Wind control

Chapter 164 Bridge of Heaven and Earth

At this time, after thinking for a moment, Zhou Yu suddenly asked Feng Ruo, "... What do you think of this so-called ancient forbidden place?"

"It's just an evil outsider!" Feng replied without thinking about it. He didn't believe in any ancient gods. The behavior of those strange people in black robes was full of evil no matter how they looked at them!

"Hehe! Lao Ku's view is exactly the opposite of your little brother. The ancient gods mentioned by those black-robed people should really exist. Although Lao Kui does not know what the ancient god is, Lao Ku knows that these black-robed weirdos are not here to guard the tomb of the so-called ancient god, but to guard the same secret!" Zhou Yi had a mysterious face.


"Not bad! This secret was discovered by the old man from a stone tablet, which means to guard the bridge of heaven and earth. Unfortunately, what is the bridge of heaven and earth? There is no explanation in the stone tablet. Lao Lao Lao is also puzzled now, but I think the bridge of that day should be related to the fluctuation that swallows up our mana. At the same time, the magic that those black-robed weirdos have should also be related to this!"

"The bridge of heaven and earth?" Feng Ruo repeated that he had never heard of it, but after meditating on the strange moment, he still handed Zhou Yi the inscription he had copied in the Water Spirit Hall of the Nine Gods Palace that day.

"Brother Zhou, please translate it for me!"

When Zhou Yi read the copied inscription, he looked a little strange and surprised. After a long time, he looked at Feng Ruo in disbelief and said, "I take the liberty to ask, where did the little brother get this inscription?"

"Is this related to the content inside?" Feng Ruo frowned and just said calmly.

"Hey, the old man doesn't mean anything else, but this inscription is really the same!" Zhou Yi's expression seemed to be a little frightened. After a moment of hesitation, he continued: "The runes used in this inscription are a little different from those runes used by those black-robed weirdos, so the old man can only distinguish 70% of the meaning, but the general meaning of the connection can still be clarified! This inscription is about sealing an ancient wooden demon dragon. If the old man guesses correctly, this wooden demon dragon should be the bloodthirsty demon dragon well known to us in the Cangwu world!"

"But according to this inscription, this wooden demon dragon seems to have a great magical power." At that time, it used to be the real hegemon of the Cangwu world, but because of the wind and waves, he wantonly slaughtered my immortal world, so the ancient god was angry and used his great power to seal this wooden demon dragon here, making

After listening to Zhou Yi's translated inscription, Feng Ruo was also a little dumbfounded. "Because this inscription also involves the so-called ancient god. No wonder Zhou Yi's face is so ugly!

"What do you think?" After a little shock, Feng Ruo restored his mood as before, and then asked indifferently. In fact, he had long known that the huge skeleton should be the supreme of the wooden demon family. As for the bloodthirsty demon dragon and the wooden demon dragon, there was no difference, because it was just a name. He was curious about the ancient god. What kind of existence is it? Where is it now? Is it in this ancient forbidden place? If so, I'm afraid he won't want to escape for the rest of his life!

Zhou Yi was obviously shocked more violently." After his face changed for a long time, he lowered his voice and said, "This wooden demon dragon, monks like you and me who came out of the Cangwu world should not be strange. I just want to ask that its seal will not be broken, right? Question mark Otherwise, it will definitely be a huge catastrophe. "The foundation of us monks in the Cangwu world will be lost!"

"Do you think I can break the seal?" Feng Ruo sneered, "Instead of worrying about that, it's better to think about how to escape now?"

"Escape? Forget it, little brother. This is the forbidden place of the ancient god. The ancient god can even seal the Musha demon dragon. "Do you think we can escape?" Zhou Yi shook his head in despair.

"Wrong! We are not Musha Demon Dragon. If the so-called ancient god really exists, he can't pay attention to us ants. "We are trapped here because those black-robed monsters are making trouble." Also, don't you think the last sentence of the inscription is strange? What does it mean? Do you want to kill chickens to warn monkeys?

Speaking of this, a very strange idea suddenly appeared in Feng Ruo's heart. Of course, the ancient god sealing the Musha demon dragon is not a warning to the monk, so what he warned must be at the same height as the Musha demon dragon. If the legend of the six worlds is true, except for the Cangwu world and the five elements It's the four worlds!

If the four directions in the inscription refer to these four worlds, doesn't it mean that the ancient god who doesn't know what it is is controlling these six worlds?

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo glanced at Zhou Yi and said slowly, "Now, tell me everything you know and what is related to this ancient forbidden place!"

In a blink of an eye, more than 20 days have passed since Feng Ruo came here, but as Zhou Yi said, it is impossible to escape from here!

Over the days, he has searched almost the whole huge belly of the mountain, only to find that this is really a perfect prison!

The whole belly of the mountain is an obsidian mine. If the hardness of this thing has been taught for a long time, even if it has mana, it is difficult to help it, not to mention that everyone's mana is completely lost!

But this is not the point, because the belly of the mountain seems to be controlled by some powerful and mysterious force. Whenever a few pieces of obsidian are cut from the belly of the mountain, it doesn't take an hour, and the place that was originally cut will recover as before!

That's why those black-robed weirdos don't worry that the prisoners in it can escape at all, and they also generously distribute a special dagger to everyone. The dagger is extremely sharp. If you don't stop, you can cut a large number of obsidian every day!

Of course, including Feng Ruo, no one will be really so boring, because everyone can only exchange one piece of obsidian for the food necessary for survival every day, and the remaining obsidian is completely useless!

"Hey! Little brother, this is the universe bag you want! There are five in total. This is a hundred pieces of Lingsha that have cost a lot of money!" Zhou Yi complained painfully, but from the smile on his face, you can know that the truth is completely different!

"This is a dragon grass, take it!" Feng Ruo casually took the five Qiankun bags, and then threw a fire dragon grass to Zhou Yi. The fire dragon grass was bought by Qing Lanxuan in the name of conscienceless grass that day, but when Feng Ruo reorganized the items in the storage belt not long ago, he found that there were still seven plants left in his hand!

After being seen by Zhou Yi, it was as if an old dog saw a meat bone. He would exchange anything with him, and he would even prefer not to exchange the thousand Lingsha!

In this case, of course, Feng Ruo will not exchange easily, so he quickly figured out what's going on. It turns out that there is a lot of fire aura in this fire dragon grass, and Zhou Yi happens to practice fire attribute skills, so as long as he eats a fire spirit grass, he can restore part of his mana, which is Lingsha is much more effective!

Since he figured out the reason, Feng Ruo was not polite. He directly extorted some of Zhou Yi's belongings, and finally got these five universe bags!

This Qiankun bag is different from the storage belt. The storage belt has more space, but it must be opened with magic. Therefore, the prisoners in the belly of the mountain have already destroyed their own storage belts, so that they can't do it even if they want to!

But the universe bag is different. The space of this thing is not very large, but it can be used without mana, so it is the most valuable in the hands of many prisoners. Of course, compared with the spiritual sand that can restore mana, this universe bag is nothing!

With these five universe bags, Feng Ruo immediately put away his precious items, and specially put a lot of obsidian, because if he can really escape from here one day, these things will be enough for him to make a fortune!

After sending Zhou Yi away, Feng Ruo began to meditate. Now he has a most basic understanding and speculation about this place through Lu Yuan and Zhou Yi.

First of all, it is the ancient god mentioned by the black-robed weirdo. Although he doesn't know what it is, at least one thing should be more terrible than the wooden demon dragon!

Secondly, it is the strange runes. Thanks to Zhou Yi, Feng Ruo has barely recognized some of these runes now. Judging from the inscription of the Water Spirit Hall, this rune should belong to the language of the ancient god, but there is one thing he doesn't understand very much. It is also a rune, but the runes in Even Zhou Yi doesn't recognize him at all!

So, about this, Feng Ruo's guess is that the nine fairy runes and the ancient god runes that the old man got in those years are different things. The two may have different effects, and maybe they are not necessarily opposite to each other at all!

Third, Feng Ruo estimated that the power to completely devour his [body] mana on that day should be somewhat similar to the innate Musha, because the innate Musha has the effect of devouring the mana of the monk. Zhou Yi also fully agrees with this point, but that power is definitely not the innate Musha, otherwise Feng It will be swallowed up!

But judging from the fact that the power of innate Musha and Aoki Shenjing has not been swallowed up, that power is not too terrible to deal with!

So, as long as Feng can unlock the innate wooden seal in [body], then he will regain the initiative! Not to be suppressed all the time!

But how to untie the seal of the innate wooden evil?

There is no power that Feng Ruo can use now. If this is in the sea of dead wood, he only needs to continue to absorb the innate wooden evil, but here, where can he find the congenital wooden evil?


Thinking of this, a flash of inspiration flashed in Feng Ruo's mind!

"I see!"