Wind control

Chapter 286 Magic Fire

This self-explosion appeared so suddenly. Fortunately, the owner of the city in white and others had been on guard for a long time and avoided it in time, otherwise, even with their strong strength, if they were touched by a little magic fire, I'm afraid it would be a big trouble.

"City lord, is the Qingqiu demon dead? It's not her conspiracy again, is it?"

Looking at the large and strange black flame, one of the monks couldn't help asking with some doubt, because the short scene just now was really strange. It seemed that something had happened in the dark. Originally, the green self-explosion should not be so simple, and the power would not be so small, but for some reason, It's like being interrupted halfway.

"I think the Qingqiu demon man should indeed be dead. The reason why they can be immortal in most cases is to rely entirely on the demon fire that imprisoned their souls, but now the demon fire has been broken by us. Coupled with her self-detonation, it can no longer form a demon fire to imprison her. If she loses this kind of confinement, her soul will die immediately. However, I'm surprised, what force interrupted her self-explosion?

The owner of the city in white shook his head with a faint expression, but the beautiful eyes stared at the spreading demon fire in the distance. After a long time, she whispered, "Reseal this place!" This matter is not allowed to be known by anyone other than everyone present, otherwise, it will definitely bring disaster to my endless city!"

After saying this, the owner of the city in white glanced at the magic fire with some doubt, and then turned around and left with everyone.


Spring comes and goes, decades have passed in a blink of an eye.

But in the depths of the fire, it is the same as before, and there is no change. The magic fire generated by the self-detonation on the day of Qingyou still covers the hundreds of square feet. These scattered magic fires have not spread even a little range from beginning to end. From afar, it seems to be completely different from the surrounding The world.

However, if a monk can enter the depths of the fire, he will naturally be surprised to find that the whole vast and boundless fire is shrouded in a layer of black gas that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

This is the characteristic of the magic fire. As a completely immortal existence in the immortal world, almost all flames must submit to it!

If it hadn't been for the seal at the entrance of the fire before the white city owner and others left decades ago, with the hegemony and weirdness of the demon fire, I don't know how many sea spirit beasts passing nearby would have died strangely!

Of course, in a sense, this is also what the white city owner and others are happy to see. After all, the golden demon dragon is sealed in the fire, so the more dangerous the surrounding environment, the better.

At this moment, in the completely black magic fire, a small group of black flames that suddenly looked very unusual flashed out.

This small flame is only the size of a fist. If it is not completely black, it will not be very conspicuous at all.

It's just that the flame looked a little chaotic, suddenly flying to the east, suddenly to the west, as if something was struggling in it, and as if it was completely drunk and crooked.

"Tut-t! I didn't expect that the demon fire was so horrible that I almost turned myself into the second Qingqiu man. Fortunately, I was lucky and finally escaped! Ha!"

While struggling to control his Xuanhuo split, Feng Ruo laughed in his heart and said that this time he was really reborn after the disaster. As long as he thought about the difficult struggle he had experienced in the past decades, he couldn't help sighing.

It turned out that on that day, although Feng Ruo fought back with all his strength at the moment of Qingyou's self-explosion, which eventually led to the loss of Qingyou's self-explosion, his own soul also suffered heavy losses. As a result, he was entangled in a small mass of magic fire, which lasted for

If it hadn't been for his Xuanhuo split as a buffer, if it hadn't been for the remaining soul power of the Qingyou's self-exploding, he would have been absorbed by him, so that he could resist the erosion of the magic fire as much as possible. Maybe he would have been completely imprisoned by the power of the magic fire Monster!

Because one of the most sinister characteristics of the magic fire is to devour the soul unconsciously. At the beginning, the ancient god used this characteristic to punish the Qingqiu people, and the so-called soul-eating magic power of the Qingqiu people are actually the characteristics of the magic fire.

It was precisely because he was entangled in the magic fire that it took Feng Ruo decades to barely break free. Of course, the price is that his Xuanhuo split has been completely assimilated by the magic fire!

In other words, before Feng Ruo finds the right control method, he can no longer fully exert the power of the Xuanhuo split as before, because it will cause him to be accidentally entangled in the magic fire inside!

That's why Feng Ruo's Xuanhuo split now looks drunk and crooked. The reason is that Feng Ruo dares not to control it carefully and can only reluctantly make some basic instructions.

Of course, except for this kind of thing that makes him extremely depressed, Feng Ruo is not without harvest. In fact, he fought a life-and-death battle with Qingyou this time, and fought against the magic fire around him for decades. It is not too much to describe all the gains!

First of all, the biggest gain is that he regained his freedom, and finally he does not have to be bound by the Qingli, because with the complete death of the Qingli, it means that Qingli will no longer be able to lock his exact position unless he meets himself again. After all, it feels very bad to be watched all the time. Receive!

Secondly, although his soul was severely damaged by Qingyou's self-explosion, at the same time, he also devoured and fused a large number of remaining soul power that originally belonged to Qingyou. In the past few decades, it was precisely because of these soul forces that he finally condensed a soul rune for himself!

Although this rune is far from the standard described by the old man Jiujue, or even to the extent of Xue Gujue, it is equivalent to making Feng Ruo completely step into a new world.

It can be said that it is precisely because of such a soul rune that Feng Ruo dares to control the Xuanhuo split that has been completely assimilated by the fire of the demon at this moment. Although his soul rune is not qualified, after all, it is already a semi-entity, and its defense has been more than ten times higher

As for the third great harvest of Feng Ruo, of course, it belongs to the platform in the fire, because he saw it clearly on that day. This platform is built on a real mending stone vein!

What's even more wonderful is that there is no one else here except himself!