Wind control

Chapter 143 Perverted Silver Armor

Volume II

YY Novel Network Update time: 2011-12-31 17:48:15 Words in this chapter: 3481

If the last time Feng Ruo appeared in this five-eground stone mine, although it was occupied by a large number of corpses and ghosts and beasts, there was at least a trace of vitality, but now, this five-eground stone mine has completely become a dead place

Almost all the five-ection stones, even the lowest grade, have been scraped out

Feng Ruo controlled the Xuanhuo split and has been reading all the mines, including several mines that could produce five elements of stone at the beginning. As a result, there was no suspense. This five elements stone mine is really exhausted

"Strange? How could this be the case?

Feng Ruo is very puzzled, because even if he is a monk, it is impossible to take away all those low-quality five-elegance stones, unless it is for other reasons

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo couldn't help thinking of the corpse king he had not yet met. Now the mine is already empty. Not only did he not see the corpse king, but he didn't even have the shadow of a corpse beast

Feng Ruo even rushed out of the Wuxing stone mine and wandered around the stone mountain outside for more than half an hour without any gain.

"It seems that the reason why this five elements stone mine is exhausted is mostly related to the corpse king"

After confirming this point, Feng Ruo did not have any stay and returned directly to the underground mansion. Although this is a good place to practice, he can't always hide here, and this is not in line with his original intention of cultivation.

Back to the dòng mansion, Feng Ruo intended to return to the body. First, he picked more than ten Ling y plants from the y garden that had reached the limit of growth, and then the engine was turned off and the dòng mansion was restored to its original appearance.

Then, Feng Ruo returned to the cave above the pool with the white má ghost bat and the silver armored spider.

It is worth mentioning that the silver armored spider was also officially upgraded to level six not long ago, but perhaps due to the swallowing of a large amount of blood, the shape of the silver armored spider has undergone earth-shaking changes, changing from the previous meekness, but becoming particularly ferocious and cruel

The whole body is at least five times larger than before, and the height alone has reached nearly three feet. The eight giant uǐ, even the thinnest position, are thicker than Feng Ruo's waist

And the sharp edge on the previous big uǐ has also changed significantly. It is no longer the thin and fragile spike, but transformed into a triangular cone about one foot long. Although it does not look as sharp as before, the impact ability is greatly enhanced

If the original spike was used for cutting, it will now become dregs

In addition, this silver armor spider is also covered with a layer of light yellow armor. The defense ability may not be as good as the huge shield in Feng Ruo's hand, but the swordsmanship attack of ordinary monks is not to break its defense

So this silver armored sky spider is now much more powerful than the white má ghost bat. Although the white má ghost bat advanced early, if there is reason to believe that if the two of them are tested, as long as the white má ghost bat does not escape, then it only takes a few breaths, the silver armored sky spider can win completely. You can see the attitude

Because the current silver armor spider is not only amazing in defense and fierce in attack, but also the speed of instantaneous explosion can be described by lightning, especially the kind of super spider silk with thick fingers in its mouth. Within 200 feet, as long as it is bound, there is almost no solution

This spider silk is also light yellow. If he has tried it, unless he uses the magic sword, even if it is a phantom sword, he has to cut five or six times with all his strength to cut it off

So, Feng Ruo is very suspicious that the blood ròu has made the cultivation of the silver armored spider move in another direction

Of course, this will only be a good thing for Feng Ruo. At least, his huge shield weighing more than 2,000 catties finally has a place to store it. After all, the huge shield makes the white má ghost bat a little unyable, but there is no pressure on the back of the silver armored spider

After coming to this cave, Feng Ruo first cut the few remaining black boulders into small pieces, and then put them all away. This thing is a necessary thing to refine dark blue and black iron. Now he doesn't know where the unknown monk collected them, so naturally he can't spend money.

Then, Feng Ruo collected nearly a thousand of the fluffy grass on the surrounding rock wall. He is fully aware of the name and effect of this grass now.

This thing is called dragon grass, which was transplanted by the unknown monk from other places, mainly for the blood for food, which is why the blood was unwilling to destroy the dragon grass that day

This fire dragon grass is a rare fire spirit grass in the immortal world, which can be used to refine some special elixirs, but for Feng Ruo, it is not useful for the time being, because compared with all kinds of rare spirit grass in the dòng mansion below, this fire dragon grass seems to be a little rubbish

So Feng Ruo plans to collect more and sell it. After all, he is still a little shy now. Of course, the most important thing is that there are a lot of dragon grass here, and it doesn't matter if he sells some

After dealing with these, Feng Ruo jumped on the back of the white má ghost bat, and then ordered to set out. As for the silver armor spider, it followed.

At first, Feng Ruo was a little worried that the silver armored spider would not keep up, but soon he found that he still underestimated the greatly mutated silver armor sky spider.

This guy can be described as a pervert. His running speed is no less than that of the white má ghost bat. In this cracked terrain, it is simply more flexible than the white má ghost bat

And it can spit out the extremely tough spider silk at any time, and then with the help of this spider silk, coupled with its abnormal bouncing ability, it can rush over a distance of 500 feet or even more in an instant. If it hadn't been to rely on the white má ghost bat to lead the way, I'm afraid it would have surpass

In the face of this domineering momentum, the white má ghost bat, who originally pretended to be the boss, consciously chose to give in, which made Feng Ruo feel very funny.

Soon, Feng Ruo and his party rushed out of the five elements stone mine. To be honest, after seeing such a strong strength of the silver armored spider, he hoped to meet the previous corpse king

After coming out of the stone mountain, Feng Ruo jumped on the back of the silver armored spider, and also let the white má ghost bat fall on it. There is nothing he can do. Now the silver armored spider is too big. If it is squeezed, it is no problem to sit at least 15 people.

After specifying the direction to the Purple Moon City, the silver armored spider ran all the way forward. Feng Ruo was not too surprised in the underground rock cracks before, but now, he is really a little convinced, because the silver armored spider is not running on the ground. It's just playing with the heartbeat. I guess if the white má ghost If you are ashamed, you must be ashamed

On the way, no matter what the mountains, cliffs, deep valleys, rivers and streams are, there is nothing at the feet of the silver armored spider. Its spider silk is simply like a magic skill. As long as you find a point, you can immediately bounce out, and then continue to play. If it is not immersive If you can't imagine anything, the once land mount can surpass the white má ghost bat in speed

Just as Feng Ruo was enjoying this speedy pleasure, a strange roar suddenly came from a deep valley in the distance

"What? Silver Armor Stops"

Feng Ruo hurriedly ordered, because this sound was not strange to him at all. It was the corpse king in the Wuxing stone mine that day

If it was in the past, Feng Ruo might turn around and run away, but now, he doesn't mind going forward to try, because ten out of the body of the corpse king has the existence of top five elements stone

Although there is only one level difference between the top five elements stone and the Chinese five elements stone, the gap between the two is unimaginable

Because even in the five elements world, those five elements stone mines will only produce the middle-grade five-egrade stone, and the probability of the appearance of the top-grade five-e-e-eeeee stone is pitiful. Only those corpse kings, or those high-level demon beasts, will have the top-grade five

Just a little hesitation, Feng Ruo ordered the silver armored spider to gallop in the direction of the deep valley

As the distance approached, the roar of the corpse king came one after another. Obviously, the corpse king seemed to be in battle.

At the current speed of the silver armor sky spider, it only rushed to the edge of the deep valley in a moment. At this time, Feng Ruo found that the whole deep valley had been wrapped in a black smoke, which seemed to be somewhat similar to the black smoke in the dark forest in the Cangwu world.

As for the sound of battle, it keeps coming from the black smoke, which sounds like there are monks here.

"White má, alert in the air, remember, allow you to carry out long-range attacks, but don't get too close" Feng Ruo first gave orders to the white má ghost bat, and then urged the silver armored spider to rush directly into the black smoke

Just as soon as he entered the black smoke, Feng Ruo realized that the black smoke seemed to have a strong corrosion ability. Not to mention mortals, even the practitioners of the refining period could not support it for long

However, this is naturally nothing to Feng Ruo. As for the silver armored sky spider, with its super defense ability, it is completely unaffected

After rushing forward for thousands of feet, Feng Ruo and the silver armored spider had rushed to the center of the whole deep valley, but at this time, there was a continuous roar in front, and then at least thousands of corpses and ghosts rushed over

"Hum well"

If it was before, Feng Ruo may have been a little careful, but now there is a super killer, the silver armored spider, so he doesn't have to worry about anything at all. He directly gives the charge order to the silver armored spider

He himself didn't even bother to lift the huge shield. He just called out the phantom sword to hang in front of him, and the silver armor spider behind him rushed forward like a rolling mountain. He didn't need to do anything at all. Its huge body, and the eight buckets of thick giant uǐ, casually A stroke is a large area. Basically, where it passes, it immediately forms a passageway five or six feet wide

"Don't fall in love with war, rush over"