Wind control

Chapter 256 Why do you believe

"Friends, this is just a golden-winged demon bird that is still a minor. You and I will join hands to attack with all our strength!

I'm sure I can break this ban!"

At this moment, the mouse on the other side shouted with great hatred. Feng Ruo's previous counterattack completely disrupted their plan 1. Otherwise, with the strength of their six Jindan monks, no matter how strong Qing Lanxuan is, he can easily kill in a moment to complete this task, but now, Ning Zhongyue three people. It's just barely delaying Qing Lanxuan. The longer the time, the more variables there will be!

So Master Mouse and Zhou Yu almost chose to kill the trouble-orcetic Feng Ruo at the same time, and then tried their best to gather fire and kill Qing Lanxuan, but they didn't expect that at this moment, a golden-winged magic bird that was good at prohibition ran out!

At this time, when Shuo Mouse and Zhou Yu once again controlled their own flying swords and were ready to attack with all their strength, Feng Ruo's counterattack was quickly launched one step ahead of schedule!

The Aoki sword broke out in an instant, hovering above the heads of everyone, which is three huge cyan swords!

, "Haha! Feng Ruo, do you still have this trick? Don't resist, I'll give you a good time!" At this time, seeing the appearance of these three cyan swords, Zhou Yu's eyes flashed with a trace of disdain. How could he not be familiar with Feng Ruo's Aoki Liu Yunzhan?

In those years, Feng Ruo defeated the magnificent Qingtianyu, but that does not mean that it can pose a threat to Zhou Yu at this moment. In fact, Zhou Yu has long seen that although the superimposed sword spirit is powerful, the Aoki sword that releases the sword spirit is the only weakness. Now Feng Ruo's Qingcheng sword has been destroyed Aoki Sword is an unobstructed target at all!

"Jinghong Youlong! Destroy it!"

During the electric change of mind, Zhou Yu's meteor sword instantly changed direction and roared towards the Aoki sword in the sky with the huge sword light. Compared with the horrible sword light released by the meteor sword, the sword spirit of the Aoki sword is so pitiful and weak!

But at the next moment, the superimposed six sword spirit of the Aoki sword suddenly exploded in an instant with a low roar of Feng Ruo!

Although this explosion can't help Zhou Yu's meteor sword, it quickly drew his meteor sword 1

The offensive was a little slow!

And at this point of delay, Aoki Jian has turned his head towards Lanxuan in the distance, and Ning Zhongyue and others have retreated in the direction of the fierce battle. At the same time, Feng Ruo also instantly opened the wind armor, and at the same time, with the cloud boots, it is like a light smoke, retreating back!

For a moment, Master Rat's original flying sword was helpless, because although his original flying sword could catch up with Feng Ruo, the underage golden-winged magic bird kept releasing the defense for Feng Ruo. If Zhou Yu and his two's flying swords attacked at the same time, he might be able to break through this level of prohibition. But now Zhou Yu's meteor sword has been delayed by the strange attack of Feng Ruo. Although it is only for a while, the war situation has completely turned into a different appearance!

, "Su Yan! Hit down the sword first!"

At this time, seeing the direction grazed by Feng Ruo's Aoki Sword, Zhou Yu didn't care to chase and kill Feng Ruo, who fled to the distance, and hurriedly reminded Su Yan and the other three people who were fighting with Qing Lanxuan!

I have to say that Zhou Yu's vision is extremely vicious, and his consciousness and reaction ability on the battlefield are super-class. After a small loss of Feng Ruo's sword, he immediately realized that this is definitely a magic power that is likely to turn the war around, because under the self-explosion of the six swords just now. If his meteor sword is like his meteor sword, the offensive is delayed. It can be imagined that if Ning Zhongyue, Su Yan and others are being exploded in the battle, the consequences are really unimaginable!

But Su Yan didn't care about Zhou Yu's reminder at all. To be precise, she didn't have extra energy to care at all!

Originally, Su Yan and the other two were still very confident to Qing Lanxuan. After all, Qing Lanjing was just a monk in the early days of Jindan. No matter how strong they were, could they beat the three of them?

But as soon as they fought, they found that it was definitely a big mistake. From the formal fight to now, it was only more than a dozen breaths, but the Qinglanxuan actually suppressed them to death. If they hadn't known that the consequences of this matter were too serious, there would be no possibility of compromise, so that they would have used all over Solve the number, attack desperately, I'm afraid that they will be besieged by the woman on the opposite side. At that time, even if they kill Feng Ruo, it won't help!

So in this case, how could Ning Zhongyue and Su Yan be willing to separate their minds to deal with a sword weapon? In their opinion, with the defense shields and various defense weapons on their bodies, even if they are hit by the sword weapon with all their strength? It's irrelevant at all!

And it was precisely because of the neglect of Ning Zhongyue and Su Yan, Feng Ruo's Aoki sword approached quickly while quickly superimposing the sword spirit. After flying to the top of the battle between Ning Zhongyue and others and the flying sword of Qing Lanxuan, the Aoki sword has been superimposed to twelve swords!


Feng Ruo's shout suddenly sounded like thunder at this moment. Although there was only one word, Qing Lanxuan immediately understood that the sword formula flew around, and her original flying sword immediately swirled back and retreated!

Seeing that Qing Lanxuan's flying sword retreated, resulting in the opening of the empty door, Ning Zhongyue and the other three were overjoyed. They were just about to urge their respective flying swords to chase, and the twelve swords originally above exploded in an instant!

With this huge explosion, a circle of avalanche-like dazzling white light spread in all directions with the Aoki sword as the center. Where it passed, it seemed that even time had stagnated. As for Ning Zhongyue, the three of them just felt that their own flying sword was crushed by a boulder of tens of thousands of catties in an In the mud, not to mention full-speed pursuit, even the most basic balance is difficult to master!

Although this strange situation only lasted less than a blink of an eye, this time is enough for the battle of masters!

There is no need to remind Feng Ruo at all. Qing Lanxuan's flying sword roared again and swept back with the huge sky-blue sword light! Directly sweep the original flying sword of Ning Zhongyue three people hundreds of feet away!

However, Ning Zhongyue and the other three also left. At this critical moment, they did not choose to retreat, but hit more than 20 top-grade spiritual charms at the flying sword of Qinglanxuan in front of them. For a moment, the space with a radius of hundreds of feet kept roaring and turbulence!

In this case, even with the strength of Qing Lanxuan, if you dare to rush over with your own flying sword, you will suffer some damage. Especially at this time, the mouse and Zhou Yu on the other side have rushed over quickly. If you don't retreat at this time, you will be surrounded by them back and forth. If you add the ten who have The five monks in the later stage of building the foundation, Feng Ruo and the two of them have little chance of winning at all!

"Let's go! Go to the direction of Deadwood Sea!"

Although there was no flying sword, so his strength was greatly reduced, Feng Ruo's grasp of the battle was extremely keen. After taking back the Aoki sword, he quickly rushed to Qinglanxuan and shouted in a low voice.

"No way! There are more than 20 disciples in front of me. I can't leave them alone. I'll let Jifeng take you away first!" Qing Lanxuan categorically refused, and then withdrew his flying sword, grabbed Feng Ruo, and roared forward just as the flying sword of Zhou Yu and others came!

, "It's too late! This is not. An accident, this is a long-planned conspiracy. You can only see their bodies in the past now! Turn around to the direction of the Dead Wood Sea immediately!"

Feng Ruo almost roared. He was sure that if he killed Qing Lanxuan, how could the messenger behind the scenes only send Zhou Yu and Shuo Shu? There would definitely be killer copper. At the critical moment, even on the way to Wanxian City, Zhentianzong, and in all directions, he would lay a trap. Qing Lanxuan can I escaped an ambush, but I definitely escaped the second time, the third time!

Only go to the direction of Deadwood Sea, that direction is far away from Wanxian City, far away from Zhentianzong, and far away from the western Qin region, so there should be no ambush!

"Why should I trust you?" In the face of Feng Ruo's roar, Qing Lanxuan just asked calmly, and then looked over without blinking. Her expression was very calm and indescribable calm, but in the clear eyes like autumn water, there was a kind of sadness and despair that made people feel distressed!

In the roaring sky, there are pursuers after this, and there is a life-and-death moment of ambush in front of it. This scene shocked Feng Ruo. Even the ten meteor swords of Zhou Yu are definitely not comparable.

, "I like you, so please believe me!" Feng Ruo couldn't help but say that at this moment, he didn't know what to do.


For a moment, Qing Lanxuan's whole body and the heartbreaking eyes seemed to be frozen. It was not until she turned her delicate face carved like jade that she said hoarsely, "I believe you!"

At the same time, in the invisible direction of Feng Ruo, a tear slipped silently and quickly disappeared in the oncoming wind!

At this time, as Qing Lanxuan turned the sword light and flew towards the sea of dead wood, in the distance, more than a dozen sword lights came out quickly and chased up angrily. There is no doubt that if Qing Lanxuan insists on rescuing the remaining disciples of the Nine Shrine, he will definitely crash into the encirclement at once. Under the front and back attacks, no matter how great their magical power is, they will definitely die!

However, those low-level disciples of the Nine Gods Palace are afraid that they have already fallen, so Feng Ruo can fully feel the sadness and anger from the bottom of Qinglanxuan's heart.

, "I promise you that one day, I will let these people, as well as the mastermind behind this matter, pay with blood!"

Feng Ruo solemnly promised.