Wind control

Chapter 294 Seeding melons

"As for the management of our endless city, although it has always been the position of inheriting the city owner of the Ouyang clan, in addition to the city owner, there are nine elders. If anything big happens, it will be decided by the city owner and the nine elders together. Under the nine elders, there are also 18 island owners. Usually, endless The affairs of the city are the responsibility of these 18 island owners, and the city owners and elders will not intervene at all. Ouyang Yue, as you have seen before, is one of the 18 island owners, so be careful!"

Xia Zhi continued to introduce lightly.

"Hey, what should I be careful about? Does she dare to eat me?" Feng Ruo curled his lips, and then asked with great interest, "Miss Xia Zhi, you should be one of these eighteen island owners, right?"

"Well, that's right. I'm the 17th-ranked island owner, and I'm responsible for the vigilance of the whole endless city. If you're interested, you can come to me. How about that?" Xia Zhi glanced at Feng Ruo and said with a slight smile.

"Well, this, let's talk about it later. I need a long time to heal my wounds now.

" Hearing Xia Zhi's invitation, Feng Ruo quickly shook his head and declined. Now he really has no time to waste it. He is not only busy refining his own flying sword, but also has to seize the time to practice. You know, since he officially advanced to the golden elixir period, he has not had a chance to retreat and practice!

"It's okay, you're new here and you're not very familiar with everything. Let's talk about it later!" Xia Zhi didn't care much, so she continued to introduce to Feng Ruo: "Our endless city is built in the deep-sea coral dark castle. It took thousands of years to get today's scale, and it is extremely hidden. Even if you pass by nearby, you can't get in. In fact, even if it's us, all the entrances and Send the array to do it. In this way, even if any specious monks take the outer transmission array, they will also return in no success!"

"And now, unless it has been strictly reviewed by us. And foreign monks who have passed various assessments can enter our endless city. In other words, if it hadn't been for the recommendation of Qingyun, you would have really spent a hundred years in the deep-sea dungeon!"

"Deep sea dungeon, is it under the endless city?" Hearing Xia Zhi's words here, Feng Ruo couldn't help asking. He had stayed at the entrance of the deep-sea dungeon for a moment before and found that it was really strange, because there was no sea water there, just an endless dark space.

"Well, you're right. The deep-sea dungeon is indeed under the endless city, which is said to be the sea eye to the endless sea, but that's just a legend, because since the endless city was built, no monk has been able to find out how big it is. Where does it lead to? So under normal circumstances, it is used as a dungeon, because as long as the exit is guarded, no one can escape, and the depths of the deep-sea dungeon are very dangerous. For us, it is a forbidden place.

Xia Zhi seems to be unwilling to talk more about the topic of deep-sea dungeons. After a few simple introductions, she turned to other aspects. "There are about 300,000 people in the endless city now. Except for a few outsiders, most of them have lived in this endless city from generation to generation, so they have always been very united. If you choose to join our endless city in the future, you'd better not be too alone, because it will be very bad for you. Of course, I'm just saying. Don't be too alone. I mean it!"

Speaking of this, Xia Zhi smiled and continued, "The whole endless city is a twisted semicircle, a little narrow, about 500 miles from south to north, and the narrowest place is only more than 20 miles from east to west. Generally speaking, the endless city can be divided into three Part!"

"The first part is the Yiyan Mountain area in the middle of the endless city, which is also the place where the city owner and the nine elders live and practice daily. The second part is the northern part of the endless city, where there are three spiritual veins, so it has become the place where most people live, and the courtyard arranged for you is also there."

"As for the third part, it is naturally the southern part of the endless city, which is the most prosperous place in the whole endless city. If you want to buy any materials for immortal cultivation or sell anything, just come here."

"Finally, I would like to give you a piece of advice. If you want to go out to hunt, you'd better follow some hunting teams. The sea beasts in the endless sea are not comparable to land spirit beasts. With the advantage of the right time and place, it can't be killed by personal strength alone."

Hearing Xia Zhi's advice, Feng Ruo also nodded solemnly. He had a deep understanding of this point. In those years, the six monks in the early days of their golden elixirs joined hands to attack an eight-level double-headed sea python, but in the end they were killed. The terrible strength of the double-headed sea python I have a lingering fear of coming here.

After Xia Zhi walked around the whole endless city, it was already three hours later. At this time, even Feng Ruo felt sorry for himself. Xia Zhi was at least an island owner. Such kindness is no longer a polite thing!

So when the final parting, Xia Zhi once again gently proposed that Feng Ruo should go to her place. Naturally, Feng Ruo could not refuse, so he had to promise to wait for a period of time to go after his so-called injury healed.

"Alas! Why do I feel like I fell into a trap?

Standing outside his yard, he saw Xia Zhi's figure gradually disappear in the distance. Feng Ruo couldn't help thinking about it with some worry, but just thinking about it. At least Xia Zhi looked very talkative, unlike Ouyang Yue. If he cooperated with her, he would be angry to death!

"Hey! Anyway, I finally got a stable place to practice for the time being!"

He stretched out for a long time and squinted at the big fireball hanging in the west, which was similar to the sunset. It was the heavenly beads refined by the ancestors of the Endless City with great magic, which can be used not only for lighting, but also as the defensive eye of the whole Endless City.

According to Xia Zhi, in addition to this pearl of the sun, there are two moon beads and one hundred and one hundred thousand star beads on the sky. At night, when the pearl disappears, you will see the twin moon competing for glory, the stars are bright, and what's more amazing is that there will be exchanges in spring, summer, autumn and winter in The wonders are not boring at all.

Returning to his courtyard, Feng Ruo couldn't help sighing again. It seemed that the face of the old man Qingyun was still very useful. For example, although his courtyard was not as good as the place where those city owners, elders and cave owners lived, it was still second to none compared with other endless cities.

First of all, this courtyard is located on the largest spiritual vein of the endless city. From the perspective of Feng Ruo's formation, this location is definitely the best place to practice except for the Yiyan Mountain area. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as occupying the right time and place!

Moreover, this courtyard covers an extremely large area. I'm afraid it has a radius of at least 2,000 feet. It is simply a luxurious garden. There is no shortage of pavilions, small bridges and pavilions, strange grass. If you add the mirror-like lake in the northwest corner of the courtyard, it is simply like a fairyland.

If these are just pleasing to the eyes, then the 18 thousand-year-old spiritual trees next to the small lake make Feng Ruo overjoyed!

He really didn't expect that this endless city is really rich. There are more than 18 spiritual trees for more than a thousand years in such a courtyard. It's really hard to imagine. You know, even the mountain gate of Zhentianzong is not so exaggerated! Because the more spiritual wood is for more than a thousand years, the easier it will be to attract innate wood evil, and sometimes it will automatically form innate wood evil!

According to the current situation, the endless city should have some way to avoid innate evil.

However, if Feng can't control so much, he first quickly opened the defense array of the whole huge courtyard, and then rushed to the edge of the small lake, and entered a little innate wood evil into the eighteen thousand-year-old spiritual trees one by one!

This innate Mu Sha is already the last inventory in Feng Ruo's body. The innate Mu Sha accumulated in his [body] before has been absorbed by the small blue tower, so that now he can't even use the Aoki Liuyunzhan and the Muling killing array.

Originally, he thought he had to return to the sea of dead wood to continue to supplement the congenital wood, but now it seems that there is no need to do so!

After injecting the innate wood evil into these eighteen thousand-year-old spirit trees, Feng Ruo raised his legs and waited with a smile on his face, because according to his past experience, once the congenital wood evil enters the interior of the spiritual wood, it will be quickly swallowed up, and then it will gradually become more, when the aura in the spirit After it is empty, there will be a large number of congenital wooden evils. In this way, the congenital wooden evil crisis of Feng Ruo will naturally be solved!

Of course, this kind of thing can't be known to the people of the endless city, otherwise even if he has the face of Qingyun, it is estimated that he will have to be black and blue!

As Feng Ruo expected, it was only more than an hour. The leaves of the eighteen thousand-year-old spiritual trees, which were originally vibrant and could always emit a large amount of pure aura, began to wither quickly.

Falling down, I'm so old that I'm in a mess. If other monks see this scene, I'm afraid I have to be heartbroken to death!

In the same way, Feng Ruo also stared nervously. It was not until the eighteen spiritual trees finally became bare, dry and wrinkled that he rushed up as if he had seen extremely delicious food!

"Wow, haha! I really made a lot of money this time! It's just a little innate wooden evil, and so much can be derived in three hours!" He casually put his hand on a dead thousand-year-old spirit tree, and Feng Ruo immediately couldn't help cheering, because only the interior of this dead thousand-year-old spirit tree is enough to replenish about 20% of the congenital wood that he lacks in his [body]. In other words, he can't hold the congenital wood inside the 18 thousand-

"Tut-tut! What a bumper harvest!"