Wind control

Chapter 80 Swordsmanship

YY Novel Network Updated: 2011-12-17 1:47:27 Words in this chapter: 4982

"Everyone keep up with Li Dan, I'll come to the back"

The hills at dusk are still full of fog, and you can't see the sunset like fire. Only the iron green sky, like a zombie face that has remained unchanged for thousands of years

Feng Ruo stood on the back of the silver-jacre spider, killing the five-level stone heart worm gathered around the Phantom Sword at speed. This thing is similar in appearance to that of an ordinary ant, but its volume is comparable to that of a cheetah, and there is a pair of very asymmetrical wings on its back, which allows What's disgusting is that the number of these stone heartworms is so large that they can't be killed

Speaking of which, they can only blame Feng Ruo for their bad luck. Originally, after a whole day, they planned to camp on this hill. Feng Ruo came down to explore twice and found nothing wrong, so they chose a position to dig, but they didn't expect that it would be dug in this temporary. After the work, countless stone heart worms came out like water, and they were killed directly if they were caught off guard

Fortunately, Feng Ruo and the silver armored spider survived in the back, which gave those business guards a buffer opportunity. Otherwise, at least two people would be buried in it

Two ice arrows came out of the mouth of the white má ghost bat like lightning, and directly penetrated the bodies of more than a dozen stone heart worms, and completely froze them into a big ice t.

This is the magic power of the white má ghost bat. The lethality is extremely considerable, but this kind of ice arrow white má ghost bat can only be used more than a dozen times, so in the face of this endless stone heart worm, it also seems to be a little powerless

Compared with the long-range attack of the white má ghost bat, the silver armor spider is suitable for this kind of painful melee. Its silver armor defense is extremely high. Those five-level stone heart worms at the same time can't help it. What it can't kill is its eight big uǐ full of sharp blades. Just as The remaining stone heart worm has been strangled and killed. No stone heart worm can get close at all

Of course, compared with Feng Ruo, the silver armored spider is still worse than the boss, because the attack range of the Phantom Sword is 100 feet, coupled with unparalleled speed and flexibility, as well as the sharpness of the reinforced metal ìng middle grade five elements stone, almost every moment dozens of stone heartworms are killed

So although there is a continuous stream of stone heartworms pouring out of the hill, the dominant one is still Feng Ruo

"Attack that doòngùe exit"

At this time, Li Dan and others successfully escaped to the air and also joined the battle. Although except for Li Dan, the swordsmanship attacks of the other commercial guards were very poor, they still shared part of the pressure of Feng Ruo

However, at this time, there was an unprecedented calm in Feng Ruo's heart. His people stood there, but his idea was to cover the whole battlefield. In the looming, he felt that he was no longer used the sword to control the Phantom Sword to attack those stone heartworms, but his intention was attacking

This form of attack is sharper, faster and more accurate, and the consumption of mana has been reduced to a level

In this state, there is nothing else in the whole battlefield except those continuous stone heartworms, and even his phantom sword no longer exists

Inconclusively, it is the Phantom Sword that has been completely integrated into his idea, not the previous idea attached to the Phantom Sword

It is the change of the position of the host and guest, just like a road that has come to the end. Suddenly, the sea and the sky appear in front of Feng Ruo is an extremely vast world

At this moment, at the moment when the vast world opens, Feng Ruo's thoughts are like an unimpeded king who dominates the world

At this moment, the master of the whole battlefield exists in his seemingly invisible and tangible thoughts

And as this power becomes stronger and stronger, Feng Ruo's idea becomes clearer and clearer and finally turns into substance - sword meaning

While Feng Ruo clearly felt his sword meaning, which could almost be turned into substance, the sudden sword trick that could not be realized for a long time was like enlightenment, and it was like ūn weathered rain, so naturally understood in iōng

"Feng Ruo retreats here and comes out of a six-level stone heart worm king. If you don't leave, it will be too late"

As if in a dream, Li Dan's voice drifted ethereally, and finally became clearer and clearer, and the hissing of the surrounding stone heartworms came out completely. At the end of Feng Ruo's sight, a huge stone heart worm that was several feet in size and light gold climbed out of the dòngùe, As soon as he vomited, it was a light gold wind blade. In an instant, he cut a merchant guard who fell behind and his flying mount into two pieces. The snow suit on his body was like a paper paste, and it didn't work at all

"This is not a dream"

Feng Ruo's voice is still indifferent, as if he is carrying his hands on the bar, listening to the wind and inviting the moon to write easily

With a slight wave of the right hand, the phantom sword that is still flying rapidly in the distance seems to have a spirit. In an instant, the blue light shines. There are countless gold filaments in the light, but all the stone heart worms swept by this light have turned into hundreds of sections

Just in the blink of an eye, the stone heart worms within dozens of feet nearby were swept away, and the phantom sword with green light looked like a dragon of more than ten feet from a distance. The strong sword spirit even shocked Li Dan and others who had withdrawn more than a hundred feet away


The light gold stone heart worm king finally felt a trace of danger at this time. He turned his head, hissed, and opened his mouth and spit out three light gold wind blades at Feng Ruo

However, Feng Ruo's expression is still not old, and the sword formula is flowing. The sword, which has been integrated with the phantom sword, cuts through the dense fog of nothingness in an instant, just like cracking the heaven and earth. Wherever he passes, the sword spirit, whether it is a thick fog or a stone heart worm, or /P>

And when the rushing sword spirit reached its peak, an extremely fierce breath instantly locked the light gold stone heart worm king

"Sword Tips"

When Feng Ruo's golden stone-like sound sounded, a snowy and dazzling light suddenly exploded, and at the same time, countless strong winds rushed out with this light as the center, sweeping over the whole hill

When this strong wind disappears, it is a dead silence in the whole world

And on this hill, there is never a stone heart worm again, as if nothing had ever happened here

Of course, there is still one, that is, the stone heartworm king who should have already reached the peak of level six and is about to break through level seven

But at this time, there was a huge hole in the center of its huge body, and it was already dead.

And this scene had already stunned Li Dan and others in the sky, until the Phantom Sword, with a wisp of dragon-like roar, automatically returned to the scabbard like a light smoke. They woke up and looked at Feng Ruo's outstanding figure, even if Li Dan, whose cultivation had reached the middle of foundation, I still feel a huge gap

Li Dan asked himself that his swordsmanship was also very strong, and he could also use the not-so-so-so-out sword trick, and he could even master several other sword tips, but he knew very well that his sword trick could never break the defense of the light gold stone heart worm king

But if you really did it

"How could he condense the meaning of the sword into substance"

At this moment, Li Dan has a feeling of losing his mind, like a dream

"This is not a dream to clean up the battlefield. We will rest in this old nest of stoneworms tonight"

Feng Ruo's voice is not very high, even the same as usual, but there is an unquestionable power that makes Li Dan and others follow it involuntarily

"Silver Armor, go and search"

He took the silver-jaced spider to the body of the dead stone heart worm king. Feng Ruo ordered helplessly that the sword trick was so troublesome. Once he killed the opponent, he would definitely take out a huge hole in the opponent's body, and the part taken away was valuable.

There may be five elements of stone, a lot of blood, and even some materials used to refine the elixir, but in front of such a big hole, these things can only shake their heads and sigh

But even so, the rest of the body is extremely valuable. It's not that he hasn't seen a level six or even a level seven spirit beast, but it's the first time he has seen a completely mutated spirit beast, especially the whole body of this stone heart worm king has formed light gold. You can imagine how strong this guy's It was Feng Ruo who just materialized his sword spirit and understood the sword trick. I'm afraid that the consequences of these people are really hard to say

So, although this is the body of a six-level peak spirit beast, it is enough to sell it at a very high price

Moreover, the magic power released by the Stone Heart Worm King is quite extraordinary. It is actually the wind blade of light gold. If Feng Ruo's current sword spirit has completely integrated the phantom sword, he really wants to refine a five-grade sword with the skeleton of this spirit beast. He is sure that its quality will definitely exceed that of the Phantom Sword The wind blade magic attached to the above is crazy enough

At this time, Li Dan suddenly came forward with some hesitation. After thinking about it, he said a little eagerly, "Feng Ruo, I'll sell 10,000 lower-grade five-eground stones. How about selling this body to me?"

"Sell it to you?"

Feng Ruo smiled and turned his head to look at Li Dan.

"Uh, no, I--I just want the bones inside, and I don't want other materials, really, I just want to refine a five-grade sword weapon"

Under Feng Ruo's calm eyes, Li Dan was a little incoherent. Now he has fully admitted that although his cultivation is one level higher than Feng Ruo's, if he is really a jiā hand, he is definitely not an opponent

"Ha ha, Li Daoyou is polite. Well, if my spider is not interested in this body, how about giving it to you for nothing? Of course, you can also exchange it with a monthly ticket"

Feng Ruo's smile is extremely bright..

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