Wind control

Chapter 299 Flying Sword Embryo

After adjusting the interest rate for more than ten hours, Feng Ruo's state has completely recovered. As soon as he opened his mouth and spit out, he released his golden elixir. Now the nine pieces of obsidian have been refined to the extreme and have long changed into a silver ball the size of a nail.

At this moment, after bringing them out with elixir fire, he began to take out various materials from the storage belt and add them, such as Jingxuan iron and pyrolite, which are only auxiliary materials, because the number of these materials is relatively small, and their properties are different. If they are put into the elixir fire alone, it is very It is easy to be quickly swallowed up by the elixir fire, so the nine pieces of quenched obsidian must be used as a carrier!

In fact, this is also the embryo of the flying sword!

Wait until Feng Ruo added some auxiliary materials that had been painstakingly collected and purchased in the past period of time, he quickly pinched the formula and placed the nine obsidian floating in the Danhuo as a carrier into the shape of a flying sword.

At this moment, Feng Ruo increased the intensity of the elixir fire, but on the other hand, he quickly took out the nine-level inner elixir. The inner elixir completely showed the brilliance of water blue, but as soon as it was taken out, the whole quiet room was instantly full of extremely pure water attribute aura, and At this moment, it seems that this place has turned into a shining sea!

"The inner elixir of the nine-level spirit beast is really not the same!"

Although it is not the first time to see this Fantian Ao Neidan, Feng Ruo is still shocked and emotional, because this is the embodiment of powerful power. Compared with this Fantian Ao Neidan, his Jindan is at least ten times inferior in overall strength!

According to the normal situation, this nine-level Tianao is completely comparable to the master of the middle period of Jindan. If you take advantage of the advantages of the right time and place, you can even compete with the monks of the later stage of Jindan!

In other words, Feng Ruo did not have a chance to get this thing. Even if Ouyang Yue, Xia Zhi and others in the endless city want to get the inner elixir of the nine-level spirit beast, I'm afraid it will cost a huge price!

In particular, this is still a nine-level turning Tianao. Although Feng Ruo has never seen the nine-level turning Tianao's body, he can also guess that this guy should be regarded as a completely alienated spirit beast, and his talent should be extremely strong!

Moreover, on that day, this overturned Ao Neidan is a tribute to some mysterious big man that the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce is going to give, from which you can know its preciousness!

It is also because he got this nine-level inner elixir that Feng Ruo changed the refining plan and characterized his own flying sword as a water attribute!

At this time, after carefully observing the nine-level Tian'ao inner elixir, Feng Ruo carefully sent it into his own elixir with magic power!

It was only at this moment that the water-blue light on the sky-turning Ao Neidan became violent, just like the huge sea directly submerged everything around from top to bottom!

And in Feng Ruo's consciousness, he also suffered this powerful impact!


It's not good to scream secretly. Feng Ruo tried his best to suppress it with all his mana, while manipulating the power of the soul to counterattack. He really didn't expect that the power of this overturning Ao Neidan was so strong! It's so strong under unconscious control. It's hard to imagine how horrible the overall strength was before it was hunted!

I don't know what kind of power the Yinyuan Chamber of Commerce used to kill it at the beginning?

Due to the miscalculation of the power of the sky-turning Ao Neidan, it took Feng Ruo half an hour to barely suppress it, and at this time, he had been shocked to a cold sweat!

You should know that the power of this turning Tianao's inner elixir is simply more than ten times that of his golden elixir. If his soul power is extremely powerful, he will always be unyedulous. Don't say that he will continue to refine, even his elixir will be drowned out by the water-blue light!

At this time, after finally controlling this angry sea-like Ao Neidan, Feng Ruo immediately unfolded the formula and introduced the countless water-blue light into the flying sword embryo formed by the nine pieces of obsidian.

This water-blue brilliance is the real essence of the inner elixir. In other words, it is equivalent to the elixir fire in Fengruo Jindan!

It can be imagined how great the change formed by such a powerful and pure power is poured into the obsidian. This is the most important part of Feng Ruo's refining of the original flying sword, and it is also like the finishing touch of the dragon!

If the nine pieces of obsidian that have been refined to the extreme before are just a kind of pebbles that look a little pleasing to the eye, then at this moment, after being infused with a large amount of the essence of the inner elixir, it is already a pearl-like value!

And surrounded by countless water-blue luminance, the original nine pieces of obsidian gradually melted together and turned into an object with a vague edge, but it could be faintly seen as a flying sword.

However, the water-blue luminium in the sky-turning Ao Nei Dan is still endless. For Feng Ruo, this situation can only be described as both worried and happy. Fortunately, the value of this Tian Ao Nei Dan is far beyond his imagination. If it is manipulated properly, then in the following refining process, he You don't even have to give up your golden elixir!

What worries is that this powerful force is not easy to control, because although the nine pieces of obsidian have been refined to the extreme before, after all, there are some limitations, and it is likely that there will be an unbearable limit at that time.

It's just that Feng Ruo can't stop now. Once this overturned Ao Neidan is activated, it must consume all the power inside, otherwise it will become the biggest waste.

In this way, Feng Ruo almost fully mobilized his soul power, cooperated with the elixir fire in his golden elixir, and meticulously put those water-blue brilliance into the flying sword embryo that was about to take shape.

Now the flying sword embryo is becoming more and more obvious, no more than four inches long, as wide as willow leaves, and the whole body is shrouded in a ball of water-blue light.

Exactly three hours later, most of the essence of the Tian'ao Neidan was finally sealed into the flying sword embryo. As for the remaining water-blue brilliance, he had to inhale all of his golden elixir. Anyway, this thing is a great tonic!

This time, Feng Ruo did not choose to interrupt the quenching and restore the interest rate, because in the process just now, his Danhuo did not consume much, but added a lot.

So he simply began the third step of refining his own flying sword, that is, inlaying the Heavenly Stone!

In fact, at this time, most of Feng Ruo's flying sword has been successfully refined. It only needs to be inlaid with the chaotic cloud wind array, and then it can be hidden in the golden elixir and slowly warmed with elixir fire!

And Feng Ruo is absolutely sure that after the success of warming up, the overall power of his flying sword is much stronger than that of other monks in the same realm, and the potential for advancement is even greater!

But since he has a precious three-color celestial stone in his hand, of course he has to make the best use of everything to make his own flying sword to the most perfect level!

Because the patching stone does not have any attributes, its function is not to add any powerful attributes or unique magical power. The only effect is to enhance the original attributes of the item!

In other words, a single stone is useless. It will never play a leading role. It is just an auxiliary, the strongest auxiliary!

And this kind of assistance must also be cautious. For example, you can't simply use a rare stone to inlay an ordinary magic weapon, which is definitely a tyrannified thing!

Only the best quality immortal cultivation items can reflect the real role of the patching stone!

At this time, when Feng Ruo took out the three-color tifying stone, the flying sword embryo, which was still in the Danhuo, actually produced a sense, and then automatically sounded slightly, and the water-blue brilliance on the surface floated all over the room!

This strange scene surprised Feng Ruo for a while. Although he also knew that this was a strong manifestation of the spirit of the flying sword embryo, he did not expect that the spirit would be so strong!

However, this also shows how high the value of the three-color stone is!

With a secret sigh, Feng Ruo closed his mind and carefully sent the three-color patching stone to Danhuo with his hand. The reason for doing so is to ensure the purity of the three-color patching stone, because if it is pushed by magic power, it will inevitably have some impact, so he must make the patching stone first. What I came into contact with is my own flying sword embryo!

At this moment, with the three-color tifying stone being sent to the Danhuo, there is almost no need to do anything. The water-blue light emitted by the flying sword embryo has completely wrapped it and quickly shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the three-color stone completely disappeared, an extremely dangerous feeling suddenly flashed in Feng Ruo's heart. He almost didn't think about it, so he hurriedly took back his golden elixir, released the dragon shield in front of him, and called out the wind armor!

And just after Feng Ruo made these two defensive actions, a cold sword spirit broke out from the front in an instant!

This force is so huge and horrible that even if there are two layers of protection, such as flying dragon shield and wind armor, it will be bounced off by this force like a boat in an instant!

As for the heavy silence room around, it was hit like paper!

When Feng Ruo recovered from dozens of feet away, his luxurious and exquisite three-story building had already turned into ruins. As for all the huā grass trees within a hundred feet next to the small building, they were cut into two pieces!

However, if this kind of mess can no longer be taken care of, his eyes are so hot looking at the [middle] center of the ruins. In that place, a touch of extremely pure and comfortable water blue light is hovering lightly. Against the light, it seems that there is a Cut the color, it's all eclysed!