Wind control

Chapter 167 Spells Through the Cloud

Chapter 167 Spell Through the Cloud

After figuring out the composition of the sealing power, Feng Ruo suddenly came to a conclusion that it was not the ancient god who controlled the sealing power, but the black-robed geeks. They should use the power left by the ancient god, and then combine some secret method to integrate the innate gold evil into it, so as to achieve The effect of swallowing up the mana in the monk's body!

In a sense, this combination of the power of the innate golden spirit is the same as the nature of the poison of dead wood, but the effect is much worse, because even if the monk who is poisoned by the dead wood is given a thousand spiritual stones, he will not produce a trace of aura in his body, which is the congenital wood evil in it. The resulting aura was fused at the first time!

But the prisoners in the belly of the mountain are different. Although they have lost their mana, even a spiritual sand will make them regain their mana. This is the gap!

Fortunately, this is the case. If the proportion of innate gold in this sealing power is more, if Feng wants to restore the mana to unlock the seal, it is really impossible!

So far, Feng Ruo can still guess that those strange people in black robes can refine the innate Jins, which is also used in this way, instead of manipulating the innate Muss as he wants!

Of course, it is impossible to speculate about the specific situation. After all, those black-robed weirdos are slaves of ancient gods. Although they are the lowest-level slaves, they are not measured by ordinary people!

After careful consideration, Feng Ruo did not immediately destroy the power of the seal, but tried to see if he could peel off the very small number of innate gold in it!

This is undoubtedly a great good thing for Feng Ruo! You should know that his previous plan was to activate the innate gold in the belly of the mountain with the innate wooden evil in his body, but this practice is quite dangerous, because no one knows how many congenital golden evils there are in the belly of the mountain. Maybe he can be sealed as if he is not careful!

But now with such a little innate gold for him to try, it will undoubtedly increase his chances of success!

This kind of stripping is not difficult, but it is not easy to say, because if it can't be done with ordinary methods, only by controlling the innate wooden evil can we attract the trace of innate golden evil. This is mainly because the two restrain each other!

Of course, Feng Ruo doesn't need to worry that the innate Jins will destroy his innate Mus, because its number is so small that it can't cause any waves at all!

In this way, Feng Ruo manipulated the innate Musha in his body to peel off the seal force extremely finely. When the other impurities were completely removed, a wisp of golden light, which was only half an inch long and more slender than the hair, was firmly bound by his innate Musha!

But in spite of this, the golden shimmer is still extremely sharp, and even makes Feng Ruo clearly feel a torn cone pain!

"The innate Jinshen is really extraordinary!"

He shouted a fluke secretly. Feng Ruo really wanted to be glad that he had not rashly activated the innate Jinshen in the belly of the mountain, because it was almost equivalent to suicide. He still underestimated the power of the innate Jinshen. This is only a little insignificant innate Jinshen, which can have such a power How terrible it will be!

Just a little hesitation, Feng Ruo quickly launched the formula of the golden spirit killing array. After his painstaking understanding for more than a year, he has mastered a general outline!

However, this golden spirit killing array is not only an existence of array, but also an extremely special skill. This kind of skill is completely different from the skills in the world of immortal cultivation. To put it simply, ordinary immortal cultivation skills need to be practiced first to generate mana. As the longer the practice time, the higher the realm, the mana power. It will get higher and higher!

But this kind of skill of Jinling killing array is exactly the opposite. It requires the existence of similar mana power before you can practice this skill. Similarly, the more power the skill itself will be!

It can be said that this is basically against the law of heaven and earth, because everyone knows that you must have skills to have mana, just like a child must grow up to have power, and this golden spirit killing array requires power to grow up!

So in a sense, this golden spirit killing array, no, the whole nine-day flowing cloud array is an extreme existence that can't be more extreme!

Fortunately, Feng Ruo has finally taken the most difficult first step due to the relationship of Aoki Shenjing, otherwise he can't even find a way to get started!

At this time, since there is a wisp of innate gold, then the next thing is a logical thing! Soon Feng Ruo completely controlled the innate golden spirit, but at this time, he was suddenly surprised to find that when he kept running the golden spirit killing array, the innate golden spirit turned into a metal aura of more than ten times the number, and then disappeared into his Dantian!

And it was like a few drops of water in the boiling oil pan, but in an instant, the Dantian of Fengruo exploded!

You should know that the mana in Feng Ruo's body is basically based on the attributes of water and wood. The two are originally a resonant relationship. Coupled with the neutrality of the innate wood, it can be fused without any grudge, but now this metallic mana hastily appeared, and the situation can be conceivable

Fortunately, Feng Ruo reacted in time and tried his best to suppress the two sides, but he himself was completely scared out of a cold sweat, because as long as he dealt with this situation carelessly, what awaits him is not only the end of losing all his mana, but also passively going crazy!

"Damn! These nine-unknown old men's things are really perverted! I really don't know how he dealt with the conflict between these nine forces!"

In desperation, Feng Ruo could only swallow the metal mana that had spent a lot of effort little by little, because this thing was simply out of place in his body. Not only did the mana in Dantian desperately repel it, but even the meridians could not pass!

"No! How can this innate Jinshen suddenly turn into a metallic mana?

Feng Ruo suddenly thought of this, because in his previous speculation, whether it is innate wood or innate gold, it is not the so-called poisonous thing, but an extremely pure aura. It is precisely because of this that they have the characteristics of integrating the same kind of aura!

But now, what's going on?

After thinking about it for a long time, Feng Ruo couldn't figure out what was going on! Fortunately, his attempt was not fruitless, because when he swallowed the metal mana, the total amount of mana in his body rose a little, so this is also a very special way to restore mana!

"Huh? Why don't you use this way to restore your mana?

Feng Ruo's heart suddenly moved, because at present, it seems that he doesn't want to have the innate gold evil at the same time, because the two are not compatible at all, but he can retreat to the second place, using a large number of innate gold evil here to convert it into the mana he needs little by little. After all, When the spiritual stone and the active elixir are exhausted, if he can really master this method, then even if he can't leave here, it will not affect his cultivation! And as long as your cultivation reaches a sufficient height, it is not impossible to break the cage!

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo suddenly became excited again, because this method is much safer than his previous plan, and the most important point is that he is no longer helpless and has nothing to do, but can be stable, with a goal, and practice!

I'm afraid that those weirdos in black robes can't think of this! Humph! No matter what ancient god or servant he is, as long as he can go out, he will take revenge!

The next thing is much simpler. What Feng Ruo has to do is to quickly cut down a piece of obsidian with the magic sword, and then enter the innate wood in his body at the moment when the obsidian is separated from the belly of the mountain!

And this will cause the innate Jinsha in this obsidian to be activated, so that it will be quickly controlled by Feng Ruo, and then sucked into Feng Ruo's body. After some struggle, it will finally be transformed into his own mana!

Of course, this process is still thrilling, and no mistake can appear, because of the characteristics of the innate Jinsha, this thing exists in the obsidian, but once it is cut out of the belly of the mountain, the innate Jinsha in it will leave in an instant!

Therefore, you must enter the congenital wooden evil before the congenital golden evil in it leaves, so that you can naturally attract this small amount of congenital golden evil!

But at the same time, it is necessary to quickly separate this obsidian from the belly of the mountain, otherwise, it will immediately attract a large number of innate Jins. At that time, the dead should be themselves!

In this way, day after day, month after month, year after year, Feng Ruo is always repeating this kind of thing that seems monotonous to others, but no one dares to ask, because Feng Ruo's mana always exists in a way that they can't understand!

After three years, Feng Ruo's original mid-term state of foundation construction was finally crossed the last step by him and officially advanced to the later stage of foundation building!

Originally, Feng Ruo planned to continue to practice in this way, but at this time, he suddenly found an extremely interesting thing, that is, the mana in his body, which originally belonged to the water and wood attribute, unconsciously had a trace of metal!

And whether on the surface or internally, this fusion is seamless, without any flinches. Even if Feng Ruo has carried out various tests, they can't be turned against it, as if from the beginning, it's the same!

After being silent for more than a dozen hours, Feng Ruo suddenly shouted, "Zhou Yi! Find me the formula for the cloud-piercing spell, come on!" RO