Wind control

Chapter 447 Immortal Gold Body

Because there is no sky and no land in the whole water-stopping world, and there is endless water up, down, left and right, so it is difficult to distinguish the southeast and northwest. If it hadn't been led by Feng Ruo Xingyun, I'm afraid I would have been dizzy and I can't get it!

And that's why he had to follow Ruo Xingyun even though he was reluctant.

According to Ruo Xingyun, the water stop world is actually followed regularly, but it will not be as obvious as the Cangwu world. It took nearly a thousand years to find out an area of the water stop world. The height of this area is determined by those floating islands, and a total of 19 of them are now. Under the control of the Cold Jade Ice Palace.

However, after all, the number of people in the Hanyu Ice Palace is small, and there is an indisputable realm. It is not too concerned about occupying territory and grabbing resources.

Compared with the five sects and the endless cities and other major forces, although the time to enter the water stop world is relatively short, they have occupied many islands, and the palace group of the water demon dragon was found in this case, which also makes the Hanyu Ice Palace have to participate in it.

It took Feng Ruo and Ruo Xingyun three days to reach an island controlled by Hanyu and the Ice Palace, which is said to be very close to the palace group.

However, it was not so much an island, but also a floating reef about hundreds of feet. When Feng Ruo jumped up, he found that at least dozens of people from the cold jade ice palace were waiting here. What really made him extremely uncomfortable was that Ruo Yuxi also came in person, which showed that the palace of the water demon dragon. The importance of the group.

"See the lord of the palace!" Although Ruo Xingyun was the owner of the underground palace, he still wanted to greet Ruo Yuxi slightly. Under her reminder, the dull Feng Ruo also hurriedly learned to salute. His rude behavior did not cause Ruo Yuxi's displeasure, but a middle-aged beautiful woman next to Ruo Yuxi snorted coldly.

"Sister Xingyun, why should our family be polite? I don't know if you can catch the water spirit? Ruo Yuxi's voice was still soft and beautiful, but for some reason, Feng Ruo felt that her tone was a little accountable. In addition, after Ruo Yuxi inadvertently glanced at him at the beginning, he regarded him as air.

"Tear back to the lord of the palace, I was careless for a moment and actually made a mistake. Please punish the lord of the palace!" Ruo Xingyun whispered, but she didn't seem to plan to say that the Snow Fox King and other monks would also participate in the competition!

"Flied? Sister Xingyun, are you an excuse?" Ruo Yuxi's voice is still bland, but the supreme pressure makes people panic.

Feng Ruo looked at Ruo Xingyun's appearance of being punished at ease, but he felt a little uncomfortable, because he should have made a mistake in catching the water spirit this time. If it hadn't been for the sudden so many echoes, Ruo Xingyun should have a way to take the water spirit from the Snow Fox King and other masters.

After thinking about it, Feng Ruo couldn't help shouting, "Go back to the lord of the palace, and at the same time, there are also the monks of the Snow Fox King and the other five spiritual infants masters of hundreds of major forces, so I think it has nothing to do with the Lord of Xingyun Palace, but someone in our Hanyu

"Bold! Unbridled! Who are you? You are not allow me to interrupt in front of the palace owner! Come on, fork out and beat him to death!"

Feng Ruo's words fell, and before Ruo Yuxi said anything, the middle-aged beautiful woman beside her immediately roared and shouted.

"Lord, don't!" Ruo Xingyun seemed to be shocked and hurriedly pleaded.

It was not until several guards of the cold jade ice palace rushed up that Ruoyuxi waved his hand calmly. There was no change in his expression. He said to Feng Ruo, "I seem to have seen you before. Your flying sword is very spiritual. Sister Xingyun liked it very much, so she asked for it from me and let you be her Xuanbing's personal guard, this is a great gift, but "

Speaking of this, Ruo Yuxi suddenly aggravated his tone and said, "But you can't forget the original. Aunt is right. You should be stabbed out and beaten to death, but thinking that we once had a chance, I will give you a chance to walk out of the ten tricks under the lonely mountain, and you will be innocent!"

"What? No, Lord, this matter has nothing to do with him. We promise to catch the water spirit back!" Ruo Xingyun seemed to know the power of the lonely mountain, so he couldn't help be shocked and pleaded again.

"Sister Xingyun, can the rules of our Hanyu Ice Palace be blasphemed casually?" Ruo Yuxi suddenly frowned and stared at Ruo Xingyun coldly and said, "I asked you to bring Aunt Xinru this time, but you came here with such garbage. Not only did you not catch the water spirit, but he dared to be presumptuous in front of the palace. Don't think that you are my sister and I won't It's giving you a lot of face!"

"Yes!" Ruo Xingyun answered in a low voice, but said nothing more.

At this time, Feng Ruo looked at Ruoyuxi in a sway, but there was a violent upturn in his heart. Is this his Mingxi? How did she become so powerful? Although her tone was still so gentle with a smile, how could it become like this?

"Don't you accept it?" Facing Feng Ruo's eyes, Ruo Yuxi suddenly said coldly, while Ye Bing next to the grapefruit blinked desperately at Feng Ruo.

"There's nothing I don't accept. You're the biggest here, aren't you?" Feng Ruo smiled bitterly and stepped out directly. At the same time, a handsome young man behind Ruoyuxi also came out. After giving a salute to Ruoyuxi extremely elegantly, he smiled and stood opposite Feng Ruo, but this person was the lonely mountain.

However, the cultivation of this lonely mountain turned out to be the early stage of Lingying, which is much higher than Feng Ruo!

At this moment, Feng Ruo's heart suddenly cooled down. No wonder Ruo Xingyun would stop it. It turned out to be so. In the test with such an early master of the spiritual baby, he couldn't take ten moves at all. Ruo Yuxi, it was obvious that he wanted him to die!

"I heard that your flying sword is very spiritual, and even the palace owner praises it so much, so I'm very interested. Please don't disappoint me!"

Gushan smiled faintly, and the slightly raised corners of his mouth looked very relaxed. He couldn't help but be relaxed. The person opposite was just a golden elixir in the middle stage. No matter how strong it was, it was impossible to cross two levels and survive ten moves in his hands. And most importantly, if the palace owner wanted him to die,

Feng Ruo ignored the lonely mountain opposite, but slowly turned his head and looked at the top one, who still looked indifferent, as if watching a play, and said with some difficulty, "Do you want me to die?"

"What do you think?" Ruo Yuxi's expression finally looked a little impatient, "I gave you a chance. If you can walk through ten tricks in the hands of Gushan, you can live. If you don't want to be killed, you can cut yourself. For the face of Sister Xingyun, I won't care too much!"

"Very good! Thank you!" Feng Ruo suddenly smiled miserably and turned his head to look at the lonely mountain. A fierce color flashed quickly in his eyes. At the same time, he said in a low voice word by word, "Let's do it!"

"Hehe! In fact, I think you should follow the advice of the palace owner. Self-cuting is the best choice for you!" The lonely mountain smiled again and waved his right hand slightly. Suddenly, a thick sword like a mountain directly covered Feng Ruo completely!

This feeling of being as heavy as a mountain is not strange. This is only after years of cultivation on the cold jade mountain to reach this level. However, from this point of view, Fengruo is far behind!

In such a heavy sword, Feng Ruo's whole body seems to be on the cold jade mountain, and his whole body seems to be tied to thousands of boulders, which is extremely difficult!

"Hehe! Don't blame me for bullying the small with the big!"

The lonely mountain is still relaxed, as if it were fishing by the river. At this time, his words fell, and a sword light appeared from his hand, but the sword light looked extremely slow, almost like a snail!

But only Feng Ruo, who was the first to bear the brunt, knew that as soon as the sword light appeared, he had completely locked him. Although the sword light was still in place, in fact, he was already equivalent to being put on his neck with a flying sword. With a gentle movement, his head would turn into a ball of paste!

At this moment, the cold sweat on Feng Ruo's body came out. At this time, he knew how horrible the real spiritual infant master was! In particular, this lonely mountain should still be one of the top masters in the Hanyu Ice Palace, just like Ruoyunfei, who can defeat the early masters of Lingying in the later stage of Jindan!

"That's it! It's over!" The sound of the lonely mountain is light and the wind is light, just like the night wind blowing through the eaves, indifferent, but without losing warmth!

When his voice sounded, a cold star almost crossed the world at an unimaginable speed. Everyone could see that there was no way to avoid it!

But at the same time, a golden light appeared in front of Feng Ruo quickly, unexpectedly blocking the killing blow of the lonely mountain!

At this time, the people around, including Gu Shan, could see clearly that the golden light turned out to be a golden spider about the size of a water tank. Just now, the golden spider curled up all over its body and finally formed a shield, blocking the cold star, which made Gu Shan and other people feel incredible. The golden spider didn't seem to be hurt too much!

Taking advantage of the moment of the lonely mountain, Feng Ruo suddenly shouted loudly, and countless golden lights suddenly split out like lightning, but this was a broken golden cloud!

Compared with the past, this broken golden cloud chopping seems to be more powerful, but the reason is very simple. In the past three years of crazy cultivation, due to the fluctuation of the cold jade mountain, not only has the magic power of Feng Ruo been greatly enhanced, but the metallic innate spiritual vein has also been unconsciously enhanced a lot!

So as soon as it appeared at this moment, it immediately became hundreds of golden swords, like a strong wind, bombarding towards the lonely mountain!

"Is that all?"

In the cold snorting, Gushan's right palm turned into a fist, which directly brought countless winds in mid-air, and then directly collided with the hundreds of swords of swords cut by the broken golden clouds!

At this time, Feng Ruo found that Gu Shan's whole right arm and even his fist had all turned into dark gold!

"Damn! The immortal golden body?"