Wind control

Chapter 228 Purple Moon

The dead silence spreads throughout the bluestone alley!


Everyone's eyes became a little dull and incredible, and then they couldn't follow the head mixed with unwillingness, anger, fear and many other expressions across the sky!


The sound of the head falling to the ground was like a sledgehammer that knocked on everyone's hearts, making them subconsciously turn around and escape, but then they were frightened to find that they could not move all over their bodies!

For a moment, the young man in light gold armor seemed to have become the existence that controls their life and death, as if his every move would lead to death!

But more than a dozen breathing time seems to be as long as decades, especially the more than a dozen men who finally woke up and returned, and felt that the whole place seemed to have turned into a bone of ice and snow!

No one expected that from the outbreak of the young man to the landing of Hu Tianren's head, the whole process was only six or seven breaths, so that his men had no time to rescue.

"Let's go!"

Looking back at Lian Su, who was also shocked, Feng Ruo said softly, and then turned around and walked to the outside of the blue stone alley. As for the corpse on the ground, he ignored it at all, because at the moment of Hu's death, the golden bowl suddenly broke at the same time, and those golden streams The sand also disappeared without a trace.

Therefore, Feng Ruo is not interested in searching for his booty, and more importantly, if he kills the sky now, it is equivalent to offending the Flying Tiger Camp.

Of course, this is not too serious for Feng Ruo.

At this time, seeing Feng Ruo passing by, the many monks who were watching around hurriedly made way a passage. As for the dozens of his men who destroyed the sky, they were still as quiet as cicadas and did not dare to move until the figure of Feng Ruo completely disappeared for a long time that they howled like wild dogs and shouted to launch The battalion general sealed the two of them with thousands of knives, and the ashes were crushed!

, "Feng Feng Taoist friend, what are you going to do next?"

After walking out for a long time, Lian Su, who followed Feng Ruo, asked in a low voice that Feng Ruo had killed the nonsense with an absolute advantage. Although she was overjoyed, she also had an inexplicable fear of Feng Ruo.

, "Don't call me a Taoist friend. Listen to me, just call me Feng Ruo!"

If Feng Ruo didn't look back, he just said easily. Lian Su's previous behavior made him very happy,

I'm also very grateful. If she hadn't delayed Hu Shitian's group, his Jingyun Zhanjia would have given up halfway. Therefore, from this moment on, he has completely regarded Lian Su as his own.

, "Hmm!" Lian Su replied in a low voice in the back, but her thoughts drifted to nowhere, but Feng Ruo's next words scared her a lot!

"Let's go to Purple Moon City! I've already thought that escape is not a way. Since we monks dare to walk against the sky, how can we be afraid of those spirit beasts? Only by constantly challenging yourself can you break through the limit!"

Feng Ruo's voice is not very high, but it has a sonorous and powerful smell, because he suddenly understands why Mu Feixue did not enter Qingyue City with him. Of course, there are other reasons, but more importantly, it is what she said, that is, the more help she gives herself now. It's equivalent to hurting him more!

You should know that he is now in the stage of sprinting to the golden elixir period. What he needs is not only the three drops of snow jade milk that can greatly improve his qualifications, but also a strong invincible will. If he does not have this belief from the depths of his heart, then the external No matter how good he is, he may not be able to succeed!

Even if he retreats ten thousand steps, he can advance the golden elixir period with the help of Xue Lingyu milk and Mu Feixue, but the golden elixir period is not the end of the monks, so what about the future? He can rely on the help of the outside world to get through a difficult time, but then it will be more difficult, because he will lose the courage to go against the current!

So, after understanding this, Feng Ruo is really grateful to Mu Feixue. Yes, he can now be sure that ninety-nine out of his unscrupulous senior sister is lying to him! What is other important things, what is lack of cultivation, and is not qualified to know. It is all false. With Mu Feixue's terrible strength, it is difficult to forcibly break through the space node with a large group of people, but it is absolutely no problem for the two of them to sneak through.

Obviously, Mu Feixue saw the new tide of spirit beasts, and then she suddenly changed her mind. She can definitely guess that when the tide of spirit beasts joins the battlefield of Ziyue City, the battle situation will become extremely tense. Even if she hides in Qingyue City, she can never stay out of the matter!

Now the situation in Qingyue City is exactly the same. These hundreds of thousands of monks will be forcibly transferred to the battlefield of Ziyue City sooner or later. This is Mu Feixue's plan. What she wants is to put Feng Ruo in the life of death. Only on this rare and tragic battlefield can he get the best training!

Of course, Feng Ruo may be seriously injured and may die!

But it's nothing? As Mu Feixue said about the strange bet, can he keep pace with Mu Feixue in cultivation one day in the future?

You should know that there is a huge gap between the two of them. Mu Feixue is ready to advance the spiritual baby period, and he is still distressed about the advanced golden elixir period!

If Feng Ruo can't even save his life in this war, how can he be qualified to chase Mu Feixue? What qualifications do you have to stand on the same height as her?

Therefore, there is no need for the high-level officials of Qingyue City to forcibly recruit him. He just wants to take the initiative to go to Ziyue City. He went there not because of helplessness, not to survive, but to prove himself!

At this moment, the Purple Moon City is silent, without the noise of the past, but what's more is the strong smell of blood in the air.

Under the faint colored moonlight in the sky, the wall hundreds of feet is more like a giant in the dark, which makes people feel depressed and small even if they just look at it.

However, with the silence, the huge wall has a kind of desolate, and the sad smell of dead silence, reflecting the confused fog floating on the distant mountains outside the city, which made people's hearts sink involuntarily.

"These damn evil beasts are endless! One wave after another, I guess we will spend our whole life in this Purple Moon City!"

While complaining, Mo Xing skillfully made blank seals one by one. He was a disciple of Liu Xuanzong in the western Qin region. Because of his good luck, he did not participate in the huge encirclement more than two months ago, thus avoiding the pain of being chased by a large number of spirit beasts, but because of this, he was also He has been killed with those spirit beasts on the purple moon wall for nearly a month, which can be regarded as experienced.

Of course, his luck is not too bad, because there are only a few monks left who fought side by side with him.

"Less talk! Disturbing the army, don't understand!"

Sitting cross-legged opposite Mo Xing, Luo Bi, a disciple of Chiba Gate, is also the immediate boss of Mo Xing, who is responsible for commanding the leader of the whole Hundred People's Demon Hunting Camp!

The hundred of them are responsible for a section of the wall of the concubine. Although the distance of 50 feet is not too far, with the attack range of a hundred monks, it is enough to defend, but it depends on which situation!

Under the attack of the vast and boundless tide of spirit beasts, their attack of a hundred people is like a small wave in the sea, which is simply insignificant.

If it hadn't been for the barrier of the siege, they would not have defended this section of the wall, but even their lives would have been whining for a long time!

But the moat array is not omnipotent. Under the tide-like attack, it will gradually weaken. Therefore, every twelve hours, the moat array has to be repaired again, and at this time, it is also the nightmare stage that all the defenders hate most!

Although the whole repair process is only a sip of incense, at this time, the moal array will stop running, which also means that these people will face the boundless tide of spirit beasts without stopping them!

And a large number of casualties are at this moment. Although there will be a large number of high-level monks at this moment, casualties are still inevitable!

Usually, after such a hard incense, the whole hundred-person magic camp will basically fall more than a dozen or even more. As for serious and minor injuries, there is no need to mention!

Unfortunately, the spirit beast tide will only attack three times a day. In the first two times, due to the protection of the mot array, everyone can completely relax and launch the attack without worrying about their injury, but the third attack is the time to repair the mot array.

Speaking of which, those demon kings are also very cunning. If the Purple Moon City does not repair the moor array, they will only attack scatteredly. If the moal array stops running, the tide of spirit beasts will be pressed up immediately!

Of course, it is not that the high-level management of the Purple Moon City has not tried to repair the protective array, but it turns out that this is completely wrong, because by the next day, the tide of spirit beasts will be more fierce. At the moment when the protection array cannot work, the casualties caused is absolutely shocking!

So, in this way, after more than a month, this strange offensive and defensive mode was formed between the monks and the demon kings!

Therefore, when the incense of death did not come, many monks can still relax at will. Of course, it is absolutely not allowed to leave the city wall.

Now, Luo Bi, a demon hunting camp, has just experienced a death, and only 83 people left in the demon hunting camp have been reduced to sixty-two again.

Although you can relax at the moment, when you think of the tragic killing after 12 hours, Luo Bi's heart is full of helplessness and frustration, because the smaller the number of people, the greater the casualties, and the greater the casualties, the fewer the number. This is like a trap that can never be untied!

, "His uncle, why haven't the reinforcements come yet? If you blame me like this, I will all have to fall here!"

With a long sigh, Luo Bi was thinking so in his heart when he suddenly saw more than a dozen sword lights flying in his direction from the Purple Moon City!