Wind control

Chapter 529 Loyalty

Just as Feng Ruo was meditating, Xue Zhongcheng, Song Ji and others were extremely nervous, because no matter whether Feng Ruo was disguised as the demon king Bi Fang, they did not seem to have any power to fight back, and as Feng Ruo's face changed, their hearts also fluctuated and trembling.

Finally, Feng Ruo seemed to have made a decision. The eyes without any emotion swept over them quickly, and then asked calmly, "Are you willing to be a slave and be my master for the rest of your life?"

These words stunned Xue Zhongcheng and others, who were frightened, for a moment, but then nodded quickly.

"Are you two the same?" Feng Ruo ignored Xue Zhongcheng, Song Ji and Tie Peng. The three of them were human monks, which were of little use to his plan, and he couldn't think of any way to greatly improve their strength, so he valued the two dragons, Chi Yan and Ji Yuanshan, more. If he could subdue them. Come on, it's really a proud thing, because it's impossible in the outside world.

The red mustard and Ji Yuanshan looked at each other, but there was no excitement or panic. They just nodded helplessly. There was a feeling of sadness that was greater than death. They had already abandoned the idea of escaping from the lost place, so now there is only one extravagant hope, that is, to live.

"Very good, I accept your loyalty for the time being, but remember, it is for the time being. You need to be tested. If you can pass the test, the benefits are unimaginable. Maybe it may not be able to let you leave this lost place!" Feng Ruo said casually that of course he would not trust Xue Zhongcheng and others immediately, but he was sure enough, because none of them could refuse to escape from the lost place**.

Sure enough, when Feng Ruo's words fell, whether it was Xue Zhongcheng or the two listless dragons of Chi Yan, a flash of hope in their eyes, but then it was gloomy.

Seeing this scene, Feng Ruo knew that these guys were not very convinced of him. Although he was afraid of his own strength, he was still more confused and panicked. It seemed that he could give them a little sweetness first.

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo casually took out two special big rejuvenation pills, handed them to Chiyan and Ji Yuanshan respectively, and then ordered them to take them in a puzzled look.

For this order, the two of them were full of pessimism. They thought it was something to control themselves. If it hadn't been for the two of them who were seriously injured at this moment with only 20% or 30% of their original combat strength, they might have raised up to resist!

But now, they can only throw the two special spring elixirs into their mouths with incomparable grief and indignation.

"Xue Zhongcheng, you stay, Song Ji, Tie Peng, you two take turns to guard around here, and wait until the two of them are injured before making a decision!" Feng Ruo ignored the two red bees and told them directly. Although Xue Zhongcheng and the other three people were also seriously injured, they had their own healing elixir, so there was no need to spend the big rejuvenation elixir.

Then Song Ji and Tie Peng did not dare to neglect and could only obey the order. At this time, the red and Ji Yuanshan, who took the big rejuvenation elixir, looked ecstatic, and there was no longer the previous decadence and depression. There was no doubt that they felt the spiritual effect of the big rejuvenation elixir at this moment and could !

So coincidentally, the two Red Beard hurriedly bowed to Feng Ruo, and immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and began to use the medicine to heal their wounds.

In the eyes of Xue Zhongcheng and others, in addition to surprise, they are also a little envious. Naturally, they know that the body of the Jiaolong clan is strong and will not be easily injured, but once seriously injured, it will take a long time to recover. Before that, Xue Zhongcheng and the other three even planned to take the two red- Gather the team to kick out, because they will be dragged down because they are seriously injured, and it is likely that they will not be able to complete the task of five medium-grade dragon crystals per month. At that time, what awaits them will be death!

It is under the background of such despair that the two dragons, Red Beard and Ji Yuanshan, broke the jar and recognized it as the Lord. Anyway, no matter how bad it is, how bad it can be!

But now, judging from the look of the two red bees, the two elixirs they just took are undoubtedly very powerful, and can even recover quickly. How can this not make them envious? You know, they are also seriously injured!

Feng Ruo naturally knew the thoughts of Xue Zhongcheng and others, but he did not explain anything, but asked about the details of the lost place. Now that he has a plan, he can't hide far away. He can only advance and retreat with these guys. Maybe he has to hand in five middle-grade dragon crystals every month. Become one of the hard laborers behind the scenes.

For Feng Ruo's inquiry, Xue Zhongcheng naturally did not dare to hide it. He immediately told the whole situation of the lost land in great detail, and even some of his analysis. In addition, in order to show his loyalty, he handed over the sixteen Chinese dragon crystals collected by their collection team to Feng Ruo for safekeeping.

Now, he wisely put himself into the status of a servant, because he knows very well that although his master seems to have only the early cultivation of the spiritual baby, the strength is difficult to measure. With this powerful force, it will undoubtedly make their future collection safer and more reliable. This kind of Good thing, no one will refuse, especially when he witnessed the rapid improvement of injuries on Red Beard and Ji Yuanshan!

When Xue Zhongcheng finished talking about the lost place, Feng Ruo's heart also became a little heavy. At this moment, he knew that things were not as simple as he thought.

According to Xue Zhongcheng, I don't know how huge the whole lost land is. Except for the proximity to the Rift Canyon, the other directions are boundless and have no end at all. In other words, these captured hard labors are not limited to freedom. In other words, as long as they have strength, they can explore any one. In addition to flying over the Split Canyon.

In this lost place, Xue Zhongcheng's hard laborers have three relatively safe gathering places. The behind-the-scenes black hands and the four demon kings will not manage these, so this has caused these three gathering places to have their own forces. These forces will also have fierce conflicts on weekdays, and even some relatively large forces. They will also grab the middle-quality dragon crystals in the hands of those scattered hard laborers and small forces.

It is precisely because of this that almost all the hard laborers will spontaneously form collection teams, not only to join hands to deal with those powerful demon kings, but also to resist such extortion and robbery.

Xue Zhongcheng and others belong to a collection team. Among the three gathering places, they belong to the lowest level. Their collection team has to pay a Zhongpin Longjing as a protection fee to a large force every month. If they dare to resist, they will encounter that general trend. The looting of force also means that their five-person team must collect 26 dragon crystals every month to save their lives.

Twenty-three days have passed this month, but they have only collected 16 middle-grade dragon crystals, so they have no choice but to venture deeper into this place, but unexpectedly encounter a third-level demon king. If it hadn't been for the appearance of Feng Ruo, even if they could escape, they would not have completed this month's task. Wait until At the end of the month, it will also be erased!

It is precisely because of this harsh living environment, as well as the strong pressure and despair, in this lost place, whether it is human monks or those transformed dragons, they no longer care about the identity of both sides. They will either want to survive, or abandon their original inceivism, or do anything!

Understanding this, Feng Ruo relaxed a lot, because in this way, as long as he can give enough benefits, these guys will not betray, and even other coolits can be well subdued.

In addition, what Feng Ruo is most concerned about is his identity, but according to Xue Zhongcheng, the behind-the-scenes man will not care about the number of hard labor. As long as he appears in the lost place, it is his hard labor.

The situation of Feng Ruo is undoubtedly a little special. Normally, as long as he does not enter the three gathering places, he does not have to undertake the task of five medium-grade dragon crystals per month, but this can certainly not escape the clean-up every 30 years, so it is better to obediently hand in five medium-grade dragon crystals every month.

After understanding these basic situations, Feng Ruo thought of another question, does Zhongpin Longjing, like that Pinlongjing, do you need to go underground to collect? After all, this is the key to his whole plan 1. If his purple water spirit can't lock those middle-grade dragon crystals, then his so-called advantages will also disappear.

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo asked again, "Where did you collect those Chinese dragon crystals?"

"I would like to tell you that the collection of Chinese dragon crystals is very different from that of lower dragon crystals. Often, the places where Chinese dragon crystals are produced will attract some demon kings. Therefore, it can also be said that the nests of those demon kings is the easiest to produce Chinese dragon crystals, but the premise is that the demon king needs to be If you find a demon king's nest, you can collect five or six dragon crystals. If you are unlucky, you may be busy in vain. Xue Zhongcheng replied carefully. "

"Oh! So, is it true that the nest of the three-headed bird is near here? Feng Ruo asked again that although they did not kill the three birds this time, they should be able to occupy the nest of the three birds.

"Yes! Lord, the nest of the three-headed bird is in the canyon in front of it. I think it is very likely to produce Chinese dragon crystals!" Xue Zhongcheng is a little excited. According to past experience, as a third-level demon king, this three-headed bird must have a middle-class dragon crystal in its nest. Maybe this time the harvest will be great. Of course, the premise of all this is that his master can repel the three-headed bird.

"Okay! You can take a look at it with me!" Feng Ruo nodded, and he is also a little looking forward to it now. Can his purple water spirit accurately respond to the Chinese dragon crystal?