Wind control

Chapter 315 Danding

However, Feng Ruo is not without doubts, because according to the dialogue between Xia Zhi and Luo Ji just now, the northern sea should be regarded as an extremely important place. Why don't you simply arrange a defensive array in this place with the strength of the endless city? At the very least, it's always no problem to establish a temporary stronghold on this desert island, right?

But look at the desert island around, except for the bare transmission array, there is not even a small courtyard! Not to say anything about the defense array.

At this time, it seemed to be able to guess the doubts in Feng Ruo's heart. Xia Zhi sighed quietly and said, "You have just come to the endless city, so you don't know many things. Although my endless city is on par with the five major sects in the fairy world, it looks very majestic on the surface, but in fact We are not the real masters in the endless sea, and we are not as low-key as the outside world. The reason why we don't want to be enemies of other forces in the immortal world is that we have to spend a lot of effort to deal with those marine spirits!"

"You must also know how terrible the sea creatures in this endless sea are. It is said that the ancestors of my endless city, in order to expand this sea area, spent a huge price. Finally, because of an accidental incident, they reluctantly reached an agreement with the Dragon Valley and decided to take the endless city as the center, a radius of three Millions of miles of sea water belong to the scope of my endless city. In this area, those sea creatures that have been transformed into demon king level will not appear. We monks can hunt sea creatures. Similarly, those sea creatures can also hunt our monks, but if they are out of this range, they will be attacked by dragons. The devastating blow of the valley!"

"So, if you must keep in mind, don't leave this range. Unless you have strong cultivation above the spiritual infancy, don't take such risks. The sea area we are patrolling now is the boundary agreed in the agreement that year. Our main task, on the one hand, is to dissuade those invading monastics. On the one hand, it is a symbolic patrol. Although this is of no use, at the very least, it can deter those high-level sea beasts to a certain extent and remind them not to forget the original agreement, so that our monks can move within a radius of 3 million miles!"

"As for the blood shark king, he is a transformed demon king belonging to the Dragon Valley. He is also responsible for monitoring our monks, which is exactly the same as our purpose, so sometimes conflicts are inevitable. Fortunately, as long as the blood shark king does not appear in person, the situation will not be too severe under normal circumstances. Heavy!"

After listening to Xia Zhi's explanation, Feng Ruo also sighed for a while. He didn't expect that the endless city still shouldered such a heavy responsibility. It is certain that if the endless city had not reached an agreement with the Dragon Valley in those years, today's monks, not to mention going so far into the endless sea, even in the Half a foothold, because the power of the sea beast is so strong that he can't even imagine how horrible the demon king in this endless sea will be?

It's just a little bit. Feng Ruo feels a little strange, because the white city owner and others obviously knew the sealed land of the golden demon dragon, and their behavior on that day also seemed to guard the sealed land. So, was it the ancient god who let the ancestors of the endless city guard here?

If so, how can Dragon Valley dare to resist and make trouble? You should know that even the Musha demon dragon, the real master of the Cangwu world, was sealed at that time, not to mention some of their little demon kings?

So there must be a reason that he doesn't know, and I'm afraid he has to consult the owner of the white city to know the truth.

However, it is obvious that Feng Ruo does not have this qualification, not to mention that this distant legend has little to do with him. He is just curious.

At this moment, after communicating with Xia Zhi, Feng Ruo, who had nothing to do for the time being, greeted Xia Zhi, and casually found a position near the transmission array, set up a defensive array, and was ready to start refining the Great Huichun elixir, because after coming to the northern sea, he always had an unpredictable sense of crisis. It's better for him to make some preparations while he has nothing to do now.

And the Great Huichun Dan, which can quickly recover from serious injuries, has undoubtedly become his first choice.

However, Feng Ruo's skills in alchemy are really unfamiliar. In addition to trying to refine some ordinary small elixirs in those years, he did not spend too much energy in this regard at all, so he is really a little timid to suddenly refine such a high-level big rejuvenation elixir today!

Of course, Feng Ruo is not messing around, nor is he ruining alchemy materials.

First of all, alchemy is different from the refinery. In terms of skills and experience, it is not so strict, because the refinery needs to understand many realms, be able to communicate with the spirituality of various materials, and activate them. In addition, it also requires very good fire control skills!

But alchemy is different. Alchemy does not need too good fire control skills. What is really needed is the monk's own mana and cultivation, that is to say, it can be refined directly with magic power! And as long as we understand the relationship between various spiritual herbs and the principle of various mutual mutual restraint, we can achieve the most basic point.

Secondly, Feng Ruo's current cultivation has reached the early stage of Jindan, which can be said to fully meet the needs of alchemy in terms of total mana and purity.

Thirdly, and most importantly, Feng Ruo is not really ignorant of alchemy, because for a long time in the past, he has been preparing for alchemy, and he has carefully memorized all kinds of information about alchemy. He not only memorized the jade slips in his hand that recorded the secrets of alchemy, but also He has written down a lot of Danfang, so the only thing he lacks now is practice. In other words, he is a veritable high-sighted person!

In this case, he only needs to practice a few times, and naturally he can refine the big rejuvenation elixir.

After silently reviewing the tips and key points of refining the great rejuvenation elixir, Feng Ruo took out the silver elixir he got in the sea of dead wood that day.

The quality of this silver tripod is very high, because according to Qingyun's description, the owner of this tripod is at least a master of Jindan in the later period. Especially important, this person's achievements in alchemy are extremely high, which can be seen from the alchemy experience left by this unknown monk.

However, since he got this Danding, Feng Ruo almost completely forgot it in the corner of the storage belt. Taking it out at this time really gave him a strange feeling that the pearl was secretly cast.

After carefully looking at the silver tripod for a while, Feng Ruo found that although the appearance of the tripod showed silver light, when he concentrated on the power of the soul to observe, there seemed to be a faint purple light inside the tripod!

"What? Strange? What does this mean? Feng Ruo was stunned for a moment. The unknown monk did not describe the elixir tripod in the alchemy experience he left behind, and when he found the elixir tripod that day, he could not find the purple luminance inside the elixir due to his low strength.

"It seems that this Danding is still a little famous!" Feng Ruo said to himself, but he didn't pay attention to this ray of purple light. He just thought that it might be because of the high quality of the red tripod, so after thinking about it casually, he pinched the formula and slowly imported his mana into the silver tripod. In the next process, his mana will be used as alchemy The main force, and then gradually refine all kinds of spiritual herbs into the elixir he needs.

As Feng Ruo kept injecting his mana into the Dan Ding, a faint silver light also began to float out of the Dan Ding, looking like a wisp of light smoke.

However, what made Feng Ruo feel strange is that the tripod still maintains the size of the fist and cannot be unfolded at all, because as far as he knows, the tripod needed for alchemy and the tripod used in the refinery will automatically shrink, and will expand rapidly after opening, so as to put in all kinds of materials that need to be

But the current situation is completely unexpected!

"What do you mean? Is it possible that this Danding is damaged? Feng Ruo tried to continue to input a mana into the Danding, but except for the faint silver light like light smoke, the Danding did not respond at all!

"No! This Danding can't be damaged! Is there any difference between this Danding and the ordinary Danding? Feng Ruo thought so, but then denied the idea, because if so, the unknown monk should have left some descriptions or clues in his alchemy experience, but Feng Ruo is completely sure that the unknown monk did not mention this strange Danding at all, as if the Danding was not at all. Same as his!

When he encountered such an embarrassing thing, Feng Ruo also shouted bad luck in his heart. He always thought that this Dan Ding could still be used. As a result, when he was in the endless city, he did not buy another Dan Ding needed for alchemy. Now it's good, and there is nothing he can do!

sighed secretly. Just as Feng Ruo was about to stop sending mana to the Dan Ding, a purple light flashed quickly in the Dan Ding. When the purple light disappeared, he only heard an extremely crisp "k" sound, and the Dan Ding treasure cover, which had been tightly closed, opened a small gap!

Seeing this change, Feng Ruo was overjoyed in his heart. At the same time, he also understood the strangeness of the red tripod. It turned out that it took a lot of mana to open it. At this point, he could not hesitate. He immediately tried his best to run the formula and transported his mana to the Dan tripod, which Go!