Wind control

Chapter 103 Seizing the House

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Feng Ruo thought he was bound to die, because once the flame occupied the Phantom Sword, even if he did not attack himself, the burning of the flame could make him completely play

But then he appeared that things were not so bad. The flame seemed to have a great interest in the phantom sword, but kept controlling the phantom sword to make various movements, and did not notice the existence of Feng Ruo's soul

Seeing this situation, Feng Ruo only hesitated for a moment and made a bold decision, that is, to take away the An Yan, who seemed to have the wisdom of the group

The meaning of seizing is that a powerful soul forcibly occupies the body owned by another weak soul, which has always been a strange and dangerous thing

But now Feng Ruo has no other choice. If he can't control the Phantom Sword again, he will almost die

While the flame did not pay attention, Feng Ruo's idea immediately rushed up. In an instant, a kind of roasting from the depths of the soul came to his mind without any barrier. Because there was no ** barrier, this pain almost made him completely collapse, and Feng Ruo did not know what to give up in the immortal world. With those steps, he just forced himself to hold back this unprecedented pain, and then rushed forward desperately, because he knew very well that even if there was a slight delay, what awaited him was the end of the destruction of the soul

So, he has no choice

But this process is really painful. Feng Ruo even has the illusion that even time has stopped, and it is as long as thousands of years in an instant. It almost makes him forget himself

And the terrible thing is that if Feng chooses to forget a little memory, then the pain that can be called a horrible pervert will be reduced by one point. In his heart, there seems to be an idea constantly admonishing him to choose to forget all, which will end all the pain

But at the same time, another idea is also desperately warning him not to forget. The boundless pain is terrible, but the consequences of choosing to forget are terrible

Under this suffering, Feng Ruo's latter idea finally prevailed, and almost at the same time, a series of strange pictures suddenly flashed in his thoughts, but these pictures were not very clear, and the content was all boundless flames

But at this time, Feng Ruo suddenly felt that he was so hungry, tired, and even his mind was a little vague, so he almost subconsciously began to devour around him

I don't know how long it took, Feng Ruo suddenly woke up from this vague state and looked around. He was still in the boundless sea of fire. Strangely, he actually had a very strange flame body, and the Phantom Sword wandered beside him

This situation made Feng Ruo's whole person únlun for a long time, and finally he realized that he had given up his success

With this flame body, the previous burning feeling is completely absent, and even this is an extremely dangerous underground sea of fire in the eyes of other monks. For him, it is just a slightly larger pond. Now he is like swimming freely

In addition, Feng Ruo still appears that his strange flame body seems to have unique conditions. He doesn't even have to do anything, but every moment, a large amount of pure fire aura automatically pours into his body, making him stronger little by little

After understanding this, Feng Ruo tried to control the phantom sword again, and what made him more happy was that he could still use the sword formula, or control the phantom sword, even more flexible than his body, and the power was strengthened

Then Feng Ruo made all the attempts again, and it turned out that in addition to the flexible control of the Phantom Sword, his current body is similar to ten feet of green silk, and the shield wall spells can't be used at all. I think it's because his body is all pure fire and spiritual power

According to Feng Ruo's estimation, his physical strength is no less than any master in the later stage of foundation building, and he is even comparable to the master of the American dollars in some aspects

Especially the ability to control the flames is quite terrible. Feng Ruo has no doubt that if he wants, he can completely let the fire spirit spring carry out a large-scale explosion. In that case, the swords of the hundreds of brothers in the third courtyard who are being refined above will have to be reimbursed

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo suddenly felt extremely ashamed. He turned out to be so evil. As soon as he had this ability, this evil idea came out. On the contrary, the original owner of this body was very simple and kind, and he had never thought so

After familiarizing himself with his body, Feng Ruo is more and more reluctant to give up, because now, this body can be called the best flame control. If it can be applied to the battle, the power is not even less than a magic weapon

However, Feng Ruo is also a little worried, because after all, he wants to focus on his original body. He doesn't know whether the body will die after he transfers his consciousness back? Will it be lost?

So after careful consideration, Feng Ruo finally came up with a solution that was not a way, that is, to attach his flame body to the Phantom Sword, and then transfer his consciousness to his own body

Do it when you think of it, because Feng Ruo doesn't know how long it has been. In case something goes wrong with the body he left on it, he will be really miserable

Fortunately, this body may be because it is too pure and there is no impurity. Feng Ruo's mind can only do it, and there will be no delay at all. It's just in the blink of an eye, he is completely attached to the phantom sword, and then separated his mind, so he controls the phantom sword to rush

At the moment when the Phantom Sword rushed out of the fire spring, Feng Ruo's idea also completely returned to his body, but he heard a surprised voice

At this time, he opened his eyes and just wanted to take the phantom sword back to the scabbard, but he was immediately stunned, because his phantom sword was now wrapped in a large mass of flames of tens of feet, looking like a powerful fire dragon, and at this time, all the brothers in the third courtyard around him were stunned

For several breaths, the Phantom Sword dragged such a large flame back and forth above the Fire Spring, because Feng Ruo didn't know what to do. Did he take it back into the scabbard? I'm afraid that he will be burned to roast jī

"This is a fire beast. Don't attack it, so as not to make it angry. Inform the elders of this sect first"

At this time, someone finally woke up and immediately shouted loudly. Hearing this, many brothers in the third courtyard near the Huoling Spring took back the sword weapons refined in the Huoling Spring one after another, and then retreated to the distance. There was only Feng Ruo, who was still in a headache in place. What should I do

"Hey, the younger brother of Jianxin Academy, what are you still staying at? Are you scared? Hurry back." At this moment, someone hurriedly said

"Oh, good" Feng Ruo promised while controlling the Phantom Sword to return to the Fire Spring. Now he is really a little dizzy. Fortunately, the Phantom Sword is wrapped in flames, otherwise, he will be miserable this time

But the trouble has not been solved. Feng Ruo hurriedly released his mind again and entered the flame body. He had to solve this problem before the elders of Zhentianzong arrived, because the souls of those old monsters were very powerful, and maybe he could detect the problem at once

This time, Feng Ruo first controlled the flame body to isolate it from the surrounding flames, then controlled the Phantom Sword to fly out of the Fire Spring, and then until the Phantom Sword flew back to the scabbard, he transferred his thoughts back to the body

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, several figures rushed in like a strong wind. Seeing these people, Feng Ruo secretly shouted that it was dangerous and quickly withdrew into the crowd

"What happened?"

A middle-aged man with an extremely serious face shouted coldly. This man Fengruo did not know him, but his strength was very strong, and his voice seemed to have been refined from ten thousand years of ice. As soon as he said this, the temperature in the whole cave suddenly dropped a lot

"Senior, a fire beast has just come out of this fire spirit spring." At this time, a bold brother in the third courtyard said carefully, and then roughly described Fang's situation

"Nonsense, this fire spirit spring will explode every once in a while, and it's just a flame that comes out. What's the fuss? You should know, this fire spirit spring is sealed by nine flowing clouds. If it doesn't have to be unblocked every few days, you can't see the flames now, fire It's ridiculous that I and several others are responsible for taking care of the array day and night. If there is any abnormal movement, will I and others not know?

The middle-aged man stared at the speechless brother of the third courtyard, and the cold eyes inspected the crowd again. The other people said, "Let's go"

When these people leave, the hundreds of brothers in the cave are looking at me, I don't know what to say

"Maybe we read it wrong" After a long time, someone finally whispered

"Yes, this fire spring has been exploding, maybe it's just an exception"

"That's right, which ún egg just said it was a fire beast? If it's really a fire beast, why don't you attack us?


After a lot of gossip, some of the brothers in the third courtyard chose to leave, and some people were still talking about it. Only a few people continued to choose to go back to the fire spring to quench the sword. Feng Ruo was also in it. There was nothing he could do. He felt that he had to try his own flame body, at least he had The way the flame body attacks, how to continue to grow, and what are the taboos