Wind control

Chapter 325 Refining

The afternoon sun is very bright, and the basket-colored sky is connected with the water basket-colored sea. Without each other, this is the quietest and most peaceful time of the endless sea of the day. Everything is lazy, even the waves slapped on the reef, with a trace of hazy sleepiness!

At this moment, he sat on his knees silently on the reef, which was only dozens of feet round and had just exposed to the sea. However, he did not doze off or be in a daze. Instead, he looked at a small wave in front of him, rushed up, broke it, and then rushed up, and broke it again. It began It looks weak, but it has an unimaginable resilience and strength!

At the same time, in Fengruo's Dantian, there is also a small wave huā constantly impacting, gathering and scattering, gathering, endless, until eternity!

This is Feng Ruo's own flying sword. Because his original flying sword was added after adding the three-color sky stone, it has undergone an essential change, which is directly transformed into a complete water attribute, which is neither tangible nor invisible.

Because of this, the experience of those monks in refining flying swords can't be borrowed from Feng Ruo at all, and he can only explore it by himself.

Fortunately, this place is originally an endless sea, which has also given him a lot of convenience.

Now, he has been quenched on this reef for more than three months. During this period, there were no blood shark king's men in the sea area patrolled by Xia Zhi and others. Xia Zhi and others are still very confused about this, but only Feng Ruo knows that when other island owners rotated here before, it should be the eighth level. The blood shark guard is making trouble. Now the blood shark guard has unluckyly turned into a part of the demon's fire, and naturally everything will be fine.

Therefore, Feng Ruo has so much free time to refine the Qingcheng sword!

It's just that there is time, but the progress of Feng Ruo's refining is not satisfactory. Although his own mana, and even the mana of the water attribute in the power of the golden elixir, has always occupied more than 30%, it is still difficult for him to quench the sword!

This is not that Feng Ruo's mana is not enough and Jin Dan is not strong, but that the characteristics of this Qingcheng sword are so powerful that he can't fully control it at all!

You know, in this Qingcheng Sword, it originally integrates most of the power of the nine-level overturning Tian'ao Nei Dan, coupled with the effect of the three-color Heavenly Stone, it is imaginable how powerful it is in the whole, and it is not like the current mana that can compete with it!

So, from this point of view, this Qingcheng sword can't be regarded as a real flying sword. It has to be tempered for a long time and connected with the monks, so that it can exert its greatest power!

Not long ago, the battles that Feng Ruo experienced also showed that the Qingcheng Sword was very powerful, but he could not use it to use the sword formula. He could only control some of the most basic attacks, or rely on the characteristics of the Qingcheng Sword to attack.

It was also that he realized this that Feng Ruo even interrupted his daily practice, but concentrated all his strength to refine the sword.

At this time, after more than three months of confusion and helplessness, Feng Ruo finally came up with a solution that is not a way, that is, imitation!

Because even if he is not very stupid, he can't create a quenching method suitable for the Qingcheng sword alone, so under the influence of the waves on the sea, he started from the simplest foundation, imitated little by little, and changed little by little!

Although this quenching method is slow, it still has some effects, and in this unique quenching, Feng Ruo himself seems to have an indescribable and inexplicable understanding!

Unconsciously, day and night passed day by day. Whether it was sunny, the sea and the sky were rolling or the dark clouds, the huge waves seemed to be integrated with the reef where they sat down, and they remained motionless.

With the change of the outside environment, the Qingcheng sword in the inner golden elixir is also changing, sometimes with the wind and drizzle, sometimes the wind roars, and the ground cracks and collapses, as if there is another heaven and earth in his Dantian!

Gradually, Feng Ruo has even forgotten his own existence. This is not the result of selflessness, but the real integration with the whole world and the whole endless sea!

He no longer has a body, no more soul, and he has never even existed!

The only thing left is the huge waves, and even the whole endless sea. This is his will, this is his body!

I don't know when, a wave of waves gradually began to surround Feng Ruo's body, just surrounding the reef where he was. When time gradually passed, these waves gradually expanded and gradually gained momentum, and the scope of the sweep was expanded to within a radius of hundreds of feet!

At first glance, these waves seem to have nothing special, but if you look carefully, you will find that they have one thing in common, that is, they faintly carry a wisp of sword spirit!

When the range covered by these waves reached thousands of feet, it finally did not expand. However, at this time, Feng Ruo's body faintly flashed with water blue light. As soon as the water blue light appeared, it began to absorb a large number of water attribute aura nearby.

With the absorption of more and more water aura, the water-blue brilliance is becoming more and more prosperous, until the whole person is completely wrapped!

At the same time, an extremely clear, huge, domineering, cold, and strong sword spirit also gushed out of the water blue light!

Yes, it's just gushing, with that kind of momentum of looking at the world, sweeping everything! Within a thousand feet, this sword spirit is the supreme king!

Roaring, spinning, rolling, tearing, bombarding, like the most violent moment of the storm, like the proudest peak of the sea of anger!

Under this, everything must submit, and the blocker will bear the most powerful and fierce attack until it is completely turned into powder!

And when the invincible sword spirit gradually rose to the strongest, the original dark clouds rolled, and the huge waves suddenly crossed... a dazzling lightning!

At this moment, the whole world of the black calendar is as bright as the day!

However, this dazzling lightning did not disappear immediately, but continued to climb up and walk. Wherever it passed, the countless dark clouds were easily broken!

It was not until all the dark clouds in the sky dissipated that the speed of the lightning gradually slowed down, and at this time, the light released by the lightning turned into a touch of water blue!

At this time, the rampaging sword spirit that was originally shrouded in heaven and earth disappeared silently, as if a rainstorm had finally passed, which made people completely relieved!

"Hehe! It's still a lot worse!"

At this moment, when the wind was calm and the sun was shining again, Feng Ruo, who had been sitting on the reef, suddenly opened his eyes and smiled, but his tone was extremely satisfied, because after this period of refinement, he and Qingcheng Sword finally established a closer and delicate connection!

Although this is far from reaching the level of understanding, it is enough to show royal swordsmanship!

While his mind moved slightly, the Qingcheng sword, which was still flying in the blue sky, suddenly rushed down. After turning around Feng Ruo's body, it fell into his hand. Now the Qingcheng sword is still water-blue, without a body, but after quenching, it has formed the appearance of a small sword!

It doesn't seem to be anything, but in fact, only Feng Ruo himself understands how rare this situation is, because it is not simulated by him, but the sword spirit inside the Qingcheng Sword has condensed by itself after reaching a certain degree, which means that the power of the Qingcheng Sword in all aspects has been improved. !

At the same time, this is also the basis for Feng Ruo to use the Qingcheng sword to use all kinds of sword tricks, so the meaning is absolutely the same!

According to Feng Ruo's current estimate, if he compares with Chu Yi again, he is at least 90% sure to defeat him within three moves, and what he relies on is that the connection between him and the Qingcheng Sword has been further improved!

Even if he encounters the eight-level blood shark guard again, Feng Ruo does not have to use the defense ability of the blue tower against the sky, but can also play an equal role with it, which is absolutely important for his future cultivation.

You know, although the blue tower's defense ability is against the sky, its disadvantage is also equally fatal, that is, it can only be used once, and then you have to wait for a large number of innate woods to be replenished again to recover. Therefore, if you don't encounter real danger, of course, this magic power is better not to .

took a deep breath. When Feng Ruo just wanted to try the effect of using this Qingcheng sword to show the nine-gong flying star sword formula, his heart suddenly moved slightly, and then his expression became ecstatic. It turned out that after more than 80 years of sleep, the silver armor finally woke up in the instant!

This is the time when he left the endless city, Feng Ruo deliberately used his secret skills to put a wisp of soul,

Stay with the silver armor, in order to prevent him from waking up when he is still outside, so he misses the best supplementary opportunity!

At this time, Feng Ruo would not hesitate. When his mind turned, the water-blue light of the Qingcheng Sword wrapped his whole body, and then it was like a stream of light, quickly swept towards the island defended by Xia Zhi and others hundreds of miles away!

As soon as he returned to the unknown island, Feng Ruo immediately found Xia Zhi to explain the situation, and Xia Zhi didn't think about it, and immediately agreed to Feng Ruo to leave early. After all, their half-year rotation period has passed five months, and now they are about to return. What's more, in the past five months, the It's enough to have monks like them.

However, Feng Ruo specially borrowed 200,000 medium-grade five-eline stones from Xia Zhi, and at the same time, he bought a large number of materials from Tianhu and others in the name of credit, because this silver armor awakening, he must have to eat a lot of food. If you don't make some preparations in advance If you give it to the poor.