Wind control

Chapter 240 Third-order Defense Array

Chapter 240 Third-order Defense Array (Third Update)

Tang Qing's shouting immediately attracted everyone's attention, but soon after learning the real situation, almost everyone was stunned, because a demon hunting camp adjacent to them actually took the initiative to join. How can it not be surprising and incredible? You know that they are in this group now. The combined demon hunting camp left with Qu Yun and most of the monks. It was the time when they looked the weakest. How could there be other demon hunting camps eager to join in?

However, Feng Ruo did not have much surprise about this, because this demon hunting camp was the one who was attacked by a large number of spirit beasts on both sides and then saved by him. It is normal to run over after seeing his strong strength!

The fact is indeed just as Feng Ruo expected. The monk of this demon hunting camp has seen with his own eyes how the eight-level dark night tiger otter slaughtered most of the more than 70 people next to the demon hunting camp in the blink of an eye, so he was really scared, and Feng Ruo, a master who can defeat the eight-level spirit It has become the object to which they are attached to, because the rewards after the war are very rich, but I only have one life!

They can still fight against ordinary level 6 and level 7 spirit beasts, but level 8 spirit beasts are simply a nightmare!

Because of this, this demon hunting camp with less than 60 people left agreed to join!

Although the addition of this demon hunting camp has boosted morale, the problem is also highlighted. If they are now counted as three demon hunting camps, and the defense space they are responsible for has reached 170 feet, but their total number is only more than 130 people, and they can't even guard one foot.

Although the senior management of the Purple Moon City has made it clear that up to 50,000 reinforcements will be allocated after a few hours, everyone knows that many of these reinforcements have not seen the overwhelming tide of spiritual beasts. At that time, they may not be scared, but it will definitely have an impact.

What's more, the defense of this city wall is more important to the cooperation of the team, especially those monks who are not very strong. If you want the newcomers and the old to be completely harmonious, it is impossible not to go through several fierce battles, but this process may kill many people!

Therefore, Feng Ruo also had to give up his previous plan, cooperate with Lan Ling and others to break up the members of all the demon hunting camp, and then organize them according to the battle team. There was nothing he could do. The new demon hunting camp was completely aimed at him, and I'm afraid the others could not suppress it.

Fortunately, more than 130 people have experienced the fierce fighting before several games. It's easy to assign, and they all know what they should do.

Since all the demon hunting camps next to them have fallen, Feng Ruo and others can easily merge the defense space of the three demon hunting camps into one place. As for the empty area, they don't have to worry. At that time, a new demon hunting camp will naturally be stationed!

After carefully referring to the experience of the previous World War, Feng Ruo, Lan Ling, Lian Su, Tang Qing, Luo Bi and He Jin, the commander of the new demon hunting camp, jointly formulated a new defense plan.

According to this defense plan, their defense space of 170 feet will be divided into three areas, the middle area is 60 feet, and the left and right areas are 55 feet each!

And if you sit in the middle, it is naturally right and wrong, because according to his estimation, after twelve hours, the first attack mode of the spirit beasts opposite is mainly giant rhinoceros, so he can take this opportunity to devour a large number of flames with Xuanhuo, and then directly put them in the range of 60 feet. In this way, unless it is those spirit beasts with fire attributes, or spirit beasts above level 8, they dare not step into this area at all.

Of course, Feng Ruo's most important mission is to deal with the eight-level spirit beasts that have quietly avoided the attack of the Jindan monks, because the damage caused by the eight-level spirit beasts is really terrible. As long as they are rushed to the front, almost no one can survive!

If there is no eight-level spirit beast, Fengruo can command in the center and quickly support the next two areas according to the situation!

In addition to the area in the middle, which is guarded by Feng Ruo alone, the area on the left is led by Lan Ling, with Tang Qing, Peng Yue and Luo Bi, supplemented by silver armor. If you add new monks, it should be enough support!

The area on the right is led by Lian Su, with He Jin. Although he lacks the support of silver armor, Lian Su's strength cannot be underestimated. In addition, with the assistance of the psychic sword weapon to the dream sword, it is also powerful enough, and He Jin's men also have a lot of good hands. If it is added The overall strength is even better!

After making these assignments, Feng Ruo naturally became the commander of everyone, because on this battlefield where life may be saved at any time, the most powerful people are the most vulnerable to support.

However, Feng Ruofu also guessed that the reason why Qu Yun had such a huge change was the rapid development of his strength. According to Tang Qing and others, Qu Yun inadvertently met a dying demon with strength at level 9 in the Cangwu world. The inner elixir of this nine-level fire demon was swallowed up by the flying And directly from level 5 to the peak level of level 7.

But Tang Qing and Peng Yue and others guessed that the nine-level Yanmo should have died with a Jindan master, and then was picked up by Qu Yun. The inner elixir of the nine-level Yanmo was swallowed up by the flying sky, and the skills, magic weapons, elixirs and other things in the hands of the Jindan

Otherwise, how to explain that Qu Yun can jump from the early stage of foundation building to the later stage of foundation building in just seven or eight years, and his strength is so strong that even some inner disciples are not opponents.

When he was in the Cangwu world, Qu Yun was still covering up, which was not very high-profile, but since he was besieged in the Purple Moon City, he seemed to have completely changed a person. Although he still took care of and protected Tang Qing and others, he no longer had the taste of mutual support in the past, but gradually turned into The protection!

To understand this, Feng Ruo can only sigh. No wonder that a person's strength has suddenly increased several times in a short period of time, which is like a rich man who suddenly dug a gold mine. If he does not have a well-balanced mentality, it is normal to change.

Spoil these distracting thoughts out of his mind. Feng Ruo gave it to Lan Ling, Lian Su and others ordered him to find a casual position on the wall and began to meditate and adjust. Now although there are more than 100 people around him, it will not affect his original goal too much. Training is still honing. .

In terms of swordsmanship, he should not only continue to be familiar with the nine palace flying star sword formula, but also practice the streamer and shadow sword formula. Although he has now entered the realm of selflessness, there are still many shortcomings.

In addition, the broken golden Liuyun Zhan Fengruo also intends to seize the time to understand it, because now his Aoki Liuyun Zhan is very effective in dealing with a large number of ordinary spirit beasts, but if you face the existence of eight-level spirit beasts, it will be a little useless. Relying on the Qingcheng sword alone is far

It can be said that half of the level eight night tiger was killed before because of luck. Feng Ruo didn't dare to bet all his life on this luck!

In the end, Feng Ruo must also perfect his set of wind armor, because he was disturbed by the group of people in the Flying Tiger Camp that day. He only had time to inlay the chaotic cloud wind armor, and the law used for defense did not have time to inlay it.

Of course, in fact, Feng Ruo also has time to inlay now, but the problem is that the soil attribute defense array he now mastered is only in the stage of the positive and negative nine-star array, which is the advanced level of the positive and negative mountain array!

But Feng Ruo wants to refine a wind armor to perfection, because the material of this wind armor is too rare for him. If it is just inlaid with a positive and negative nine-star array, it is inevitably useless!

Therefore, his goal is the third-order defense array that is the same as the chaos of clouds and winds - the four elephants return to the one-time method!

However, Feng Ruo is really a little helpless about the array of these four elephants, because all arrays above the third order are extremely scarce in the world of immortal cultivation, especially the most widely used arrays, which are very rare.

Like the formula of chaos and wind, it is lucky to get it in a special place like the ancient god forbidden place. If it is outside, there is no way for Ren Fengruo to show more benefits!

Because the formation formula above the third level is as important as the cultivation method of each sect. Without a certain identity, even if there is enough sect contribution, it can't be exchanged for it. As for going to major commercial firms to buy it, it is even more a fantasy!

This is why the five sects can always exist in an absolute dominant position in the world of immortal cultivation, not because of the high-level management of major sects, but because of all kinds of high-level mental methods, sword formulas, formations, prohibitions, alchemy skills, alchemy skills, etc., all the means of immortal cultivation are It has been spread from these famous schools.

In other words, although the source of the immortal world may not have originated from these immortal cultivation schools, now the large number of small and medium-sized sects and various immortal cultivation families in the immortal world have spread little by little from these immortal cultivation schools. This is why those small and medium-sized sects and immortal cultivation families and that The reason why there are few monks in some scattered cultivation, because in the allocation of resources for the cultivation of immortals, it is not at all compared with those schools of immortal cultivation!

For example, if you want to get the four elephants, you must meet three conditions. First, he must be the core disciple of Zhentian Sect; second, his sect's contribution must reach more than 2 million points, otherwise it can never be exchanged; third, it is also the most sleepy. The difficult thing is that his cultivation must reach the golden elixir period!

(Today is Friday, my God! I'm still dizzy!) RO