Wind control

Chapter 233 Defense

The overall height of the wall of Ziyue City is more than 200 feet. The width at the top has reached 88 feet, and the whole body is built of huge red moon rocks. This huge project can only be built by the power of monks!

However, this huge wall is not the most important in the defense system of Purple Moon City, because if you really think that you can rely on this wall to stop the tide of millions of spiritual beasts, it is really an extremely naive and naive idea!

The real defense of Ziyue City is composed of a moal array, an underground protective array, and a protective array inside the city wall.

The moal array can be regarded as the first line of defense on the ground of the Purple Moon City, but its eyes are all in the Purple Moon City, divided into eight places, that is, the array center. In principle, if these eight array centers are not destroyed, the Purple Moon City will be safe and sound!

Unfortunately, when building this Purple Moon City, we only considered the countless corpses and ghosts and beasts, because those corpses and ghosts can only attack stupidly, but now those who attack the Purple Moon City are very intelligent spirit beasts. These spirit beasts can not only attack from the ground, but also attack from the ground!

This also led to the overrun operation of the eight formation centers in Ziyue City, transferring a large number of defensive capabilities to the underground position of Ziyue City, because once they are brupted in in this way by those spirit beasts who are good at underground activities, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable!

Therefore, the moat array on the ground will become under-defensive. Whenever it is fiercely attacked, it must be maintained once, and during this period, it needs to be filled by monks with countless lives!

Because of this, the originally useless walls are divided into lines.

At this moment, Feng Ruo is standing on the wall and looking at Lan Ling bargaining with the commanders of the five adjacent demon-huntions. None of them expected that "the simple thing to change the defense would become so difficult, because none of the nearby demon-hunters was willing to adjust with Luo Bi's demon-hunling camps. Change the defense position.

As a last resort, Lan Ling had to discuss with these five demon hunting camps at the same time. However, although they finally agreed to change the defense, they required Lan Ling's demon hunting camp to bear five feet of defense space for each demon hunting camp, which means that Lan Ling and others need to bear 125 feet of defense space!

Because everyone knows that when the tide of the spirit beast comes up, even if it is a ten-foot of defensive space, it will encounter great pressure." This twenty-five-foot will definitely be a deadly defense space!

"Lan Ling! Promise them! It's only 25 feet, we can still deal with it!"

Feng Ruo suddenly said something to stop the bargaining between Lan Ling and the five monks.

"Feng Ruo! This is not a joke!" Lan Ling turned her head and looked at it puzzledly. Although she knew that Feng Ruo's strength was very strong, she had not experienced the tide-like spirit beast tide attack after all, so she couldn't imagine what a horrible situation it was. At that time, even if there was a foot of defense space, it would likely cause more than a dozen companion

"Of course I'm not kidding. Promise them to change the defense!" Feng Ruo ordered faintly that of course he knew the horror of the beast tide, but at the same time, he also had absolute confidence in his own strength!

Lan Ling hesitated for a moment, and finally reached an agreement with the five hunting camps to change defense, but this agreement was difficult for everyone to understand. Even Tang Qing, Peng Yue, Qu Yun and others were all like this, because they worked hard to almost fight for their lives, which made this hunt The magic camp is maintained in its current state. If it is due to this change, it will cause unnecessary sacrifices, no one can figure it out!

Although they didn't say anything, Feng Ruo could also clearly feel it, and the two combined demon hunting camps guarded the distance of 50 feet like a clear distinction, which was clearly protesting silently.

For this scene, Feng Ruo did not explain much, let alone specifically communicate with Tang Qing and others, because today's first wave of spiritual beast tide attacks has begun!

According to past experience, this first wave of attacks will be launched in a row with the second wave of attacks, and even the third wave of attacks. There is no long interval in the middle, and there is no accurate attack time, but one thing is not wrong, that is, after the defense force of the moat array is weakened to a certain extent, it is the The third wave of attacks of palpitations will also follow!

As for the first and second wave of attacks, everyone can basically act casually, and there is no problem even choosing to medit in place.

However, because it is the first time for Feng Ruo to come here, he naturally refuses to let go of this way of understanding the tide attack of the spirit beast!

At this time, with the roar, I saw a dark cloud rising in the distant sky, which was formed by thousands of flying spirit beasts. Under the dark cloud, there was a dense tide of countless spirit beasts. Under the trampling of such a number of spirit beasts, the whole earth followed for a burst. The position trembled, and even the people on the wall could clearly feel it, and this was still dozens of miles away. You can imagine how shocking the tide of spirit beasts would be!

But such a scene did not cause even a trace of tension and fear to the many monks on the wall. What to do or what to do, it is like being out of the matter and watching unrepairable things!

This situation is also a matter of course. After all, more than a month has passed since the emergence of the spirit beast tide. I can see and experience this shock every day. Naturally, no one is afraid of this anymore, because the people who are afraid have been dead for a long time!

"The first wave of attacks are all weak spirit beasts. They are completely used to consume our combat power. If we consume mana to kill them, we will naturally lose the ability to attack next, and if we don't kill them, it will cause huge damage to the moat array, so the general In this case, the first wave of attacks are only attacked by 30% of people, and then rotated alternately. It is necessary to kill these spirit beasts to the greatest extent, and at the same time, you must also ensure the peak state in the third wave of attacks!"

At this time, Lan Ling whispered for Feng Ruo and Lian Su. Then, after a long hesitation, he said, "Feng Ruo, it's not that I don't believe you, but you can never imagine how horrible the attack we have to face when we lose the protection of the moat, so I hope you can understand!"

"I said, I can deal with it. In this way, Lian Su and I are responsible for 35 feet of defense space, and you are responsible for commanding others to guard the 90-foot front. There should be no problem!" Feng Ruo suddenly turned his head and smiled confidently at Lan Ling. He was not too exaggerated. In fact, as long as the big man of the silver armor was released, it would be enough to guard the area of 30 feet. At that time, he and Lian Su would cooperate with each other again, which was definitely a very easy thing!