Wind control

Chapter 198 Green Jade Butterfly

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo did not hesitate to weigh it. He rushed to the man with the flying dragon shield and the Qingcheng sword. He had the blocking and rebound ability of the flying dragon shield, and the distance of more than ten feet was nothing at all.

However, he did not rescue immediately, but released two cloud-piercing spells in a row, breaking the man's candlelight-like defensive shield. Then, while more than a dozen boulders hit the man's body, the Qingcheng sword was dispatched in an instant and cut off all his hands and feet, because he was not sure whether it was cloth In case this man still has the power to fight again and suddenly explodes, won't he have bad luck?

After finishing these actions quickly, Feng Ruo released a ten-foot green silk spell to bind the man firmly, then turned around and rushed out!

With this sufficient mana, it is not difficult to escape the interception of those mud and stone tornadoes. It's just that in a moment, Feng Ruo escaped from it, and then tried his best to urge the Qingcheng sword to escape to the distance!

And after chasing after a while, those mudstone tornadoes finally gave up, but strangely, the demon beast never appeared, so Feng Ruo estimated that it should belong to a kind of demon beast that survives in the ground.

After taking a breath of hundreds of miles, Feng Ruo found a hidden valley. After searching around for a moment without finding any danger, he fell to the ground. First, he released the white-haired ghost bat to guard in the distance, and then quickly put the prisoner's storage belt and the sword behind him. The items that have posed a threat have been removed!

Finally, the prisoner's amputated limbs were frozen casually, because the bloody gas is easy to attract unnecessary trouble.

After dealing with all this, Feng Ruo's attention turned to his Dantian. Now the warm current in Dantian has begun to slow down, but his mana in the [body] has been restored by at least 70%.

However, this was not what Feng Ruo was concerned about, because he suddenly found that with the gradual slowdown of the warm current, there seemed to be an extra beating heart in his Dantian!

Not bad! It's just a beating heart." If it hadn't been for the incredible things that just happened, Feng Ruo really couldn't believe it was true!

This beating heart is very weak, and the slight vibration is almost imperceptible, but Feng Ruo can feel that the warm current that saved his life in the desperate situation before flows from this beating heart.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Ruo first quickly arranged a positive and negative nine-star array for himself, then sat down cross-legged and slowly began to find out what was strange in Dantian!

This kind of exploration, also known as internal vision, is the ability that the monk's soul and mana will automatically have after they are enhanced to a certain extent, that is, they can see their mana and physical condition from the inside.

With the flow of divine thoughts, the first thing Feng Ruo found was that the huge force that Aoki Shenjing left in his Dantian after it was destroyed before disappeared.

For this power, Feng Ruo used a lot of means before, but it all ended in failure, because this power seems to not exist, and there is no response at all. Except for the part that merged with his mana at the beginning, the rest became like a stubborn stone, soft and hard. After a long time, Feng Ruo I even almost forgot this power.

But at this moment, this power actually disappeared out of thin air. In a loom, Feng Ruo seemed to have guessed something!

When his mind entered Dantian, a strange scene appeared in front of him"

He was almost scared to lose his soul!

Because in his Dantian, I don't know when there was a light green light ball. In this light ball, there is a dancing jade butterfly!

And this light green light ball is shaking slightly at this moment. There is no doubt that this is the so-called beating heart that Feng Ruo felt before!

But what really makes Feng Ruo feel incredible is "What's wrong with that jade butterfly?" If he suddenly grows a small tree in the Dantian field, he may not be surprised. After all, the source of power in Aoki Shenjing is Aoki, but now, what is this and what?

He was so dull for a long time." Feng Ruo suddenly found that the jade butterfly in the light green light ball seemed to be a little familiar. After observing it carefully for a long time, he actually felt that the jade butterfly was very similar to the snow butterfly he got in Qingyunzong in those years. "It's just that the snow butterfly is white, but The whole body is crystal clear, and the two can't be compared at all. There is a difference of ten thousand miles!

Because as long as you are not a fool, you can see that this jade butterfly is extremely extraordinary!

But why does this green jade butterfly make him feel a little familiar?

"It's so strange. Is it so strange? What the hell is going on?"

Feng Ruo racked his brains to think about it for a long time, and finally remembered one thing in his memory, that is, he used the power of Qingmu Shenjing to cultivate a snow butterfly in Qingyunzong. This snow butterfly is very popular. It is barely a second-class spirit beast, but its attack power is very weak, which is no different from tickling, especially if this thing is too small to be qualified for today's mounts.

So when he went out hunting, Feng Ruo put this snow butterfly in the cave where Aoki Shenjing was hidden, but later, the little thing disappeared inexplicably.

For this reason, Feng Ruo has been wondering for a long time, because he deliberately sealed the cave. It is reasonable that it is impossible to escape with the thin body of Xue Lingdie, and even if he escapes, he has to leave traces, right? But he searched everywhere and found no suspicious clues!

Later, Fengruo forgot about this matter because of all kinds of things. After all, it was just a second-class spirit beast. It may be amazing in the eyes of mortals, but it is really insignificant in the world of immortal cultivation!

But now Feng Ruo suddenly has a very bold idea in his heart, that is, the snow butterfly that disappeared inexplicably is the green jade butterfly in front of him?

As soon as this speculation came out, it spread uncontrollably. The more Feng Ruo thought about it, the more possible it was. First of all, the reason why the snow butterfly could successfully advance was that it depended on the aura of Aoki Shenjing. But the nose said that without Aoki Shenjing, there would never be a snow butterfly, It's a little similar to the relationship between myself and Aoki Shenjing. Since I can get benefits, why can Xueling Butterfly not get benefits?

Secondly, the second point, if Feng is correct, Aoki Shenjing should be in the growth stage in the sealed space, otherwise there would not be so many roots, but at that time, it was also the time when Aoki Shenjing absorbed a lot of energy crazily. Because this feeling has also been felt by Feng Ruo himself, but perhaps because his size is too large, or perhaps for other reasons, this absorption is not obvious.

But the snow butterfly is different. It doesn't have much intelligence and is small in size. However, it also has the aura transformed by Aoki Shenjing in the [body]. Under the attraction of two taels, it is normal for it to be swallowed up!

No, it's not devouring. Look at the current situation, this should be called fusion. Otherwise, this green jade butterfly will not appear at this moment!

Perhaps it was this fusion that made Aoki Shenjing gradually change from the inside that he did not notice. Otherwise, how to explain the strange change that happened to Aoki Shenjing in the face of blood sniper? And the current situation?

But now it seems that this should be a good thing for Feng Ruo, although he doesn't know where the most important and precious Aoki seedlings in Aoki Shenjing have gone? But at the very least, this green jade butterfly should have integrated the characteristics of part of the green wood seedlings, otherwise, in the desperate situation just now, there will be no ordinary pure aura.

Another point is that the aura released by the green jade butterfly is obviously not compared with the original Aoki Shenjing, which should be the reason why Aoki Shenjing was damaged before.

After silently observing the jade butterfly in the pale green light ball for a moment, Feng Ruo slowly withdrew his mind from Dantian. Now he can clearly feel that the green jade butterfly is very weak, and the aura transmitted to him before he should consume most of its power.

This makes Feng Ruo feel very sorry for it unconsciously, because it is obvious that compared with the previous Aoki Shenjing, although the green jade butterfly is extremely weak, it is a real life, and it is still related to his blood, so he is in danger. At that time, the green jade butterfly will miraculously take the initiative to appear. If it were Aoki Shenjing, there would be absolutely no such behavior.

"No, I have to go to the sea of dead wood as soon as possible. This green jade and butterfly are too weak now. Only by supplementing enough innate wood can we recover!"

Almost in an instant, Feng Ruo made this decision. The appearance of the green jade butterfly made him so excited that he could hardly describe his mood and the feeling of caring!

After a long time, Feng Ruo reluctantly calmed down his excitement. At the same time, it was also a little funny. He was really a fan of the authorities. Why should he go to the Dead Wood Sea immediately? Isn't the innate Mu Sha in your own [body] just right?

With this in mind, Feng Ruo was not interested in pay attention to the man-faced prisoner, and began to carefully input the light green light ball that controlled a wisp of innate wood into Danzhong.

Sure enough, as Feng Ruo guessed, this green jade butterfly is indeed a fusion of green wood and has the same characteristics. For the innate wood that makes people in the immortal world of cultivation, it is like a supreme delicacy in front of it!