Wind control

Chapter 439 Indisputable

And when this mouthful of spiritual tea goes down, Feng Ruo's brain kernels, including eyes, nose and ears, suddenly buzzed and buzzed, as if they were torn apart in a moment!

Almost at the same time, this cup of spiritual tea turned into thousands of loach-like energy, and went straight to Feng Ruo's whole body. For a moment, he was neither painful nor itchy. This feeling was really unable to cry and laugh. He could only stay in a daze and dare not move!

Because he is worried, once he moves, the bones all over his body will jump out!

The whole process just lasted for seven breaths, and then Feng Ruo heard that the bones all over his body were creaking, but at the same time, an extremely cool and comfortable feeling also emerged from all the cracks of the bones. That kind of comfort was like countless pairs of soft little hands massaging, just like The cloud!

"How's it going? My fairy jump tastes good, doesn't it?" The mouse said slowly at this time.

"Uh - it's really good!"

Feng Ruo smiled bitterly. If he had known that he would be tortured by drinking this cup of spiritual tea, he would not have drunk it.

"Well, to get back to the point, I don't know how you joined my Hanyu Ice Palace, but since you can enter this black prison, it shows that you are already a person in the Hanyu Ice Palace. I just want to ask, where do you think the Hanyu Ice Palace is?" The mouse asked casually, but now the more casual he is, the more unpredictable Feng Ruo feels.

"Well, it should be beyond the existence of the five major sects! Because the strength of Hanyu Ice Palace is the strongest in the Cangwu world, and the Hanyu Ice Palace should be a treasure, and there are treasures everywhere here!"

"Hey hey! That's right, but what you said is the views of those outside monks. In fact, the Hanyu Ice Palace is just a place of seclusion! The palace of heaven and earth, the heavenly palace and the underground palace are mainly in seclusion and do not care about the world. Only the human palace will occasionally participate in the affairs of the immortal world, but even so, they will not be too involved in the affairs of the immortal world. Do you understand me? There are only two words in the rules of our Hanyu Ice Palace, that is, indisputable!"

"No fight with others, because it's not worth it, don't fight with the world, because it's not worth it, don't fight with heaven and earth, because it's still not worth it!"

"No dispute?"

Hearing this, Feng Ruo couldn't help but be stunned. He could understand that he did not fight with others, not with the world, but did not fight with heaven and earth, but he was a little afraid to do the same medicine. The monks walked against the sky for a longer life and stronger strength, but this long-term longevity and strong power could not What comes down is that you must have a lasting struggle with heaven and earth and fate to get it. If you don't fight, what's the point of existence?

After looking at Feng Ruo, the mouse seemed to understand his doubts, so he just smiled, "To be honest, these three indisputable are left by the first generation of masters of my Hanyu Ice Palace. According to her, these three indisputable are three realms. If you understand, that is, understand, don't understand! And for thousands of years, my Hanyu Ice Palace has produced at least three top masters who have successfully crossed the disaster, twelve masters of the virtual period, and thirty-nine masters of the distraction period, but there is no one who can understand the last indisputable realm! Because everyone just stays in the second indisputable realm!"


Hearing the words of the mouse, the surprise in Feng Ruo's heart was simply unthinkable. No wonder although the Hanyu Ice Palace has been low-key, it can still be above all the forces in the immortal world. It turns out that there are so many masters! No wonder he just got into a simple shop casually, and he would meet a spiritual master!

After thinking about it, Feng Ruo not only asked curiously and tentatively, "Is it because the third indisputable realm does not exist at all?"

"Hey! I don't know about this. The only thing I know is that according to some predecessors, the first generation owner of our Hanyu Ice Palace is a great power, and the overall strength is not even weaker than that ancient god! And this is why the ancient god was so strong that he directly and blamifiedly sealed the five demon dragons, but he still had to give me the courtesy of the cold jade ice palace, and the five sects, as the heirs of the ancient gods, naturally did not dare to make a difference. Of course, this is just a rumor. Whether it is true or An indisputable realm is actually explaining the principles of the Hanyu Ice Palace!"

The mouse must say this, paused for a moment, and then said, "It is precisely because of this principle of the Hanyu Ice Palace, so although there will still be fights and plots in the three palaces of heaven and earth, in most cases, the Hanyu Ice Palace will not interact with the outside world, and the simplest, for example, in The five elements stone used by the outside world to circulate, and even the spirit stone in our cold jade ice palace, can only be regarded as a kind of goods. We want to buy one thing here, all of which are impurities refined from cold jade! That's why I said that you can't afford it at all. Even if you have more five elements stones and spiritual stones, it's useless!"

"Also, all the items in the Hanyu and the Ice Palace, even if they are a piece of insignificant Xuanbing, can never be circulated outside without permission. Here, especially in the Black Prison and Xiaoyaofeng, all the goods, even if they are rare, are only sold at their corresponding value. Maybe this kind of You may not understand the matter, but if you can understand the indisputable meaning, even the first two meanings, you will know that there will be no one here to rob, no one to raise the price, we just take what we need! Now this rule also applies to you. You can only buy what you need, but you must not buy these items and sell them outside, because that is equivalent to betraying the Hanyu Ice Palace! I don't think you will want that to happen!"

After listening to the explanation of the mouse whisker, Feng Ruo was also silent. Although he still felt that the principle of doing things in the Hanyu Ice Palace was very strange and untimely, he had to admit that when a person could really not fight with others and the world, he would avoid a lot of dangers invisibly. Avoid a lot of anger and avoid a lot of demons!

As the saying goes, if there is a mistake, there must be a gain, and that is indisputable. After curbing the greed in people's hearts, although they have lost a lot of substance, they have gained peace of mind.

From this point of view, it is absolutely beneficial for cultivation. No wonder there have been so many masters in the Hanyu Ice Palace in the past tens of millions of years. Although there are also reasons for the aura and various treasures of the Hanyu Ice Palace itself, this indisputable principle must also play a considerable role!

Understood this point, Feng Ruo bowed respectfully to the mouse. Although he did not have to learn the so-called indisputable, this reason benefited him a lot!

"Thank you for your advice. I still want to ask, how to get the cold marrow? As far as I know, the cold jade is the strongest thing in the world, and there are very few people who can refine it!"

"How to get the cold marrow? In fact, it's very simple. You must have seen the black mountain behind us. You can go there directly to mine it!" The mouse whisker smiled and was very smooth, but what he said was equivalent to not saying it, but Feng Ruo couldn't do anything about it, because refining Hanyu was originally the biggest secret of Hanyu Ice Palace, and I'm afraid he didn't even know much about it.

After thinking about it, Feng Ruo asked again, "Well, there is one more thing. I'm new here. Excuse me, can I build my own cave here?"

"Of course, in the black prison, there is nothing to make things difficult for anyone. Unless you take the initiative to provoke, you see that there is no ice outside, where you can open a cave casually. As long as it does not affect others, no one will care about you. However, if you go out of the black prison, you will be subject to A certain number of cold marrow rewards, that's it!"

"But there are a lot of rules outside, because in a fundamental sense, now the whole Hanyu Ice Palace can really implement the principle of indisputableness, only Xiaoyaofeng and the black prison, and the real masters of Hanyu Ice Palace are all in these two places. Let's have a good talk today. I have one. A piece of advice, if a Taoist friend has time, if he doesn't stay in the black prison for a long time, he can refine the cold marrow as much as possible, but in addition, it can also be of great benefit to your swordsmanship!"

"Swordsmanship? What do you mean? Can you explain it to me, Taoist friend? Feng Ruo was stunned. He knew that refining the cold marrow must have many benefits, but what does this have to do with the meaning of the sword?

"Hehe! This is actually just a legend, that is, this mountain that produces the cold king. In fact, it is not the thing of this world. This thing is not a big mountain in the first place, but a fairy soldier of the first generation of the owner of my Hanyi Ice Palace. But later, for some reason, she was so angry that she inserted the fairy soldier into the ice It is a high mountain, and it has formed two completely different spaces, Black Prison and Xiaoyao Peak. It is said that if you practice on this high mountain every day, not only will the speed be improved a lot, but you will also get some inspiration by chance. Of course, whether you can get this depends on fate!" The mouse smiled and said with some regret. Obviously, he had not met the so-called spiritual light!

"So that's it. Thank you very much, Taoist friends. There are such strange things. I will definitely see them one day!" Feng Ruoda sighed that he basically knew that the legend of the ancient god really existed, and that is to say, the legend of the first generation of owners of the Hanyu Ice Palace may not be true.

It seems that it's a worthwhile trip to the cold mountain area this time!

After greeting the mouse for a moment, Feng Ruo left. There was nothing he could do. Now he doesn't even have a penny of cold marrow on his body, and he can't buy anything!