Wind control

Chapter 217 crushing

Feng Ruo's guess is not bad at all. Mu Feixue decided to rescue without any hesitation, because the more people they have, the more effective the cover for her and Feng Ruo will be!

And for the decision she made, whether it is Huo Zizhu, Yue Qi, or others, they are a little nervous, because this is not only to face this group of magic beasts, but may attract the nearby magic beasts.

Fortunately, Mu Feixue's prestige in this demon hunting camp is not comparable to Duan Chongshan before, at least no one dares to refute it.

"According to our observation, the total number of demon beasts in front should be between 700 and 800, which is divided into five species. The first is the seven-level fire-breathing giant rhinoceros, with only three heads, and the second is the ground scorpion, with the largest number, about 400. What needs to be guard A kind of thorn can be ejected, which can reach a distance of about 500 feet. Although the penetration is not very strong, it will produce an explosion, and the toxin in the thorn will also drift away. This toxin will not be fatal, but it has the effect of paralysis. It must be prevented!"

"The third is the iron-backed cows, the number is about 200, and they are all about seven levels. What they are best at is close-range impact. With their super defense ability, they can defeat any formation in an instant. In addition, they also have the instinct to step heavily. Hundreds of iron-backed cows hit at the same Move, it's easy to make people stand unsteadily!" The fourth is the Phantom Giant Leopard, with a number of about 100. They fly the fastest, run like the wind on all four feet, and can also turn from the air. You must beware of their attack from the flanks! As for the fifth type, it is an eight-level bone, which is the case. At present, no flying spirit beast has been found nearby, but even so, if we want to attack, we can't defeat them without an hour, and "there must be casualties on our side, so I suggest that we should It's time to concentrate on the eight-level bone to lure out and kill it, so that the remaining demon beasts will be nothing!"

Three words and two words "Feng Ruo informed everyone of the general situation of the group of demon beasts in front of him, and put forward his own suggestions, because from his point of view, if Mu Feixue does not use the strong lethality of her in the later period of Jindan, the demon beasts in front of him are not easy to If the four demon beasts, the spotted cow and the phantom giant leopard, are alone, can be solved by the four members of their vanguard team.

But now when they are combined, they can send out all-round attacks. The phantom giant leopard can rely on the terrible speed to harass and intercept, while the iron-backed cow can charge at close range, and then rely on strong defense ability to entangle the enemy. As for the fire-breathing giant rhinoceros and Attack, with their attack distance of 500 feet, is enough to turn the enemy into defenseless targets!

What's more, there is also an eight-level bone in the center!

This battle is not easy to fight!

"Very good!"

Mu Feixue smiled at Feng Ruo with some admiration. Of course, she could understand Feng Ruo's intention, that is, to do it herself. On the one hand, in order to avoid unnecessary casualties, on the other hand, to set up a strong enough figure in everyone's hearts. Only in this way can they choose to follow. Go on, and only some ambitious guys can be completely shocked!

Of course, as a master of Jindan in the later period, Mu Feixue certainly doesn't have to really expose her real strength. With her means, she can fool everyone casually, and then show in the eyes of everyone that it can not only deter them without making them doubt. Strength!

" Lian Su listens to the order! Take your team to carry out a long-range attack in the back, be sure to intercept all the Phantom Pong Leopards, and also be responsible for disrupting the impact of the iron-backed cow, at least to ensure that this state can last for a long time!"

"Yes! Lian Su understands!" Lian Su, who was a little blushing, answered loudly. In a sense, she was also an absolute loyal ironist of Mu Feixue.

"Huo Zizhu obeys the order! You take the rest of the people to defend 50 feet in front of Lian Su's team. Remember, take guard first, and don't be impatient! Feng Yu, Yue Qi, you two, go with me to kill the skull Xi!" Mu Feixue's order is very simple, and it is based on defense. After all, the number of people in her hard-won hunting camp is too small, and one death is one less.

"Mutouer! I don't agree!" At this time, Huo Zizhu said unwillingly with his neck, "Just give it to Duan Chongshan's command here. How can you kill the eight-level bone Xi without me? Am I weaker than the one surnamed Yue? Huo Zizhu, who suddenly jumped out, stunned Mu Feixue for a moment, but this was not a friend. He immediately said happily, "Okay! Then even if you are Duan Chongshan, you command, there is just a sentence for you. You can be forgiven for escaping once, but if you escape for the second time, you really deserve it. Please don't doubt whether I have this ability, otherwise, you will regret it!"

After saying this, Mu Feixue's eyes suddenly changed and swept everyone in an instant. Almost at the same time, a cold murderous spirit also passed through everyone's hearts, making everyone shiver. Although this cold murderous spirit disappeared in an instant, it still had a huge shock. Detemptive effect, which is more effective than saying ten thousand harsh words.

"Let's go!" With a greeting, Mu Feixue took the lead in grabbing the silver armor, and Feng Ruo and other three people followed him. Almost at the same time, there was no need to issue orders at all. The silver armor hissed and bounced directly towards the battlefield in front of him. As for Lian Su and others behind them, they also followed closely. Their main task It works to relieve the pressure on Feng Ruo, Mu Feixue and others. Of course, this is only nominal. In fact, with Mu Feixue, there is no pressure at all!

But as the saying goes, there is no trace of cheating, so except for Feng Ruo, an insider, everyone is very nervous, including Huo Zizhu and Yue Qi. If it hadn't been for the grace of saving lives before, they wouldn't have been so willing to take risks!

However, at a distance of more than ten miles, the bounce impact speed of silver armor quickly rushed to the battlefield like a hill. However, after rushing into the range of 1,000 feet, the eight-level bone and nose in the battlefield reacted quickly, and immediately half of the demon beasts were surrounded. Obviously, the group of surrounded monks It has reached the end of the strong crossbow, so the eighth-level bone Xi is not worried at all that they will take advantage of the situation to break through!

But this time, the fate of this eight-level bone is obviously more tragic than that of the one-horned golden python, but it doesn't have this awareness at this time!

At this time, the first thing to rush up is naturally the kind of black phantom leopard that grows with speed and dexterity. This thing is very annoying. Although the attack power is not strong, it can entangle people to the greatest extent. If you can't rush out in a short time and be approached by those iron-backed

It's just that this time their opponent is not Feng Ruo and others, but the pervert Yinping. It can be said that silver armor is also a rare alien in most spirit beasts. As a result, the characteristics in all aspects are extremely strong. Not only is the defense very strong, but also in speed and flexibility, especially After devouring the wreckage of the eight-level blood sniper, the fierce spirit he had was even more amazing!

At this moment, after those phantom giant leopards were about to jump on, a bloody light suddenly burst out on the surface of the silver armor's body. In this light, an extremely murderous fluctuation swept in all directions like a tide!

Under the impact of this bloody fluctuation, the original lightning-like figure of those phantom giant leopards was delayed for a moment, and even a few phantom giant leopards screamed and turned their heads and fled. They were not only the three of them, Feng Ruo and Huo Zizhu, who were dark in their hearts It's very serious, but if it's positive, it will definitely be affected.

And of course, Feng Ruo is not unfamiliar with this bloodthirsty fluctuation, because this is what he felt when facing the blood sniper. He really didn't expect that the silver armor could perfectly activate the blood sniper's own attributes. Doesn't this also mean that it can continue to advance in the future?

At this time, after emitting this bloody fluctuation, the figure of the silver armor was dozens of feet high from the ground. If it hadn't been for witnessing it, I'm afraid no one could have imagined that a huge thing, like a hill, weighing tens of thousands of pounds, would have reached such a dexterous situation!

"Boom!" When the huge body of the silver armor fell again, at least a dozen phantom giant leopards had either been smashed by the giant legs or cut in two pieces! Because those eight giant legs can be used as both a sledgehammer and a sharp machete!

At this moment, Feng Ruo even felt a little sad for those phantom giant leopards, because in front of the silver armor, they were destined to be a tragedy that could not be relieved. The huge body of the silver armor, the extremely hard shell, the same rapid and agile action, coupled with that kind of almost devastating attack, it simply made How can their weak bodies be?

It is extremely kind to describe it as destroying and crushing!

In just a few breaths, nearly a hundred phantom giant leopards were completely killed! This kind of terrible result, not only Feng Ruo, Huo Zizhu and Yue Qi were dumbfounded, but also prepared to pay a great price in the back. Lian Su, Duan Chongshan and others were all dumbfounded. Is this still a seven-level spirit beast?

Isn't it too perverted?