Wind control

Chapter 172 Departure

If you want it, it's only half. If you don't want it, there is no "You can choose by yourself!"

Feng Ruo said lightly.

"Hey, okay, okay!" Zhou Yi's old face was still smiling. After enjoying a mouthful of the spiritual tea in his hand, he solemnly said, "The Hanyu Ice Palace is actually the most mysterious place in our Cangwu world. Presumably you should have heard of the three dangerous places in the past, except for the sea of dead wood The island is this cold mountain area!"

"And this Hanyu Ice Palace is located in the depths of this cold mountain area." Of course, no one knows the specific location. Even those who are lucky enough to be there will never mention it! And the five sects of the Cangwu world also try to avoid dealing with this Hanyu Ice Palace, but if it is only so, this Hanyu Ice Palace will not have such a big name. The real reason is that there are three unique treasures in this Hanyu Ice Palace that all monks dream of!

"The first one is the Xueling jade milk refined from the snow spirit pool. Of course, this snow spirit pool is not the kind of snow spirit pool in the snow geese city, but the real snow spirit pool formed by the ten thousand years of black ice milk. It is said that the snow spirit jade milk can be reborn and reborn with only one drop. Each person can only take three drops. After three drops, there is no effect of rebirth! And if you want to take it, it's best to take it before the golden elixir period. For example, Brother Feng, if you can take three drops of Xueling spring water, then the probability of successfully advancing the golden elixir period will increase by at least 40%!",

"Xueling jade milk? Xuelingchi?" Feng Ruo was stunned. Except for this Xueling jade breast, he was not unfamiliar with Xuelingchi!

I think that he once took over the task of a Cangyue business. As a result, he was accidentally attacked by a magic fire. In the end, except for him, everyone was exhausted by the whole army. And the place where the magic fire was going was the snow pond under the peak of the snow pool in the cold mountain area!

In addition, Mu Hanyan once gave him a spiritual fruit from the edge of the snow pond, which shows that this snow pond is not simple, but I didn't expect that this snow pond belongs to the cold jade ice palace!

"So let's say it! How lucky you are!" Zhou Yi smiled and pointed to the token in Ruo's hand. "If you have time, you can go to the cold mountain area. Didn't Ruo Yunfei say that? But if you want something, do everything! Three drops of snow jade milk should be obtained!"

"In addition, next to this snow spirit pool, there are countless natural materials and treasures growing, and all kinds of spiritual fruits and spiritual herbs are everywhere. There are no people in my generation who don't want to go to this snow spirit pool, even if they can't get the snow spirit jade milk." It's no regret to walk around there! It's a pity that "the old man has no chance to see it so far!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Yi looked at Feng Ruo with a cheap smile, but he just guessed with his toes, and he could think of his thoughts.

"Okay! If the snow jade milk is really as magical as you said, then let's go and see it, and then say, what is the second wonder in the Hanyu Ice Palace?" If there is nothing, there is no way.

"This second wonder" is the cold jade that makes the token in your hand!"

"Han Yu?" Feng Ruo was stunned, and then took a closer look at the dark-looking token, but I couldn't think of any connection with Han Yu." This thing was not very heavy, and it always exuded a very comfortable coolness. This feeling seemed to be a little similar to the ring he was wearing in his hand!


Thinking of this" Feng Ruo suddenly took off the ring and handed it to Zhou Yi, and said hurriedly, "Old man" Look, what kind of material is this?",

Zhou Yi was shocked by Feng Ruo's sudden action, but after taking the whole ink jade ring, his face became a little solemn. After a long time, he asked solemnly, "Brother Feng" Where did you get this thing?"

"Don't care where I got it from." Just say what kind of material is this?" Feng Ruo frowned and said

This tyrannical jade ring was after Mingxi suddenly left, and he found in her ** that the stupid blue bird also came out of here!

It can be said that the benefits of this ink jade ring to Feng Ruo are the same as the cloud boots. In the past, when Feng Ruo was still in the refining period, he did not take this ink jade ring seriously, because this ring just doubled his physical strength!

But it was later found that the most perverted thing about this ink jade ring is not to double the power, but that this effect will increase with the power of Feng Ruo itself!

You should know that if Feng Ruo is in the later stage of refining, if he doesn't use his magic power, he can lift seven or eight hundred catties of weight. With the ink jade ring, it weighs only 1,500 catties, but now he is already building the foundation, deducting the mana. He can lift thousands of catties of weight, The ink jade ring can also double his strength, that is, tens of thousands of pounds!

It is also because of this that Feng Ruo was able to wave a huge shield weighing two or three thousand pounds before. If he were other monks in the later stage of building the foundation, there was no door!

And this is all thanks to the ink jade ring, although most of the time it is completely forgotten, but the effect it plays is real, and it exists every moment!

This is not a simple problem of double power, because you should know that even those magical top-quality magic weapons have their limits. When they reach the limit, they can't play." But this ink jade ring is completely different, as if there is no limit. Feng Ruo has no doubt at all, even if he advances the golden elixir period, His ontological strength continues to increase several times, so this ink jade ring can also easily double his strength!

That's just the point. I'm afraid even those masters in the golden elixir period and even the spiritual infant period will be coveted!

So, is this ink jade ring just a magic weapon?

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo's heart was "jumping" and he jumped violently, and even his breathing was a little short!

"Old man! Come on, what kind of material is this?"

"Uh! Brother Feng, don't be nervous, don't worry. To be honest, judging from the experience of living for more than a thousand years, the material of this ring should be refined by Hanyu, the second largest wonder of Hanyu Ice Palace, but"

"But what?" "The old man can't be sure, because you also saw the child, this cold jade order and this ring look completely different! However, I'm sure that this ring must be the object of the Hanyu Ice Palace. "Because what is carved on it is the third strange thing owned by the Hanyu Ice Palace, the heavenly beast!"

"God-given spirit beast? That bastard blue bird?" Feng Ruoyi was stunned, but then he understood and secretly called himself stupid! The blue bird once said in person that they are nine mysterious blue birds, with their own unique cultivation skills, and it has always shown all kinds of shocking magical power. Isn't this all in line with the standards of God-given spirit beasts, and the only place with God-given spirit beasts is the Hanyu Ice Palace!

Doesn't this mean that Mingxi is the person of Hanyu Ice Palace!

Not bad! It must be so. The Hanyu Ice Palace is in the Hanshan area, but the edge of the Hanshan area is the Yanbei area. So it is not surprising that Mingxi appeared at the foot of Qingyun Mountain in the Yanbei area after being injured!

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo's heart was in a mess. He really wanted to return to the Cangwu world immediately to the cold mountain area to see what was going on!

"Hey hey! Brother Feng, don't be impatient! Don't be impatient! You have just entered the late stage of foundation building. Now is not the best time to take Xueling jade milk. The golden elixir period is not as simple as you think. It is another realm that you can't imagine. "If you have a 90% chance of success", but there is still the possibility of failure! With the advanced experience of the old years, you'd better settle it carefully. The foundation period, called foundation building, is to lay a solid foundation for the future cultivation! At this stage, "how solid the foundation is, how much will you gain in the future!",

"Don't rush in for the sake of more powerful power. Don't compare with others. It doesn't matter if they advance before you." Down-to-earth is the king's way! Don't be like an old man. It's too late to regret it now!"

Hearing Zhou Yi's emotion, Feng Ruo was shocked and quickly calmed down. "I think his cheap master Mu Hanyan said the same thing at the beginning.

"Thank you very much! Brother Zhou!"

He solemnly hugged Zhou Yi." Feng Ruo put on the ink jade ring again, and then said, "As my brother said, the cold jade in the cold jade ice palace is also some kind of refinery material. I don't know how it compares with our obsidian?"

"Hey hey! That's incomparable!" But Zhou Yi shook his head with emotion" "Teng Xiao

Brother, there is a piece of advice that the old man has understood for most of his life, that is, never keep your eyes above the top, and never be self-righteous, because there are countless masters in the immortal world, and what we can understand is only a little bit of the world. There is a mountain higher than a mountain, even those legendary distract The master of the virtual period is not necessarily omniscient and omnipotent!"

"The cycle of heaven, like a huge river" One of the water huā is a kind of change, and this water huā contains countless water droplets, and each water drop is another kind of change! We monks walk against the sky, not to intercept the way of heaven like a river, but to follow it and change according to the changes in it! When you understand a change, you are to take a step forward. The more changes you understand, the stronger you will be!"

"But is he really strong? In front of the way of heaven, it is still just a small water! How many storms can it turn up? What if it is a huge storm? The way of heaven is still circulating. "It won't change because of your change!",

"So, this is what we want to pursue. Don't be covered by the fog! Don't be confused by the wind and rain! Don't set out because you have walked for too long and forget why!"