Wind control

Chapter 306 Gambling

"Hey! As long as you are willing to do your best, it is definitely not you who will lose. Of course, you must not show your previous signature magic, otherwise, everyone will know that you are fake!"

Xia Zhi was a little guilty, and then introduced to Feng Ruo: "In fact, this kind of gambling is not an ordinary gambling, because there are only 18 island owners who are eligible participants. In other words, this kind of gambling is actually related to the competition between us. Can you understand it?"

"Well, I see, you actually want me to be a thman, don't you?" Feng Ruo nodded and said angrily that he knew that Xia Zhi had no good intentions from the beginning.

"Hey! Don't be so explicit! The big river is full of water and the small river. If the overall ranking of our Zisha Island can squeeze into the top nine, you will also have great benefits!" Speaking of this, Xia Zhi finally showed a little talk.

"Well, it turns out that you want to compete for the name of the top nine island owners! But I heard that the ranking is not determined according to the strength of you islanders? It seems that it has nothing to do with your men, right? Feng Ruo asked doubtfully.

"That's just one aspect. In addition, it is also necessary to assess the management ability and various achievements of the islanders. At the same time, it is also necessary to complete various abnormal tasks. The most important thing is to have a few capable subordinates, and this kind of gambling is to assess our servants, so you must help me. You don't know that those bastards of Tianhu have never won. Instead, they made me lose all their money. Damn it!"

Listening to Xia Zhi's regretful words all the way, Feng Ruo also had a headache, because his current identity is Luo Guo's innocence, so the magic power in the past was similar to Qingqi Liu Yunzhan, even the wind armor, and the flying dragon shield could not appear. The only thing he could rely on was the Qingcheng sword, but If he wins, can he win?

At this time, when Feng Ruoxia Zhi and his wife entered the huge palace, they found that hundreds of monks had already gathered here.

These monks sat on both sides of the hall, but they clearly divided the boundary. The person sitting at the front of the top left was Ouyang Yue, one of the eighteen island owners. After her, there were more than a dozen monks sitting, including six monks above the Jindan period.

Sitting at the head of Ouyang Yue was the woman surnamed Qin who had been in trouble with Feng Ruo before. There were also more than a dozen powerful monks behind her!

As for the person sitting at the top right end of the hall, it is a young man with clear eyebrows and politeness. Although Feng Ruo does not know this person, he only looks at the subordinates behind him, and he can sit on an equal footing with Ouyang Yue, and he knows that this person should also be one of the 18 island owners!

And there is no doubt that the next position of this young man is empty. This should be arranged by Xia Zhi. From this point of view, the ranking of Xia Zhi, the owner of Zisha Island, is really not very high.

In addition to Ouyang Yue and others sitting on it, there are dozens of monks sitting cross-legged under the hall. Except for a small number of foundation-building periods, these people are all above the Jindan period.

From this point of view alone, it is enough to see the power of the endless city. You should know that even the powerful immortal cultivation sect of Zhentian Sect, with the foundation of more than 100,000 monks, the Jindan monks in the sect are only about a thousand, and it has to include those who are closed all year round It is extremely rare for Guan monks to see five or six Jindan practitioners get together in the mountain gate, not to mention dozens of Jindan masters getting together casually nowadays.

At this moment, when Feng Ruo and Xia Zhi walked into the hall one after the other, they immediately attracted everyone's eyes, but after passing from Xia Zhi, they were completely focused on Feng Ruo.

For a moment, all kinds of doubts, curiosity, mockery, contempt, etc. quickly flashed in the eyes of the gathering. Obviously, most people in this hall remember the strange monk of innocence.

"Sister Xia Zhi, you are really different and take an unusual path! What, are your men all scared and dumbfounded? It's just a gamble. Can't Sister Xia Zhi afford to lose 100,000 medium-grade five-egrade stones and several materials? If you really can't afford to lose, I won't embarrass you, sister. Why do you have to find a prisoner to make up the scene?

At this moment, Ouyang Yue's shrill and mean voice sounded from the top of the hall, which suddenly caused a burst of laughter among many monks.

"Xia Zhi, you've gone too far. Xiao Yueer is right. It's just a gamble. If you don't have a capable subordinate, just admit defeat. Why do you need to find a prisoner to joke? I know this guy, it's called innocence, right? Did you have you understand the secret of magic skills after spending a hundred I don't think there is anything special!" At this time, the beautiful man in the upper right also laughed.

"Hmm! Shi Jian! You don't care who I'm looking for to participate in the gambling. If you're afraid, just admit defeat directly. Why bother? It's not as unpleasant as a woman!" For the tempt of Ouyang Yue and Shi Jian, Xia Wei, who had always been calm, couldn't help but fight back at this time. It seems that in the past period of time, she has indeed lost so badly that she can't even maintain her mood!

Feng Ruo turned a deaf ear to all this and just stood silently behind Xia Zhi, but he secretly paid attention to the owner of Yihua Island. The woman surnamed Qin had seen his action with her own eyes and walked with him for a period of time, so it was most likely to be seen by this woman.

At this moment, this woman surnamed Qin did not tamp with Xia Zhi like Ouyang Yue and Shi Jian. Except for a strange glance at Feng Ruo at the beginning, there was no change. She just looked at the nose, nose, mouth, and sat with her heart. It seemed that everything had nothing to do with her!

But the more so, the more Feng Ruo doesn't dare to relax. Subconsciously, he feels that this woman is not simple.

At this time, when Xia Zhi and Ouyang Yue and Shi Jian sat cross-legged under the right head of the hall with Feng Ruo, as if waiting for the owner of Feiyu Island.

After about a cup of hot tea, a burst of laughter suddenly came from outside the hall, and then I saw a man in purple armor, with a large body and an invisible domineering atmosphere coming from the outside. His sharp eyes just swept casually, which made everyone's hearts follow. Jump!

Compared with Xia Zhi, Ouyang Yue and others, although this person is also the cultivation of Jindan in the middle period, it is obvious that his momentum and strength are better, especially his real domineering murderous spirit, which is definitely honed by hundreds of battles.

There is no doubt that this person should be the real owner of Feiyu Island, Yuan Fei!

At this time, when he saw Yuan Fei appear, the hall, including Xia Zhi, Ouyang Yue and others, all got up to salute, but Yuan Fei's eyes still lingered in front of the crowd, and finally locked Feng Ruo. After looking at him, he said lightly, "After three days, when I look at each other with new eyes After more than a hundred years, a prisoner can actually have such achievements in the formation. If you want to return to my Feiyu Island, I can guarantee that you will officially become a member of the endless city. How about that?

As soon as Yuan Fei said this, not only Feng Ruo was surprised, but also Ouyang Yue, Shi Jian and others couldn't help but be moved, because Yuan Fei's strength was obvious to all, but now I don't know the reason. It seemed that there was no special innocence that was praised by Yuan Fei, and even directly in front of him Recruit in front of Xia Zhi!

After hearing Yuan Fei's words, Xia Zhi was stunned at first, but immediately became furious. Although she was only 17th among the 18 island owners, she could not be ignored by Yuan Fei, so she couldn't help snorting coldly.

Hearing Xia Zhi's extremely unpleasant cold hum, Feng Ruo also had a secret smile in his heart. If he was really innocent, he might really turn to Yuan Fei's camp at this moment, because it was too difficult for outsiders to officially become a member of the endless city in the endless city. He also had the face mask of the old man Qingyun Only in this way can you officially enjoy the treatment of the endless city as a detached person. If it were other monks, at least a few layers of skin would have to be tortured off!

In terms of innocence, after being thrown into the deep-sea dungeon, he is basically exiled. Even if he can come out alive, he will not have another chance to join the endless city!

But I'm afraid that Yuan Fei couldn't think of it anyway. The innocence in front of him was false, and the generous conditions he opened really had no effect on Feng Ruo.

So at present, Feng Ruo just arched his hand slightly at Yuan Fei, and said in that hoarse and turbid voice, "Thank you for your kindness, Lord Yuan Dao, but the innocence was saved by Xia Zhi. The so-called dripping kindness should be reported by Yongquan, so how can the innocence abandon the owner of Xiazhi Island? Please

Hearing Feng Ruo's words, Yuan Fei's eyes couldn't help but stagnated slightly, but he didn't say anything more. He just looked at Feng Ruo deeply and walked to the top of the hall. After a pause, he said blankly, "According to the rules of my endless city, each of your four families will win or lose In the end, the winner can compete with the owner of the island. If he can win my one"

Speaking of this, Yuan Fei suddenly sneered and glanced at Xia Zhi and the other four people. Then he continued, "As long as you can win, I can give you double the bet!" Now, the four of you can choose your own opponents!"

Yuan Fei's words just fell, and the atmosphere in the whole hall condensed in an instant. Ouyang Yue and Shi Jian looked at Feng Ruo at the first time, and then chose to blame each other as opponents. Obviously, Yuan Fei did not dare to be too reckless to praise Feng Ruo before, so they still wanted to see what Feng Ruo had first The bottom card!

What Ouyang Yue and Shi Jian didn't expect was that the woman surnamed Qin didn't think about it, but she directly chose to admit defeat!