Wind control

Chapter 90 Single Chapter

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-12-17 1:47:52 Words in this chapter: 1288

This week, it is not easy to recommend VIP on the homepage, especially in the case of declining results. This is a rare opportunity to thank you for your support. It is your support that has given me such an opportunity. In addition, I am asking for a monthly ticket by the way.

I have always felt a little embarrassed about the call for monthly tickets. It seems that too much fame and fortune are involved in it, which will affect everyone's mood of reading.

However, in such an environment, the monthly ticket must be called loudly.

And when the monthly ticket is up, the book will receive the attention and attention of many people, and many readers will share the colorful stories in the book with me, in time for the joy in my heart and the meaning I want to express.

In a sense, this is everyone's recognition and affirmation of this book, and it is also the driving force to support the writing of this book

Therefore, I still have to call for a guaranteed monthly ticket. I know that many friends are going to vote at the end of the month, because this can prevent me from being lazy. But in fact, this book has been uploaded from the beginning, and there are two chapters every day. Am I so untrustworthy?

Hey hey, to tell you the truth, I have never had confidence in the monthly ticket. Anyway, just don't make me too embarrassed, because this wind control is not only my control, but also belongs to all the people who read the wind control. Without you, this book is nothing

Therefore, friends who don't have a monthly pass can help subscribe. If they can't subscribe to all of them, just subscribe occasionally, even if they only subscribe to one yuan a month, especially the first chapter of the VIP chapter, that is, the so-called first subscription. This is very important, really important

In addition, since this chapter is free, I would like to say a few more words about clicks and recommended collections. Although these will not bring practical benefits to this book, it is also a very effective advertisement.

Before, many people said that I couldn't advertise or promote my work, but they didn't know how I advertised alone? How to sell? Do you want to advertise in other book reviews? I might as well write one more chapter at this time, not to mention that this method really doesn't work

Really effective advertisements are click lists, recommendation lists, collection lists, and monthly ticket lists, which need everyone's support. Such advertisements contain a lot of gold, even if they are just a click list

Well, after that, I also want to talk about the name of this book, Fengyu. This word is the control of control, not a slave. Many book friends don't know whether it is intentional or for some reason, but they actually say that they can't find the book at the starting point

I really don't know whether to laugh or cry, so I would like to make it clear that I hope you don't think I'm talking like this. Winter is coming, please keep warm and be careful not to catch a cold.

Many arrivals, address