Wind control

Chapter 320 Hide or not

The reason why Feng Ruo took such a risk to attract the eight-level blood shark guard for Xia Zhi and others is certainly not as simple as he said. In addition to the good relationship with Xia Zhi, there are two other reasons that really let him make this choice.

First of all, it is the mysterious stalker. Feng Ruo really can't figure out whether the stalker is coming for him or Xia Zhi and others. If he leads the blood shark guard away now, he can share the pressure for Xia Zhi and others, and secondly, he can clearly understand the mysterious and The real intention of the tracer, after all, no matter how strong the mysterious stalker is, it is impossible to follow both of them at the same time.

Secondly, Feng Ruo did this in order to accumulate the prestige and goodwill of the Endless City. Yes, it is to accumulate the good impression of the high-level of the Endless City!

Because from the beginning, the reason why he came to this endless city was to avoid the lockdown of the Qingqiu Demon Man and find a place for himself to practice at ease.

Although he has Qingyun's recommendation, he doesn't have to spend any price on the assessment, but that doesn't mean that he can stretch out his mouth and open his mouth. In other words, he can't see himself as an old man. In this case, he must prove it. Reveal the value of your existence.

Therefore, he chose to join Xia Zhi's Purple Sand Island, and did not hesitate to gamble for Xia Zhi, so that now he has attracted the eight-level blood shark guard for Xia Zhi and others!

All of this is to prove his value in the endless city!

If he doesn't do this, and if he really chooses a high-minded attitude that doesn't matter to him according to Xia Zhi's previous arrangement, what will happen?

Of course, it won't matter, because of Qingyun's face, even if Xia Zhi and others are all dead, he will not be punished!

But what will the senior management of the endless city think of him? One of the nine elders, what would Ouyang Ying, who he called Aunt Ying, think of him?

You should know that Xia Zhi is Ouyangying's cronies!

You should know that he represents Qingyun, although he doesn't think so in his heart!

What is the second rule of the Endless City? Don't turn your back on your companions! Xia Zhi said this to him on the first day, but now that Xia Zhi and others are in danger, does he choose to escape alone?

If he really does this, he will not want to continue to hang out in the endless city. Similarly, it means that he doesn't want to hang out in the endless sea!

Without the shelter of the endless city, how can he avoid the lock of the Qingqiu demon?

So, even if he and Xia Zhi don't have half a copper relationship, he still needs to save him! What's more, his relationship with Xia Zhi is very good!

Of course, in the face of the eight-level blood shark guard, Feng Ruo is not without the ability to retreat with his whole body. With his current Qingcheng sword, even if he can't kill the blood shark guard, there is absolutely no problem to escape!

Because of the characteristics of the complete water attribute of the Qingcheng Sword, Feng Ruo will not consume too much mana at all when the royal sword flies. Therefore, as long as it is not an unexpected situation, it is enough to kill the blood shark guard!

At this time, when Feng Ruo drove the Qingcheng Sword and rolled up countless waves from the sea to the distance, the enraged blood shark guard really abandoned the sky fox and others trapped on the island. The shrill turned into a bloody wind hundreds of feet high, which also rolled up the huge waves. After catching up, the momentum is not inferior to the waves brought up by the Qingcheng Sword!

If you look at it from mid-air, you will find this absolutely an extremely shocking spectacle. Two huge waves are flying at a very fast speed in the boundless sea of anger. Because the speed of the two waves is so fast that they are raised behind them after rushing out hundreds of miles. It just began to spread around. In just a moment, the scope of the wave was getting wider and wider!

Rushing thousands of miles in one breath, Feng Ruo suddenly put away the sword and no longer swept the waves, but flew high in the air, because he not only wanted to maintain the fastest speed to attract the blood shark guard in front of him, but also broke through the heavy waves. This kind of pressure was not ordinary heavy, even if he had the bonus of After a long time, I can't stand it. What's more, at this time, the blood shark guard can't catch up for a long time. It is estimated that he has been angry and dizzy, so he should not turn around and return!

And as Feng Ruo guessed, although the blood shark guard is already extremely intelligent, he is also extremely arrogant, because this guy, as the direct descendant of the blood shark king, is the king in this sea, so how can he give up the human who dares to boldly provoke it before he wins or loses?

So in a series of screams, the eight-level blood shark guard also rushed high from the sea with a 'shout'. Although its body is hundreds of feet long, it doesn't feel stupid at all, and I don't know what kind of magic power it has used. The whole body is wrapped in a thick layer of blood clouds. The speed of flight is even faster than that on the sea!

Previously, Feng Ruo had been able to maintain a distance of more than a thousand feet from the blood shark guard, but at this moment, when the eight-level blood shark guard released the blood cloud, the distance between the two sides was simple and small at a visible speed, and in an instant, it became more than 600 feet!

Seeing this situation, Feng Ruo was immediately shocked. Only then did he know that the blood shark guard really lived up to his reputation, but now it is his fastest flying speed of the imperial sword. It is absolutely impossible to fly faster!

In particular, what made Feng Ruo complain secretly was that the judgment he had made before finally had a result, that is, after he left Xia Zhi and others for thousands of miles, the mysterious stalker really chose to follow him, and that is to say, the other party really came at him!

In this way, it makes Feng Ruo tied up and dare not use other magical power, because he doesn't know what the other party's intention is.

However, the eight-level blood shark guard behind it was getting closer and closer. Finally, when the blood shark guard approached the distance of five hundred feet from Fengruo, he only heard the blood shark guard's shrill, and immediately flew hundreds of bloody long guns from the blood cloud, roaring to completely seal all the dodging space of Feng


As soon as these hundreds of bloody spears appeared, Feng Ruo secretly shouted that it was not good, because the power attached to each bloody spear was extremely powerful. It is estimated that there was no problem in killing a monk in the later stage of building the foundation. Now that these hundreds of bloody spears appear at the same time, why don't he make his scalp

Hide or not?

For a moment, Feng Ruozhen wanted to release the dragon shield and call out the wind armor, but in the end, he suppressed the idea abruptly. For nothing else, the stalker behind really made him too afraid, because what he was most worried about was that this mysterious stalker was sent by Qingli!