Wind control

Chapter 140 Dark Blue Xuan Iron

Volume II

YY Novel Network Updated: 2011-12-30 12:42:46 Words in this chapter: 3567

Taking out the medium-quality refining tripod, Feng Ruo couldn't help but feel ashamed for a while, because he had not moved since he bought it back that year. If it hadn't been for the urgent need of a defense weapon in today's environment, he might have pushed his refinery plan back infinitely.

Regarding the defense weapon refined this time, Feng Ruo's plan is to refine the simplest shield. After all, even if he has the help of Xuanhuo now, he still can't reach those complex refining techniques, so it's better to abandon things that are too complicated

He only pursues one thing, that is, he would rather be stupid and strong to reach the highest level. Like his previous white yù bone shield, although flexible and changeable, it is also too fragile

With this preliminary plan, Feng Ruo started with great interest. First of all, he used the magic sword to divide the black boulder into suitable small pieces. Fortunately, there is the sharpness of the magic sword. In front of it, the black boulder is simply scum

After dealing with this black boulder, Feng Ruo temporarily held the Buddha's feet and practiced the magic formula of controlling the middle-grade tripod for a while, because from a certain point of view, it is also a kind of magic weapon, which is much more difficult than the magic weapon

This includes opening formulas, operating formulas, closing formulas, and a series of formulas for controlling fire, which are the most basic things and are attached when you buy them.

So it took two hours for Feng Ruo to understand these things dizzyly

At this time, with the opening formula, the whole piece was silver. Only the fist-sized middle-grade refining tripod suddenly shouted like a top, and it became bigger in front of Feng Ruo. It was not until it reached a height of five feet, and then it stopped

Seeing such a huge thing, Feng Ruo was really a little dumbfounded. He really didn't expect that the original fist-sized thing would suddenly increase so many times

After walking around the huge Chinese refining tripod, Feng Ruo understood why there were so many complicated control formulas, because the Chinese refining tripod itself was very complicated

For example, refined items need to be added from above, while flames need to be added from below, including nine kinds of heat adjustment, etc. In short, it is very complicated

Tut-tut sighed. Feng Ruo first took out eight lower grade five-eline stones and filled them into the eight grooves under the middle grade refining tripod according to the requirements. This is used to maintain the operation of the refining tripod, because such a huge refining tripod is afraid that there are tens of thousands of catties. It is really

After all this preparation, Feng Ruo urged the formula. Suddenly, the huge treasure cover above the refining tripod "buzzed" for a lun sound, and then slowly rose more than two feet high in Feng Ruo's control, followed by a white light from the abdomen of the refining tripod, directly holding the treasure cover.

Taking this opportunity, Feng Ruo quickly grabbed more than a dozen divided black stones and jumped directly into the huge refining tripod, because this refining can not be done by throwing it in casually, but needs to be arranged according to the orientation. It is necessary to ensure that each refining material can withstand the burning of the flame to the greatest extent.

However, when Feng Ruo jumped into the spacious refining tripod, he had a headache again. Now he knew that this refining machine could not be done casually.

The inside of this refining tripod is simply more complicated than the outside

First of all, at the bottom is 81 dragon mouths, that is, the place where the flames erupt, and it is also a place to control the heat. This seal can be ignored, because he has a mysterious fire split.

The real difficulty is the eight platforms that can move freely above these eighty-one dragon mouths, because at this moment they are constantly turning, and their trajectory is completely a kind of formation called the trapped dragon array

Fortunately, Feng Ruo still has some attainments in formation. After scratching his ears and cheeks for a moment, he finally finished placing the eight divided black stones, but he had just finished these, and the treasure cover on the top of the refining tripod was covered with a "bamp", but it was time for incense

"That's terrible"

Some anxious Feng Ruo had to play the formula again and raise the treasure cover. Fortunately, the eight inferior five elements stones inlaid outside can still support it for a period of time. Otherwise, he may really be trapped in it. You know, the treasure cover of the refining tripod is specially made. Once it falls, it is extremely tight, only Only the formula can be opened, and then he will only use the magic sword to open the way

Do this well, Feng Ruo will meditite cross-legged, and then transfer his consciousness to the Xuanhuo split.

At this time, the sleepy time of the Xuanhuo split has long passed, which is also a blessing in the misfortune. The drowsiness time is only one hour. Otherwise, if every time the Xuanhuo split has to sleep for a few days and nights, Feng Ruo really wants to cry without tears.

But it is obvious that after absorbing those purple flames, Feng Ruo's Xuanhuo split is a little stronger than before, but now he is busy refining, so he has to endure the yòuuò that continues to absorb and fly directly to the huge medium-grade refining tripod

Use the Xuanhuo split to play a trick skillfully. Suddenly, an entrance like a hill appeared under the refining tripod. This is the place to put the fierce fire paste, but these are not used now

After controlling the Xuanhuo split into it, Feng Ruo immediately released a large mass of flames. These flames immediately went out along the eighty-one dragon mouth**. The strength of this flame alone is much stronger than using fierce fire cream

Feng Ruo did not directly use his Xuanhuo split to burn, because the flame power of his Xuanhuo split was so pure that he might burn the material at once

After all, the reason why the refinery can be called a refinery is all in the control of the fire

Feng Ruo is not in a hurry. He just tries a little bit. Anyway, his Xuanhuo split lacks everything, but there is no lack of flames, which is enough for him to tos around until the end

However, Feng Ruo's luck was obviously not very good. Only an hour later, the eight black rocks turned into flying ash

"His uncle, the flame is too fierce"

While complaining in his heart, Feng Ruo had to transfer his consciousness to the ontology and rearrange it

After three days, Feng Ruo tried to refine it nearly dozens of times. Finally, he successfully refined a piece of material that was only the size of a fist and flashed with dark blue light.

In order to test the hardness of this thing, Feng Ruo directly attacked with the Phantom Sword. As a result, the Phantom Sword only left a small sword hole on it. What's better, this thing seems to have great toughness, because while the Phantom Sword attacks, Feng If you notice the illusion that the Phantom Sword seems to be bounced off

"Wow, haha, it's a good thing, it's called dark green black iron"

Feng Ruo, who is in a good mood, gave him a name directly.

Next, if Feng Ruo, who has refining experience, does not rest, will continue to refine. Anyway, there are a lot of black boulders here, which is enough for him to refine a large amount of dark blue and black iron

Moreover, Feng Ruo is a little addicted now. Seeing the huge black stones gradually turn into dark blue and mysterious iron, he has more and more sense of achievement in his heart.

The consequence of this is that he forgot to return to the five elements stone mine above

For a whole month, Feng Ruo was like crazy. He refined nearly 200 pieces of dark blue and mysterious iron. It was not until he was so tired that he had to stop and rest

However, after this month of crazy refining, Feng Ruo's harvest is also huge. Not only has he made unimaginable progress in the control of the refinery's fire, but also his Xuanhuo split seems to be much stronger and more flexible

And Feng Ruo also found that because his consciousness stayed in the Xuanhuo split for a long time, he actually left a few wisps of consciousness that seemed to be like a mark in it. Even if he transferred all his consciousness to the body, he could still clearly feel the existence of the Xuanhuo split and make a few simple actions

This situation has made Feng Ruo excited for a long time, because it also means that as long as he continues to work hard, he will definitely realize the situation that the body and the split will run at the same time in the near future. At that time, his strength will be directly doubled, or even more powerful

Of course, at the same time of excitement, Feng Ruo finally remembered Zhou Yu and others on it, and the demon hunting team that belongs to him

But since it has been delayed for so long, Feng Ruo doesn't mind continuing to delay for a few more days. Anyway, he has to refine a strong enough defense weapon for himself

It is worth mentioning that after this month, the silver armored spider still has nothing to do. Obviously, if it wants to complete the progress from level 5 to level 6, I'm afraid this process is not ordinary difficulty

After twelve hours of rest, Feng Ruo finally began to prepare to refine the defense weapon

In Feng Ruo's idea, he is going to use the bloody skeleton as a bracket, refine it into a huge shield shelf, then wrap it in dark blue and black iron, and finally inlay the defense array on it

It can be said that this refining process is really rubbish, because any monk who has some skills in refining can give a complete set of refining solutions.

But Feng Ruo can't do anything about it now, because he has no other materials other than these two materials, so he doesn't expect this defensive shield to become bigger and smaller after successful refining, let alone flying all over the sky. He can only ask for one thing, that is, enough strength

Because he was really scared by the strong attack power of the previous blood

According to Feng Ruo's assumption, because this side cannot be larger and smaller, the flexibility must be very poor, so he simply refines it with the huge shield he once used to be on the mortal battlefield, that is, the height at least reaches his shoulder, the width is three feet, and the whole is a tiny circle. Arc, so as to maximize the slowdown of the attack

Of course, such a shield is at least 1,000 pounds, and it can't be put into the storage belt

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