Wind control

Chapter 451 Induction

Hearing the old man's explanation, Feng Ruo immediately understood. He remembered that Tian Xuanzi really said that in order to trace the whereabouts of the ancient gods, he and the old man Jiujue had traveled all over the six worlds. They never thought that they had not found the trace of the ancient god. Instead, he found nine mysterious fairy run The time of Chi Yuhua's soaring created a nine-day flowing cloud array to suppress these nine immortal runes.

When traveling to this water world, the old man Jiujue and Tian Xuanzi were afraid that they had met an excellent cultivation genius, so they gave them the cultivation skills, so that the old man could finally practice to the middle of the spiritual baby in more than 2,000 years!

Under the understanding of this, Feng Ruo quickly arched his hand and said, "I have indeed heard of the predecessors Jiujue and Tianxuanzi, but the two of them have crossed the disaster one after another." What?" The old man was shocked and then showed an extremely regretful look. After a long time, he sighed, "What the two predecessors taught me in those years was only the first ten layers of the black water trick, so until now, my cultivation can only be stagnant in the current state. It seems that I can't break through in this life! "

Hearing this, Feng Ruo's heart moved slightly, but he had a complete black water spiritual method in his hand, but he didn't say anything, because at this moment, his mana completely disappeared, almost waiting for the same mortal. If the old man in front of him had any bad intentions, he could not cope with it!

So, after thinking about it, Feng Ruo still changed the topic and said, "Don't you know the senior's name?

Also, I would like to ask, in addition to the two predecessors of Jiujue and Tianxuanzi over the years, there are still monks in the Cangwu world who can come to the water world?

"No, except for you, as I said before, half of the whole water stop world is inhabited by mortals, I'm afraid there are billions, and except for me and my disciples, there is no monk. Of course, this does not mean that there is no danger in the water stop world. Here The spirit beasts are also particularly powerful, among which there are many demon king-level beings. Fortunately, they only live in those distant places and will not cause much harm to this water-stopping world!" The old man shook his head and sighed.

"By the way, my surname is Shan Mingyuan. If I don't dislike my Taoist friends, I will go to my humble house for a while. I think you have no magic power. It should be because of the water poison. Although I help my Taoist friend restore your original mana, I know that there is something that may prolong your life for a

"Oh? In this case, thank you very much...

Feng Ruo heard it brightly. In fact, he can already guess that if this is really the Zhishui world, then it means that he may make a fortune, because so far, no monk has been able to cross the thick layer of innate water evil above Zhishui Lake, and this single abyss is obviously unable to Running to the Cangwu world is really a great benefit for him!

"Hehe! It doesn't matter. In addition, you don't have to call me a senior. Let's talk about it. Speaking of which, I actually want to be a Taoist friend, because although I know the Cangwu world, I don't know what kind of place it is. If you have time to admire Taoist friends, you might as well explain it to At this time, Shan Yuan said, waved his hand, and released a nine-level three-eyed red tiger. As soon as the three-eyed red tiger appeared, it suddenly flew sand and stones within a radius of hundreds of feet, and the wind roared, which was extraordinary.

"Awor to Taoist friends, do you have a mount? If not, you might as well ride with me!" At this time, Shan Yuan said again.

"Hey! Thank you very much. I still have the mount!" Feng Ruo arched his hand to thank him again and released the silver armor, because he found that the silver armor had all healed, and he didn't know whether it was because it was too long or for other reasons.

At this time, the size of the silver armor has been reduced back to its original state. However, when he saw that Shan Yuan's nose was majestic and had a three-eyed red tiger with several feet, the silver armor was unwilling to show weakness, and his whole body immediately swelled.

This scene makes Feng Ruo laugh and cry. This guy is really unyielding. You know, the three-eyed red tiger is a level 9 strength, one level higher than it!

After seeing the silver armor, Shan Yuan was also surprised for a while. Not only because of the magic power of the silver armor, which can become bigger and smaller at will, he also saw that the abnormal defense ability of the silver armor is really the same. At this point, even his nine-level three-eyed red tiger is much inferior!

However, Shan Yuan still underestimated the silver armor, because the silver armor was under the Zhishui Lake that day, but it resisted the three attacks of Gushan, the master of the Hanyu Ice Palace! This kind of defense ability can only be described as a super pervert. Even if it is Feng Ruo himself, he feels a little strange. He really can't imagine that the effect of silver armor and flying dragon shield is so big, instead of one plus one equal to second!

After the three-eyed red tiger in the single abyss, Feng Ruo first took a look at the Zhishui Lake. To his surprise, the Zhishui Lake was not very vast, but located in a hidden valley with an area of about ten miles. The water of the lake was completely dark blue, and there was a faint blue smoke floating above. It looks extremely weird!

Even Feng Ruo felt very strange after seeing such a little bit of Zhishui Lake, because he knew how wide it was under the Zhishui Lake, which can be described as boundless!

From this point of view, the magic of creation is really daunting!

Leaving Zhishui Lake, Feng Ruo followed Shan Yuan all the way to his place of cultivation. At the same time, it was also the immortal cultivation sect established by Shan Yuan. The name of this sect is Shan Yuan in memory of the old man Jiu Jue and Tian Xuanzi, so it is called Jiu Xuanzong.

The whole sect is built on the top of several mountains, but the number of disciples is only a few hundred, which shows that Shanyuan's apprenticeship must be extremely strict!

Compared with those small and medium-sized immortals in the Cangwu world, the Jiuxuan Sect of Shanyuan is really shabby. There is no decent palace. The only thing that can be said in the whole mountain gate is two buildings, one is a stone house dedicated to the incense of Jiujue and Tianxuanzi, and the other is a platform

As for the daily practice of Shan Yuan and his disciples, it is basically a small grass in the mountains.

Seeing all this, Feng Ruo admired him a little, because with Shan Yuan's cultivation, he can build any luxurious palace, but obviously, he pays more attention to natural hard work.

And Feng Ruo can also see that although the number of disciples of those disciples in Shanyuan is very small, every practice in the mood is extremely extraordinary. Although the cultivation is not high, it looks like a kind of detachment of fairy Taoist bones.

This alone makes Feng Ruo ashamed!

After taking Feng Ruo to the gate of Jiuxuanzong Mountain, Shan Yuan was not in a hurry to ask anything, but ordered his disciple to build a grass house for Feng Ruo in a es and let him rest first.

Feng Ruo did not shit. After thanking happily, he sat cross-legged in the newly built humble hut!

Before, there was Shan Yuan, and he did not have the opportunity to carefully examine the Aoki magic sword, but he knew that the Aoki magic sword was bound to make some changes, because if it hadn't been for the Aoki evil sword, he would not have accidentally come to the real water stop world!

Also, in that vague sleep before, Feng Ruo had an extremely thorough illusion, as if he had mastered everything. The infinite sword spirit in the dream and the endless starry sky were so incredible to him.

Although it was a vague dream after all, when Feng Ruo's left hand touched the Aoki Sword, he was able to have a wonderful feeling, as if he had known each other. As his fingers scratched... After the mottled and rough sword body, a mysterious thing also appeared in his mind. Rhythm!

This rhythm was not complete at first, but gradually, it began to form a whole. Unconsciously, Feng Ruo seemed to see his nose. He entered the innate wooden evil into the Aoki evil sword, exerting the terrible power of Aoki Liuyun after cutting!

Feng Ruo hesitated for a long time, and finally gave up this seductive plan, because the terrible power released by the Aoki God Sword really made him palpitate for a long time, because he was not sure whether he could really control the Aoki God Sword. In case of any mistake, he might directly destroy the mountain gate of Jiuxuanzong. Flat land, it's not appropriate to hurt people again, so it's better to leave it and try it in the right place in the future!

However, although he can't try at this moment, Feng Ruo is very interested in the echo between himself and the Aoki Sword. This is a mysterious and mysterious realm. It is indescribable and unclear, but it really exists.

In addition to this induction, Feng Ruo found that the Aoki Sword has not changed. From the outside, it is still very dull and rough, which makes it difficult to imagine that the real power of this sword is so terrible!

Also, Feng Ruo once remembered that this Aoki evil sword absorbed a large number of innate water evils, but at this moment he could not feel it, and I don't know why?

After playing the Aoki Sha Sword for a long time, Feng Ruo finally reluctantly put the sword on his back. Now he is not interested in his Aoki sword at all, and even the broken golden sword is not depressed at all, because this Aoki Sha Sword, as long as it can be really controlled, it is enough for him to sweep. Cultivat the immortal world!

After dispelling all kinds of emotions in his heart, such as excitement and excitement, Feng Ruo began to look at his body without his surprise. Not only did all the mana in his [body] disappear completely, but also his golden elixir, and even all the meridians, were blocked by a strange force, except for those two. The innate spiritual vein! To be continued