Wind control

Chapter 195 Killing

The ice spirit charm is only the lowest-level seal seal in the immortal world. For the dry refining period, it seems that the lethality of this thing is enough to make them escape from the wind. Even some ordinary monks in the early stage of foundation construction need to temporarily avoid the edge when they encounter this cold ice spirit charm!

But at this moment, compared with these people, the thousands of ice cones released by more than a dozen ice charms are just a joke. With the defense of their demon hunting armor, they are completely unharmed. If it hadn't been for the sudden incident, which would have caused them a trace of chaos, such means would really not be let go. In their eyes.

But it was the chaos at this moment that made Qi Jin and others, who were originally in an active situation, completely fall into the passive situation.

Of course, Qi Jin and others can enter the demon hunting camp and crawl in the five elements world for more than ten years. Naturally, they are not easy to react. Their reaction is not unhurried. After a blink of an eye, more than a dozen huge fire lights immediately bombarded the position where Feng Ruo originally stayed. This huge firelight is the fire The advancement of ball spells - ~ ~ Fire clouds!

Just in an instant, it was shrouded in a huge sea of fire within a radius of more than 20 feet. If Feng Ruo was really hit, it would definitely be very uncomfortable!

But now, Feng Ruo took a step in advance to avoid this fierce attack. While launching Aoki Liuyunzhan, Qingcheng Sword also roared out, but instead of attacking any target, Feng Ruo, who was carrying more than ten feet high in the air, rushed away!

This is not an escape, because although Feng Ruo is caught off guard against Qi Jin and others, after all, he is still surrounded by more than 40 people on the other side. If he doesn't jump out of the encirclement quickly, not to mention anything else, the other party's long-range attack spell alone can bombard him!

Therefore, he must put himself in a situation where he can advance and retreat, and at the same time, he must always put the opponent's attack in chaos as much as possible!

With the terrible speed of the Qingcheng Sword, when those ice cones were still flying around, they had already flown more than a hundred feet away. At this moment, those people in Qijin had not locked Feng Ruo's exact position, because Feng Ruo's series of actions were so fast that they were done in one go!

While Feng Ruo himself jumped out of the encirclement of Qi Jin and others, the power of Aoki Liuyunzhan has also begun to appear. From the first three huge swords, they have been superimposed to twelve. It can be said that this Aoki Liuyunzhan is the best way to deal with group attacks. The more dense the other The stronger it will be, the faster the speed of sword gas superposition will be!

The sword spirit of more than two feet long is like a strong wind, raging around. Not only is the cutting speed extremely fast, but it is also difficult to block. Even if it is occasionally blocked, it will not disappear. The opposite side will continue to be superimposed until the opponent is cut into countless pieces!

Unless it has a defense weapon with strong blocking and rebound power like the Dragon Shield, these quickly superimposed swords are impeccable!

"Everyone, step back! Don't fight against these swords!"

At this time, Na Qijin roared and shouted. He obviously studied Feng Ruo's way of fighting carefully and was very clear about the nature of the Aoki Liuyunzhan. Therefore, when he saw the twelve huge cyan swords cutting and tearing back and forth, he immediately reminded him, because according to the previous rehearsal, the coverage of these swords There is a certain distance limit. As long as you open the distance and focus on attacking the Aoki sword, you can crack this damn attack!

Qi Jin thought very well. His dodging was also very timely, but they still underestimated the power of Aoki Ryuun Zhan now!

In those years, when Feng Ruo and Qing Tianyu competed, he could only superimpose 24 swords at most, and the speed of superposition was not very fast. But now, Feng Ruo, who integrates part of the power of Aoki Shenjing, has greatly increased the power of Aoki Liuyun Zhan, and the number of superimposed sword All can reach 48 channels, and the speed of superimposed rebound has more than doubled!

So not long after Qi Jin's voice fell, the blue wood sword hovering in the air suddenly flashed, followed by the twelve huge sword spirit into twenty-four sword spirit in an instant, cutting past the body of a confidant Qi Jin at a very fast speed, and then in an instant, the man The demon hunting armor and his body were cut into countless pieces by the huge sword spirit. The man didn't even have time to scream, and what everyone saw was just a mass of blood fog flying with the sword spirit!

But this is just a small episode, because of the effect of these sword gas superimposed rebound, after killing one person, it immediately turned into forty-eight sword spirit, cutting at a very high speed to the people around Qi Jin who had no time to avoid!

With a series of tragic shouts, this round of sword spirit superposition has come to an end, but at least a dozen people have suffered different degrees of damage, but this is also their luck, because Feng Ruo is not able to continue to superimpose the number of sword spirit at present. If he can continue to superimpose to ninety-six sword spirit These dozens of people are definitely more than just injured!

From the sudden attack of Feng Ruo to this moment, it was only five or six breaths, but it made Qi Jin and others cast a thick shadow in their hearts. As for the self-confidence of the previous overall situation, it had already disappeared. At this moment, they had changed from hunters to prey!

Feng Ruo's attack did not end, and it was always fast. Just before the angry Qi Jin and others released their swords to attack the Aoki Sword, he quickly took back the Aoki Sword, because the power of Aoki Liuyunzhan was extraordinary, but the defects were also obvious. When Qi Jin and others came to their senses, It's not cost-effective to attack!

During the flow of the sword formula, the Qingcheng sword under Feng Ruo's feet roared and quickly crossed a moon-blue brilliance in the air, rushing to several Qijin's men not far away. They should be responsible for long-range spell attacks. Unfortunately, Feng Ruo first jumped to a height of more than ten feet with the Jump out of the encirclement quickly and just kill behind them at this moment.

Although these people also found the traces of Feng Ruo at the same time, because they were responsible for releasing spells to achieve the purpose of long-range attack, they did not release the sword weapon to protect the body. At this moment, how can they dodge in the terrible high speed of the Qingcheng Sword?

"The secret of thrusting the sword!"

The sword formula used by Feng Ruo is still the most basic, but in this moment of lightning and flint, under the high-speed impact of the Qingcheng sword, the power has been improved to the highest!

"Wow!" Where this sword passed, even the empty air was directly broken, and then a subtle cry seemed to come from the distant sky, and time stagnated at this moment!

"Boom!" A explosion came, but three blood mist rose at the same time. The high-speed Qingcheng sword actually pierced the three people with a sword. The demon hunting armor they wore on their bodies seemed to be made of paper, which did not play any role at all, especially with the violent rotating bombardment power of the sword protrusion, which put the bodies of the Crushed into three blood mist!

And such a terrible attack power is not only inexplicably frightened by Qi Jin and others in the distance, but also Feng Ruo himself was also shocked, because this is the first time that the Qingcheng sword has been used on the battlefield of life and death since it was refined. Although he had long expected that the Qingcheng sword would be extremely sharp, but Yu, killed in an instant, and penetrated three people in a row. This kind of result was simply unbelievable!

This is really a bit of a sword!

"The first team released a sword attack, the second team defended on the spot, the third team casts spell support, and covered the attack indiscriminately within a radius of a hundred feet. The fourth and fifth team covered around. Feng Ruo, if I don't kill you today, I swear not to be a person!"

After a short silence, the roar of Qijin's anger sounded. At this moment, in addition to anger and fear, he also had a deep sense of humiliation in his heart. You know, more than 40 of his men can be regarded as elites in the whole demon hunting camp. They came all the way from the Cangwu world. If Maybe it's not Feng Ruo's opponent, but if we attack together, then Feng Ruo is absolutely dead!

But now, under their careful defense, the original results were turned overturned, and four people were killed and injured more than a dozen people in an instant. This kind of shame is even more uncomfortable than killing him. At this moment, Qi Jin no longer cares about the rich reward given by Mo Wuhen. What he wants to do most is Tear the whole person into pieces!

Qi Jin's series of orders can be heard. Although he has not been in the hunting camp for a long time, he also knows the power of cooperation. He had a problem before in order to disrupt the cooperation of these people, so as to make their attacks become chaotic. How can he allow them to put it at this moment? Let's work together?

Therefore, there was almost no hesitation. Feng Ruo, who was still more than ten feet high in the air, had no time to take back the Qingcheng sword. He directly injected his mana into the cloud boots crazily, and then bombarded Qi Jin and others who were changing their positions below like a meteor falling to the ground. Even the scattered people I can't take care of it, because now as long as they give Qi Jin and others one or two breaths, they will form a whole that can't be nibbled. At that time, Feng Ruo only has the only way to escape!

Of course, Qi Jin and others on the ground understood Feng Ruo's intention. Immediately, seven or eight people manipulated their sword weapons and roared up, while some people who were a little farther away began to condense their mana and were ready to use various spells at the moment of Feng Ruo's landing to completely block him out of the crowd's