Wind control

Chapter 284 Attack

For the situation outside, Feng Ruo can't understand it at all. Previously, Qingyou just grabbed his Xuanhuo split in his hand, and he could still see and hear the scene and sound outside, but later Qingyou sealed his Xuanhuo split in a strange way, so for the situation outside He is completely unknown.

However, with Feng Ruo's continuous cultivation of the soul, Qingyou's original confinement on his soul is no longer as strong as before, and he even has a certain confidence to break away this kind of confinement.

However, Feng Ruo dares not take such a risk, because the soul of the Qingqiu man is also extremely powerful. Once he makes a mistake, waiting for him will be doomed.

So, he has to wait, waiting for the best opportunity and the only opportunity, because he has no right to make a comeback after failure!

And in this long waiting, the opportunity that Feng Ruo longed for finally came, that is, the power originally used to imprison his soul fluctuated extremely violently in an instant, so that it almost caused this kind of confinement to be completely broken!

At this moment, Feng Ruo seemed to hear the sound of the sword roaring, although the next moment he returned to the imprisoned darkness again.

Almost between the change of thoughts, Feng Ruo has already calculated several situations that are likely to occur outside.

The first situation is that the reinforcements of the Qingqiu people arrived and completely defeated the obstruction of the endless city. At this moment, they are trying their best to crack the seal of the platform. To crack the seal of this platform may require the use of the powerful soul power of the Qingqiu people, so there will be the violent fluctuation just now!

And the second situation is that although the reinforcements of the Qingqiu people have arrived, the strength of the endless city is stronger, so now they completely have the upper hand, so that the Qingqiu people have to choose to join the battle.

As for the third situation, it is also the worst situation. "That is, the platform seal in the earth fire is completely cracked, and the Jinsha demon dragon inside is released. In the face of that powerful existence, those monks who participate in the release are probably ant-like existence." It is estimated that only the Qingqiu people can do it with the Jin Communication, and this is bound to use her powerful soul power!

In these three cases, the most beneficial to Feng Ruo is of course the second, the second, the third, the first is simply seeking to die, but one of these three situations is exactly the same, that is, Feng Ruo can take this opportunity to completely break through the power that imprisons his soul, and then learn the latest situation outside in an instant !

It's just that it's like a big gamble. If the bet is right, he can live. If the bet is wrong, he will never have a chance again!

At this time, when Feng Ruo was hesitating, the power of his soul, which was imprisoned, had a violent fluctuation again. Although he failed to let Feng Ruo hear the situation outside this time, one thing made him feel a little [excited], because he could be sure that the Qingqiu people were trying their best to transfer all The power of the soul is sitting on something, so even the power of the soul that imprisoned him has been adjusted a little!

How could Feng Ruo miss such a good opportunity? He didn't know what was going on outside. All he knew was that he must have been sealed in the soul of the Qingqiu people now. If he rushed out to make trouble at this critical moment, he would definitely make the Qingqiu people confused, and even cause some irreversible consequences!

What is unfavorable to the enemy is to benefit yourself!

"Damn, fight!"

Roared in the bottom of his heart, Feng Ruo immediately mobilized all the souls he had been hiding,

Power, like a sharp sword, rushes directly to the barrier that I don't know how long it has been imprisoned!

There is no suspense. This barrier was completely torn like a thin layer of paper. At this time, Feng Ruo was surprised to realize that in the past period of cultivation for a long time, his soul power has been so powerful to such a strange level!

You should know that this barrier suppressed all the souls of Feng Ruo honestly and could not move. Although the Qingqiu Renyue had just pumped some soul power out, the overall calculation was also very powerful, far from the original Feng Ruo could rush out!

And now, he can do this so easily. How can he not be surprised?

However, at this moment, he is more surprised and shocked than Feng Ruo, and even panicked. It's still Qingyou! Because she never thought that Feng Ruo, who was not even an ant in her eyes, could break through the imprisonment she laid? In particular, this bed bug-like guy has far more soul power than before at this moment!

If this is in other circumstances, no matter how strong the power of Feng Ruo's soul becomes, Qingyou will not pay attention to it, because this ant has been sealed by her in her soul. Even if she can break the confinement, can still turn over the sky?

But the problem is that now is definitely the most critical moment. In order to spread the news of the discovery of the Jinsha demon dragon here, Qingyou even did not hesitate to sacrifice Xue Gujue, Yu Xu's two powerful help, so as to elevate the power of the soul to the strongest to perform that amazing secret skill!

Originally, the stormy attack of the white-dressed city owner and others outside had made her a little untenable. She was almost consuming her own origin to forcibly urge the secret technique!

But what she never expected was that the little ant, which had been ignored by her, jumped out at this critical moment, and the power of the soul inexplicably increased by several times! How can this not make her depressed and vomit blood?

At this time, she really regretted it. She had been ignoring the situation of the middle ant before. If she had known this, why didn't she simply swallow up the soul of the little ant?

But it's too late to regret at this time!

"Feng Ruo! What do you want to do? Stop immediately, I can let you go, otherwise I don't mind killing you immediately and destroying you invisibly!" At this moment, Qingyou threatened angrily. Now she would rather let Feng Ruo escape every day than make trouble in her soul! And she is also fully sure that Feng Ruo will not refuse!

After all, Feng Ruo has always been imprisoned by her, and he has never understood the situation of the outside world. Under the ** of returning him [from], no one can refuse, and as long as Feng Ruo automatically leaves her soul,

Deep, if you want to rush in again, don't think about it!

"Good! Is this true?" Feng Ruo seemed to respond in surprise.

"Of course, I, Qingqiu people, will practice what I say!"

"Haha! OK!" Feng Ruo smiled wildly, and all the soul power turned into a lightning-like landmark gun in an instant, directly to the place where the core soul power of Qingyou condensed!