Wind control

Chapter 71 My Life

Volume II

YY Novel Network Updated: 2011-12-1 13:09:37 Words in this chapter: 3750

"I--of course I believe you"

Feng Ruo said strangely. To be honest, although he had long believed that the intelligence of the blue bird was no less than that of human beings, he still felt ridiculous to see it so wise now

"However, can you tell me what's going on with the so-called big whirlpool? Is that wooden demon lying to me?

"It's not good for you to know too much, not to mention that I'm not very clear, but I happened to hear the owner talk about it. You'd better not to participate in it. In addition, you'd better leave the sea of dead wood in a short time, because I urgently need a place full of aura to retreat"The blue bird continued to write on the ground.

"Oh, okay, but your master is Mingxi, right? Do you know where she went? How about now?" Feng Ruo couldn't help asking again, how can he let go of this arrogant guy, and he has always been curious about Mingxi's true identity

"Who is Mingxi? I haven't heard of it. You talk too much nonsense."

"Ah?" Feng Ruo was stunned and immediately remembered that Mingxi was just the name he gave to the head of the water plant at the beginning. Because it was fished from the stream, it was called Mingxi, and it was normal for this dull bird to know it

"Well, I mean, what's the name of your master?"

"You are not qualified to know, don't talk too much nonsense, leave now"

After the blue bird scratched this sentence on the ground, without waiting for Feng Ruo to react, it directly picked up with one paw, and then waved its wings, and suddenly a tornado whirlwind came out of thin air. With a "bang", it lifted the upper layer of the castle, a big dòng of more than ten feetWhen Feng Ruo comes to his senses, he is already in the sky at a height of nearly a thousand feet

"Hey, hey, can't you be gentle? Also, do you know that this posture is ugly? Laozi's reputation was ruined--ah"

Before Feng Ruo's prison was finished, he was thrown down from the sky of nearly a thousand feet by the blue bird, and then he was caught back when he was scared to death

"Damn it, can you, stupid bird change a new uā look every time"

Feng Ruodang was really angry, and his teeth were three feet long, but he could only slander in his stomach. After all, now he is slaughtered by others. In case this blue bird is really interested, give him a new uā, he really can't afford to enjoy it

The flying speed of the blue bird is not inferior to Mu Feixue's seven-level Qingpeng, and even more than a lot. When Feng Ruo finally clears the general direction, they have flown out of the edge of the sea of dead wood

"Hey, hey, stop, do you want me to be a deserter who escaped from the battle? The old man said that those who dare to escape will be killed without mercy"

Feng Ruo shouted anxiously that this matter can't be sloppy. Now he knows that the wooden demon army will not appear, but the five sects, especially the senior management of Zhentianzong, will never be taken lightly. At least all the patrol disciples will not withdraw for three years. He will run away like this and will definitely be attacked by the The wanted of Tianzong

This time, the blue bird really stopped. Obviously, it also understands that this matter is crucial

"You let me down first, and I'll go back to Mr. Wan for instructions. If it still doesn't work, I'll look for it--"

Before Feng Ruo said the word 'Mu Feixue', his whole body was thrown down by the blue bird again. Fortunately, this time he was prepared in advance and quickly released the Phantom Sword. Finally, he did not fall to the head and bleed

When Feng Ruo fell to the ground, he just wanted to look up to the sky and curse, but found that there was no shadow of a blue bird in the sky

"Well, it runs very fast"

Looking down at the green yù ring in his hand, Feng Ruo couldn't help shaking his head. Needless to say, the blue bird should have returned there again. This temper is really quite strange

Just as Feng Ruo was about to unblock the white má ghost bat and return to the first line of defense arranged by the five major sects, a dazzling sword light suddenly flashed in the direction of the dead wood sea, but he was very familiar with this sword light. It was Mu Feixue's all

It was just a dozen breaths. The comet-like sword light appeared in front of Feng Ruo, but Mu Feixue on it was solemn. After carefully looking around for a while, she looked at Feng Ruo strangely.

"Are you all right?"

"I--I'm fine. Do you think I'm in trouble? However, Uncle Xue, we are really a coincidence." Feng Ruo smiled awkwardly. He never thought that Mu Feixue would appear at this time, and it didn't seem like an accidental encounter

"What a coincidence? In fact, I had something to find you yesterday, but I found that you were gone. I looked around and didn't find your trace until not long ago. At that time, you seemed to be hijacked by a spirit beast, and I didn't know what kind of spirit beast it was. I couldn't catch up with the sword flight." Mu Feixue star There is another very puzzled meaning

"Well, Uncle Xue, are you sure you didn't look at it? Also, what can I do for you?

Of course, it was impossible for Feng Ruo to tell Mu Feixue about the existence of the blue bird, so he had to do it perfunctorily.

"Is it? What do I see? Mu Feixue suddenly sneered, but there was an inexplicable anger in her eyes. She said word by word, "Let me ask you, have you ever heard of Mu Hanyan, a nv person?"

"Ah? Mu - Han Yan?"

Feng Ruo is a little confused now. He really doesn't understand why Mu Feixue used this tone. Moreover, she seems to know her cheap master, huh? No, Mu Hanyan? Mu Feixue? Is it a sister? Aunt and nephew nv? Or - mother nv?

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo couldn't help taking two steps back, because he found that Mu Feixue's eyes were getting colder and colder, and there was a smell of shame and anger.

"Hey, Uncle Xue, if you have something to say, if you have something to say, Mu Hanyan, is it a teacher - do you also know the teacher?"

Mu Feixue never said anything, but just stared at Feng Ruo tightly. The fierce eyes almost to tear Feng Ruo to pieces. When Feng Ruo was very nervous, she suddenly called out the flying sword and roared around and left

After a long time, her almost cold voice came

"She told you to go to the Snow Yancheng of the Yanbei Cultivation Alliance"

"Yanbei Immortal Cultivation Alliance, Xueyan City?" Feng Ruo was stunned, but then he was overjoyed. Since Qingyunzong's master was attacked, his cheap master disappeared. He had been worried for a long time. Now that there is finally news, a stone in his heart has also fallen to the ground

"Okay, first go back to Zhentianzong to settle the retreat of the blue bird, and then go to the Yanbei Cultivation Alliance"

Now with this excuse, he doesn't have to ask Wan Chuxing from Jianxinyuan to ask for leave

The next journey is still for the blue bird. After all, it depends on the speed of the white má ghost bat. In less than a month, Feng Ruo can't rush back to Zhentianzong.

Regarding the retreat of the blue bird, Feng Ruo has also flowed with it. According to its statement, because the aura of the Cangwu world is very thin, except for some specific regions, other places do not meet its closed standards.

Of course, if Feng Ruo is willing to lend the Aoki Shenjing to it for a period of time, but now the Aoki Shenjing is in a weak stage. Even if Feng Ruo is willing to borrow it, he may destroy the Aoki in the end

So in the end, Feng Ruo decided to return the courtyard at the foot of the peak. After all, there were more than a dozen spiritual trees in it. Once they all woke up, the aura emitted every day could barely supplement the daily needs of the blue bird.

After returning to Zhentianzong, Feng Ruo immediately went to the courtyard, but what made him laugh bitterly was that the place was cleaned up by him in those years, and the elegant and quiet courtyard became dilapidated again. The surrounding bamboo forest had been cut down, and the spiritual spring water he attracted also dried up

In the courtyard, seven or eight disciples of the lower third courtyard who only have the middle stage of gas refining are squeezing in those houses to practice

This situation is exactly the same as the scene when he first came here that day

In desperation, Feng Ruo had to find Pang Pang Pang, the deacon of the third courtyard. Now he is a formal disciple of Jianxin Academy, enough to suppress this dead fat man, plus the bribe of fifty inferior five-line stones, so in less than an hour, the courtyard will return to Feng Ruo's name again However, this is just the beginning. In the following time, Feng Ruo first razed the range within hundreds of feet to the ground in one breath, and then arranged three positive and negative nine-star arrays in this area.

He personally transplanted thousands of green bamboos and arranged them around the courtyard according to the changes of heaven and earth. Finally, in order to avoid the winding stream in the bamboo forest being cut off again or being polluted from the source, he simply followed the advice of the green bird, dug dozens of feet to the ground, and arranged a small water below. Spiritual array, in this way, the stream on the ground also has the source of living water

Of course, this is not enough, because the blue bird's cleanliness is too serious and extremely picky. Then Feng Ruo got a large amount of money on the five-elegm stone, bought a large number of blue stone, green yù, white yù, ink yù, sandalwood and other expensive materials, and transformed the whole courtyard into a The small garden of the grid

In this process, it was completely designed by the blue bird alone, and Feng Ruo's opinions were not tolerated at all, and the result of this was that Feng Ruo was commanded to turn around

For half a month, when more than a dozen spiritual trees in the courtyard came back to life, the whole courtyard was completely refreshed. Even Feng Ruo couldn't believe that this elegant and fresh courtyard was in his own hands?

"Brother Bird, for your retreat, I'm painstaking and painstaking. Is there any reward?"

Lying extremely comfortably on the stone bench under the spirit wood, Feng Ruo is in prison as usual, but he is just saying. He has never expected the arrogant guy to give him any benefits. In the past half month, he has learned the guy's ability to exploit himself < /P>

But what Feng Ruo didn't expect was that after the blue bird looked at him with its head tilted for a while, it suddenly waved its wings, and then an extremely beautiful green feather fell on his head

"You are going to Xueyan City. I can't protect you at any time. This is one of my three fundamental life feathers. I will lend it to you for the time being. With this thing, you can use three tornadoes every **, but after using it, remember to send enough aura to it. In addition, your magic sword should It's easy to be coveted. You can go."

(Well, I'm ashamed of myself. Please forgive me for sitting in front of the computer for a few hours. It's really bad)