Wind control

Chapter 97 Abandoned

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-12-17 1:48:10 Number of words in this chapter: 4876

Outside the courtyard at the foot of Tianfeng, Feng Ruozheng was a little hesitant to wander around the bamboo forest. Qu Yun and the other three people had already arranged for Tang Qing and Peng Yue. Even if it was a little troublesome, he could finally join the Tianzong of this town

However, what Feng Ruo's headache now is another matter, that is, the original life feather of the blue bird. Originally, this thing was lent to him by the blue bird to protect him in the northern part of the wild geese region. Now that he is back, the original feather will naturally have to be returned

But if he had known the power of this life, he would have been reluctant to return this thing

So now he is hesitating whether to postpone it for a while?

At this time, an incomparable green feather suddenly floated out of the courtyard. Feng Ruo looked at it, but it was the same as the fundamental feather in his hand. When he was surprised, the green feather just shook slightly, and suddenly a strong green wind suddenly rolled around him. The huge force did not allow him to resist at all, and directly swept him up

Then immediately, his whole body was thrown down from the air again. Fortunately, now that Feng Ruo has understood the meaning of the sword. As soon as his mind moves, the Phantom Sword came out in an instant and directly caught his whole body, but at this time, he found that he was actually only two or three feet high from the ground

"Uh" took back the phantom sword with some embarrassment. Feng Ruo looked around, but he couldn't see the shadow of the blue bird. In front of him, there was only the fluctuating green feather.

"Where did that silly bird go?" Feng Ruo said to himself, and finally his eyes still fell on the green feather

"Hey hey, did that guy go somewhere else to practice? Then leave this green feather to yourself? Tut-tut, this blue bird is really cute"

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo directly reached out and wanted to catch the Qingyu floating in the air, but he never thought that the flexibility of the Qingyu was too high, and he just casually flashed aside

"Hey, your master is not here. You are still so arrogant. Come here."

Feng Ruo directly input his mana into the cloud boots, then raised his speed to the extreme, and then flew around the whole yard, but every time he almost didn't catch it, but the more so, the more unwilling Feng Ruo was, the more he ran more

For more than half an hour, Feng Ruo's mana was consumed more than half, but the green feather was still floating freely above his head

"Hm, you're cruel" Now if Feng has no temper at all, he sits on the ground, but his heart is a little strange. Why is this green feather so psychic? On the contrary, the one in his hand is quite rigid

While thinking about this, Feng Ruo suddenly found a bō movement from his storage belt. When he looked down, he was immediately shocked, because his storage belt began to swell


Before Feng Ruo could take action, the storage belt that had accompanied him for more than ten years exploded with a "bamp", and then all kinds of items in it were suddenly scattered on the ground

And among them, only the fundamental feather flew into the air, which was exactly the same as the previous one

stunned for a long time, Feng Ruo understood that the originator was actually the fundamental fate of Lingyu

"You, you, you--"

Feng Ruo is simply mad at this situation. It's too much. It's enough to catch nòng people. Now he actually destroys his storage belt. You know, the value of this thing is very valuable. He has been short in his pocket for a long time, and even the snacks of silver armor sky spiders have been deducted. What does

Although he was angry, Feng Ruo had no choice but to pack up all kinds of items scattered all over the ground and pile them up. Fortunately, the defense of this courtyard was good. Otherwise, he really didn't know what to do?

At this time, Feng Ruo suddenly found that he flew into a green feather from outside the courtyard. Before he could figure out what was going on, the three green feathers suddenly merged into one place. After emitting a soft green light, they finally turned into a blue bird

Seeing this scene, Feng Ruo stayed for a long time. After a long time, he asked with some guilt, "I--I want to ask if these three fundamental life feathers are very important to you. If one is missing, you can't keep your real body. That is to say, during this period of time, you--you have been using these two Does the state of Qingè Lingyu exist?

For Feng Ruo's words, the blue bird didn't say anything, but still stared at him coldly and proudly.

"I'm sorry, I had a little heart before. I apologize to you. You can hit me. Why don't you throw me down from the air again? I promise not to fight back. How about that?" Feng Ruona said, but the blue bird still kept silent.

"Ha, don't be angry. What are we? Didn't I return your original feathers?" Feng Ruo smiled and mō the head of the blue bird, but then it was flapped heavily

Then, the blue bird clicked on a blue stone and wrote, "Do you want it? Yes, I'll give you all three after I succeed in transformation"

Seeing this line, Feng Ruo couldn't believe his eyes. When did this stupid bird become so kind?

"Then what do you do? Aren't these three feathers your destiny? Forget it, I still don't want it. Don't do anything stupid."

"If I succeed in transformation, you idiot, I will naturally form nine natural feathers. These three are useless. Forget it if you don't want them. I'm too lazy to give them to you." The blue bird portrayed these words again and turned around and was about to leave

"Ah, don't tell us what to do. As the saying goes, féi water does not flow to outsiders' fields. Of course, it's a good choice for me, but will it take a few months or years for you to transform?" Feng Ruo asked excitedly.

Hearing Feng Ruo's words, the blue bird suddenly looked at him for a while with an idiot's look, which was portrayed on the bluestone: "How many years? Fortunately, you can tell that my transformation is actually the same as your Jindan monks' impact on the spiritual baby. Maybe it's hundreds of years, maybe it's thousands of years. In short, it's a long time, but I don't care. My Jiuxuan Qingniao clan is--"

At this point, the blue bird suddenly stopped. It seemed that after thinking about it, it continued to carve: "So, if you want to get these three fundamental life feathers, you at least need to practice to the golden elixir period, so that your longevity will reach 800 years. Otherwise, you really don't have a chance to practice hard in this The world is far more vast and powerful than you think. The road of you monks is far and long. Is that the end of the golden elixir, the spiritual baby, distraction, and devoid until the Mahayana crosses the disaster? Wrong, that's the beginning"

After portraying these words, the body of the blue bird turned into three green feathers again, and then sank into more than a dozen spiritual trees not far away under Feng Ruo's eyes

"The end? Let's start?" At this moment, Feng Ruo's mind is blank, but there is another kind of inexplicable excitement in this blank. Now he finally understands why his cheap master is so powerful, but he still wants to leave her nv and his own brother, because this practice is endless

"If you want to get something, you must lose something else. There will never be anything perfect in this world. That's it."

Slumni of a sudden, Feng Ruo's mind once again remembered the words of the owner of Zhentianzong's life and death hall. At that time, he only knew little, but until now, he really understood it

This is the ruthlessness of the road of cultivation

Family affection, friendship, and even love, all kinds of unforgettable things in the world are in the face of this long road of cultivation. If you want to keep these, you must give up the pursuit of heaven. Think about the decades, hundreds of years of isolation, is it boring? Is it lonely? Are you lonely? No regrets?

Now that you have chosen this road of no return, it's not really ruthless. It's not really seeing through the world. It's not really forgetting the past. It's not really not nostalgic for the prosperity of the world

but - must be abandoned

"Master, I understand"

Standing up slowly, Feng Ruo solemnly saluted the position of more than a dozen spiritual trees. He selected a few pieces of good value from his pile of items, but he turned around and left with useless materials, because now he had to find a way to buy himself a storage belt


In the Jianlu Valley of Jianxinyuan, the light shines on the nine giant swords outside the platform, and the strange runes on them are constantly changing, but today's change is different from the past. In the past, these runes were just simple changes and will not affect the surroundings

But now, the whole Jianlu Valley seems to be shrouded in an extremely strange force. Ordinary monks, not to mention entering this range, even if they look a few more miles away, they will definitely feel dizzy

But in this Jianlu Valley, in front of the elder of Zhentianzong and the brother of the old man Jiujue, who is bound in the iron chain, there are several figures standing calmly and solemnly, led by three elders with extraordinary strength. It seems that they should be the high-level officials of Zhentianzong.

And behind these three old men, there are three young men. If Feng Ruo is here, he will definitely understand what's going on

Because these three young men are the famous Zhou Yu in the third courtyard, and the old man's brother Xu Ming, who is bound by the chain, and the latter one is actually Mo Yan's cousin - Mo Wuhen

There is no doubt that Zhou Yu and Xu Ming are both portrayed by the heart, and the Mo Wuhen also appears here. Obviously, most of them should have this ability. After all, the formation level of the dead Mo Yan is quite smart

At this time, one of the three old men, who is tall and has sharp eyes, said in a low voice, "Let's start with the three of you. Whoever can understand the first level of these nine days is qualified to get the inheritance of your master."

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