Wind control

Chapter 269 Nanfeng Island

His expression moved slightly, but Feng Ruo didn't care about that much, so he went straight to the other end of the island at a uniform speed. Of course, he didn't want to take advantage of the fire, but because it was too rare to meet a golden elixir monk in this vast sea. Anyway, he had to ask if the other party The location of the city, although it is very likely that the other party knows nothing about it!

Feng Ruo just stopped three hundred feet away from the monk, and then aimed at the monk who was shrouded in light cyan armor all over his body. He could not see whether it was a man or a woman arched his hand, and asked directly, "I'm sorry to disturb you, in Mu'an in the south of Xiayan. I want to Put it? If you can tell me, I would like to exchange some rare materials!"

At this time, I saw that Feng Ruo's behavior had no other intention, and his words were also extremely sincere. The vigilance of the monk who was not slightly injured gradually put down. After a moment of meditation, he said in a hoarse voice, "Do you want to go to the endless city? Please forgive me for saying that in the immortal world, the monks who want to go to the endless city every year are like crucian carp crossing the river, countless, but in the end, there are few people who are qualified to find the endless city, so instead of trying their luck like looking for a needle in the vast sea, it's better to find another way out

"Oh? Looking for another way out? What did the Taoist friend say? Feng Ruo was stunned, but he didn't expect that this endless city would become so difficult to enter now. If that's the case, he would not have the patience to try his luck like this. In case he met a high-level sea beast like the double-headed python just now, but he couldn't eat it.

"Hey! It's very simple. If you can't go to the endless city, you can go to Nanfeng Island. The rules there are similar to the endless city. Although it is not as magical as the endless city, the advantage is that there is a temporary supply place. If you are interested in it, just wait for your injury to recover, and you can take your Taoist friends " The man said again at this time.

"Nanfeng Island? Is it also in this endless sea? Feng Ruo hesitated for a moment, but his heart was very moved, because if a Jindan master like him did not meet some high-level sea beast, or he could drift freely in the vast sea for three or five years without any problem, but if he encountered any danger, under a fierce battle, It is bound to need to be replenished, which is why he has to work hard to find an endless city.

Because if you want to hunt more advanced spirit beasts, you need to go deep into the endless sea for more than 100,000 miles. If you return to land every time, it will inevitably be a little too troublesome, and there may be some unnecessary branches. Therefore, a stronghold for midway supply is undoubtedly the most desired of all monks.

"Of course, this Nanfeng Island is 14,000 miles away from here, 140,000 miles away from the Diewu Mountains, which is within a radius of nearly a million miles. In addition to the mysterious and endless city, the largest supply base, on Nanfeng Island, as long as you have goods in your hand, you can definitely exchange for any rare things, and In addition, it is said that the owner of Nanfeng Island is the extremely secret Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce, so you can rest assured!"

"The Hermit Chamber of Commerce?" Hearing this, Feng Ruo understood that he had naturally seen the strength of the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce with his own eyes, so he hesitated for a moment and nodded and said, "In that case, thank you very much, Taoist. I don't know what to call you?"

"Hehe! You are welcome. Xie Yuan in the Lingnan region! In the situation just now, Taoist friends must have also seen that the overall strength of the spirit beasts in the endless sea is extremely strong because they occupy the advantage of the right time and place. We are hunting them, and they are also hunting us. Therefore, the power of a single person is not good at all. If you don't give up, you might as well join As the monk said, he actually pulled up Feng Ruo.

"We?" Feng Ruo was stunned, because he just saw that Xie Yuan and the three of them had escaped separately.

"Hey! Mu Daoyou may have misunderstood. We are a hunting team. The reason why we fled just now is to distract the pair of sea pythons. It won't take long for the other two Taoist friends to meet us here!" Xie Yuan explained casually, and after hearing his explanation, Feng Ruo understood that no wonder Xie Yuan dared to stay on this island with serious injuries. It turned out that this was their ** place, and he was not afraid of Feng Ruo's other thoughts at all.

Feng Ruo did not immediately agree. After a few more words with Xie Yuan, he continued to withdraw back 200 feet, meditated cross-legged and waited patiently. Sure enough, the time was not big, and the two monks who had fled by the road before also returned to the island one after another.

However, Feng Ruo found that Xie Yuan and his two companions did not trust each other very much. After greeting each other and introducing Feng Ruo, they retreated aside and meditated and adjusted their breath.

Among these two monks, one of the monks named Jia Wu should be regarded as their nominal leader, because he had said that he had cooperated with Feng Ruo's suggestion before, while the other monk was a petite woman with always been very cold-eyed, and even disdained Xie Yuan's introduction to Feng Ruo. But her strength is very strong, and she is also one of the two people who have their own flying sword among Jia Wu and Xie Yuan!

In addition, about the previous two monks who were buried in the double-headed python, whether it was Jia Wu or Xie Yuan, they didn't say a word. Obviously, they were used to this kind of life and death!

After an hour, Jia Wu and Xie Yuan hurriedly stopped meditating and adjusting their breath, and then took Feng Ruo to Nanfeng Island tens of thousands of miles away.

However, at such a long distance, if you use the wind armor, the consumption of mana is really unbearable, and it is too obvious, so Feng Ruo has to take out a five-grade sword weapon harvested from cleaning the battlefield in the five elements before to fly with the sword. The speed is naturally greatly reduced. Fortunately, Xie Yuan All three of them were seriously injured, and Xie Yuan also controlled a five-pin sword, so Feng Ruo can barely keep up!

Along the way, Jia Wu and the other three were all alert. It was not until they flew more than 10,000 miles away that they relaxed somewhat. At this time, Jia Wu and Xie Yuan also began to explain some specific situations about Nanfeng Island to Feng Ruo.

According to the two people, the area of Nanfeng Island is not very large, and the radius is about a hundred miles. There is a very weak spiritual vein on the island. Usually, hundreds of years ago, only some low-strength monks regarded this place as a resting place.

But later, the endless city somehow moved to other places, and the law order was also modified, which did not allow too many monks to enter. In this way, there were more and more monks who settled on Nanfeng Island. Finally, due to the entry of the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce, it was finally desolate. The island has officially become a stronghold for monks.

Now, there are nearly 1,000 permanent monks on Nanfeng Island, of which there are dozens of Jindan monks alone, not to mention those who occasionally pass by Jindan monks.

Under normal circumstances, the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce will integrate these monks and go out to hunt high-level spiritual beasts, but the monks below the Jindan period dare not go too deep into the endless sea. They basically go to the nearby sea to collect all kinds of rare minerals, and then sell them to the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce in exchange for the items .

"Jia Daoyou, I heard a few months ago that the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce had hunted a nine-level turnaround. I won't say that there is your credit among them, right?"

After listening to the introduction of Jia Wu and the two, Feng Ruo suddenly asked sideways, because the reason why Zhou Yu and others were going to rob that day was the nine-level overturning Tianao. If this matter was just a cover, then the nine-level overturning Tian'ao did not exist at all, then it was basically certain that It's about the Chamber of Commerce!

"Nine-level turn over the sky? Ha! Not bad! That thing was indeed caught in the sea near Nanfeng Island. For the sake of this big guy, the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce can move out two middle-term masters of Jindan, 18 good hands in the early stage of Jindan, and it took nine days and nine nights to catch the nine-level. Unfortunately, we can't afford this kind of treasure. Yes, I can't afford to hunt!" Jiawu had no doubt about him, and he was extremely envious.

"Hey! Indeed, the sea creatures in this endless sea are really difficult to deal with!" Feng Ruo also smiled. Since this nine-level reversal is indeed true, the suspicion of the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce has been reduced a lot, but what Zhou Yu said on that day, 'he already knew that this was a conspiracy' and what it meant? Could it be that he also participated in the planning of this matter? Or are you forced to be helpless?

sighed secretly, and Feng Ruo quickly cleared these distractions out of his mind. The most important thing for him now is to find a way to refine a flying sword for himself, so that he can continue to go deep into the endless sea, because he is not sure that in the sea near Nanfeng Island, the Qingqiu people can't be locked. Set him? Once his utilization value is reduced, Qingli will never let him go to the past at will.

Although this matter is his own guess and imagination from beginning to end, he must not wait for it, so he must be fully prepared in advance.

"Ha! Mu Daoyou, welcome to Nanfeng Island. Xie Daoyou and Qin Daoyou are going to heal their wounds. Why don't I take you to familiarize yourself with the situation here? At this time, when Feng Ruo and the four people finally flew to the top of Nanfeng Island, Na Jiawu said enthusiastically.

"Hehe! Well, then it's troublesome for Jia Daoyou!" Feng Ruo originally wanted to refuse, because the whole Nanfeng Island was too small. Except for a stone town in the middle of the island, there were no extra buildings. It looked extremely desolate. Do you still need someone else to familiarize yourself with such a place?

However, Feng Ruo also knows that the reason why Jia Wu is so enthusiastic is that he wants to attract him to join their hunting team. In other cases, Feng Ruo must not want to think about it and will refuse, but now he is originally trying to hide, so naturally he doesn't want to make people too much. Note that joining a hunting team will undoubtedly make him less eye-catching!