratitude. If it weren't for you, I can't be reborn."

"Rebirth? Are you a bloodthirsty demon dragon? Feng Ruo was stunned, but he couldn't believe it.

"The bloodthirsty demon dragon is my master. Don't you really recognize me?" The yùè skeleton suddenly made a gesture of looking up to the sky and laughing. How strange it looks like it is

Hearing this, Feng Ruo was stunned again, and then his eyes fell on the heavily damaged position in front of the yùè skeleton iōng. Suddenly, he remembered that when he first entered the underground cave that day, he not only saw the huge skeleton and collected the small wooden demon, but also in the remnant body of a monk. Pull up a flying sword and get a storage belt

"You - you are that skeleton, but aren't you a monk? Why do you recognize the bloodthirsty demon dragon as the main one?

"The monk?" The yùè skeleton said casually, but the empty eyes looked at the rusty flying sword in Feng Ruo's hand

"Do you know the background of this flying sword? This sword used to be the flying sword of Qingyun, the first master of the Nine Gods Palace thousands of years ago. This sword is called Killing Demons. It is the ninth spiritual soldier in the Cangwu World. It is not only extremely sharp, but also has the magic effect of exorcism. In the war of that year, Qingyun killed six wooden demons And completely disintegrate the offensive of the wooden demon army"

"And then, the master of Cangwu world led by Qingyun chased all the way into the underground cave. At that time, my lord was seriously injured and saw that he could not escape. Fortunately, at this time, a monk who chased and killed him accidentally broke into my lord's healing place because of the way, so my lord used his magic power However, in the end, he was recognized by the Qingyun and had no choice but to escape to the depths of the underground cave. With the previous arrangement, he seriously injured the Qingyun"

"Unexpectedly, the cloud was quite cruel and gave up the magic sword and sealed my lord in the body of the monk. When I arrived at that time, I was powerless to return to heaven, but if I didn't take out the magic sword, it would be impossible for me to escape, so I had to I tried the adventure, but I never thought that this magic sword was too terrible. Even the old man was sealed there for more than a thousand years. My lord and I have been sealed in the wreckage of the monk. Usually, we can only rely on a subordinate who is about to advance to be a wooden demon."

"And this situation has continued until your arrival. I don't know how you found it there and broke the seal of the magic sword. Finally, I easily pulled up the sword. Thanks to you, my lord and I finally got out of trouble, but my lord was already hit hard in those years, and after getting out of trouble, there was nothing. The law is controlled by the magic body, and I have no choice but to temporarily live on the old man's law body, but I didn't expect that you picked it up again, and you can still control the innate wood, so my lord can't resist"

"I was also in a hurry that day, but my Dharma body had been occupied by my lord, and the sacrificial bones around me were searched by you. In desperation, I had to occupy the remnants of the monk first, but at that time you had already gone without a trace"

When Feng Ruo heard this, he immediately understood that what he picked up that day was really a wooden demon, but what lived in it was the spirit of the bloodthirsty demon dragon. No wonder the little wooden demon had escaped before, and the purple light on his body turned out that there were such twists and turns

And, if so, I actually saved the seriously injured bloodthirsty demon dragon that day

"Where did your master ask him to come out to see me"

Feng Ruo suddenly said in a low voice that whether it was a small wooden demon or a bloodthirsty demon dragon, the innate wooden evil in his body was input by him, that is to say, under his control, it was just that he didn't know before, but now he absolutely does not allow this bloodthirsty demon dragon to grow up, >

"I'm sorry that my lord is sick now. I can't see you, but my lord said, as long as you can agree to a condition, then from now on, as long as the immortal world no longer takes the initiative to attack us, we will no longer take the initiative to attack the immortal world"

The yùè skeleton is calm and calm.

"What are the conditions?" Feng Ruo was silent for a moment, and finally compromised, because even if he holds the magic sword now, he is not the opponent of this yùè skeleton at all, not to mention that this guy also controls those people in Qianshan

"It's very simple. As long as you promise to save my Lord's real body from the Xuanzhenshui Hall, then our wooden demon clan will never take the initiative to attack the immortal world"

"The real body? Xuantiantian Water Hall?" Feng Ruo was stunned and then understood that the so-called Xuanzhen Water Hall should be the Water Spirit Hall. After thinking about it, he asked, "Isn't your master's real body in this underground cave?"

"That's just a split of my lord. Its strength is less than one ten thousandth of that of the real body. As long as you can help my lord's real body get out of trouble, my wooden demon clan will give you everything you want, and even help you break through the obstacles of the six worlds and enter the real world of immortal cultivation."

The yùè skeleton is solemn.

"The real world of immortal cultivation? I don't understand what you're talking about, but I won't help. Your master's real body is so horrible. How do I know that after releasing it, it won't destroy the whole world immediately?"

Feng Ruo categorically refused. How could he believe the reward said by the yùè skeleton? All he knew was that the bloodthirsty demon dragon was a split. In those years, he slaughtered millions of monks in one go. If the real body was released, God knew what would happen