Wind control

Chapter 543

After flying out of the sight and sensing area of Xue Zhongcheng and others in one breath, Feng Ruo suddenly stopped and casually took out a spiritual charm with a faint blue light from the storage belt. After patting towards the body, a faint light flashed, and his whole body suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

This is an extremely precious stealth charm!

However, in order to be safer, Feng Ruo took out the shadowless bead again, and then returned to the same way.

Such a move is naturally not to monitor Xue Zhongcheng's red-gull and others, although they are suspected of being attacked by the ghost fox team this time.

Feng Ruo had another idea in his heart. When he heard that Tie Peng had leaked information about him to the ghost fox team, he knew that the ghost fox leader had just suddenly retreated. I'm afraid it was not that simple, but if he really worried that his affairs would be leaked, so he ran to chase the ghost fox team, In one fell swoop, because although the ghost fox leader suffered a big loss just now, it did not make him afraid of himself, so in any case, they will not reveal this secret, let alone directly escape back to the gathering place. After all, it is still a long time before the end of the month!

So, the ghost fox team will definitely come back to kill a horse gun.

As for why Feng Ruo was hidden aside, it was mainly for the ghost fox leader, because the power of that guy's soul seemed to be not weak. Only by hiding secretly first can he find his trace at the critical moment.

Of course, Feng Ruo also intends to investigate this move. Is there any problem between Xue Zhongcheng and Song Ji?

Hanging far behind Xue Zhongcheng and others, Feng Ruo began to wait patiently after watching them escorting the three prisoners into the cave they had been chiseled before.

When five or six hours went around, a figure carefully appeared in Feng Ruo's sight, but it was the Tie Peng who had disappeared in the gravel storm before.

Seeing this Tiepeng, a sneer flashed at the corners of Feng Ruo's mouth. As he guessed, the ghost fox leader was really confident in his strength!

Because Tiepeng participated in the opening of the underground cave before, it was easy to find the entrance of the cave. After he made a signal, more than a dozen figures quietly appeared from a distance, but there was no ghost fox leader in it. There is no doubt that this guy is also quite cautious and likes to hide in the dark and wait for the opportunity to move

He sneered again, but Feng Ruo did not wait any longer. The purple fire's wings flashed directly and rushed to the more than ten men of the ghost fox leader in the blink of an eye. Two purple fire machetees were the first to break out of the air, and then the Qingcheng sword followed him to kill.

The first thing to bear the brunt was the only two human monks left under the ghost fox leader. Feng Ruo remembered that one of them was the guy named Luo Yuan. Both of them were good, but their defense was much worse than those dragons, so they were unlucky to become the target of the first wave of attacks.

The speed of the purple flame machete is faster than the attack speed of the Qingcheng sword. From then, Luo Yuan and the two found that Fengruo launched an assault. As soon as they sacrificed their own flying swords, the two purple lights dragged countless shadows and hit the two of them! There was no cover-up at all. The naked killing machine enveloped the two of them in an instant!

At this moment, although Luo Yuan and his wife were under the wing protection of many companions, they couldn't help but feel chilling, they could only desperately sacrifice their strongest defenses in their hands!

Unfortunately, the attack power of the purple fire machete is not what they can imagine at all. Even the defense of the third-level demon king can be easily torn apart. How can the two of them resist it?

The purple light flashed Luo Yuan's body and his body was cut into several pieces like a paper paste. Because the speed of the purple flame bending was too fast, the temperature attached to it was too high. Before their broken limbs fell from the air, they had been burned into ashes and even the spiritual baby did not escape!

After a hit, the two purple flame machete did not disappear. Instead, one left and one right, tore towards the target next to them. The remaining eight or nine figures are completely transformed dragons, three of which are guys with two dragon veins. It can be said that the overall strength is very strong!

At this moment, after Luo Yuan and the other two were killed by one blow, they did not panic at all. Instead, they roared repeatedly and turned into the body one after another, attacking Feng Ruo!

Even with the horror of the purple flame machete, it can only intercept the two dragons at this time, and the Qingcheng sword is to stop the third dragon!

The defensive ability of these three dragons is not comparable to that of Luo Yuan. Although the purple flame machete and the Qingcheng sword left several terrible wounds on their bodies in a blink of an eye, the sheep could not make them lose their combat power, but made them more violent, desperately colliding with the purple flame machete and the Qingcheng sword. It's scarred, and they all don't retreat.

It was with these three lifeless dragons that dragged the purple flame machete and the Qingcheng sword, and the other six metamorphic dragons hit up without hindrance. In the wind and clouds, these six metamorphic dragons formed some kind of formation in the air, and then opened their huge mouths at the same time, and colorful lights envelope It seems to be a huge light net, which is overwhelming towards Feng Ruo, and wherever it passes, even those mountains are directly flattened by this color light net, so its power can be known.

However, these six-shaped dragons obviously consume a lot to maintain this color light network. You can see that the light on their bodies keeps flashing and begins to gradually weaken!

Feng Ruo seemed to be stunned by the terrible power of the color light net, but he was delayed for a moment. When he came to his senses, the color light net had already enveloped him in it.

At this moment, the purple fire wings flashed again behind Feng Ruo, fanning more than ten times in a row, but to his surprise, the teleportation ability of the purple fire wings could not break through the color light net, and each impact seemed to cause some damage to the purple fire wings. After he tried more than ten times, his purple fire double The wings have disappeared abruptly, and even the two purple flame machete outside disappeared at the same time!

Then, the six metamorphic dragons in the air suddenly looked up to the sky and cried, as if they wanted to struggle, but somehow, their pupils were quickly shrouded in a black light, and then they never saw any spirituality again. At this time, each dragon's mouth was ejected or Two dragon shadows, but this is the dragon vein they have worked so hard to cultivate!

With the addition of these dragon veins, the colored light mass is becoming more and more gorgeous. At this time, you can't even see the well in it. When those colorful lights reach the extreme, they can't distinguish all kinds of colors, but completely change into hot white light!

This dazzling light like the scorching sun lasted for ten breaths. Under the great power of this white light, the space within a radius of nearly a thousand feet has undergone great changes. Everything, including the mountain and rock air, disappeared under the power of that light, and finally turned into a depth of nearly a hundred feet, a radius of a thousand. A huge deep pit of about ten feet!

And the six Shi-shaped dragons that completed such an attack fell like a piece of wood one after another, and finally turned into powder after falling to the ground!

As for Feng Ruo, Bi Ke lay on his back in the deep pit, and the seven orifices were bleeding, as if there was only one breath left.

"Hehe! I guessed it right. Even the dragon destruction array with the original power of burning six dragons can't erase you in an instant. You know, even I can't compete with this kind of power. You really have some details. It seems that I picked up the treasure this time!"

At this time, with a cold and harsh voice, a figure appeared silently above Feng Ruo, but this man was the leader of the ghost fox.

"You, come here and subdue this!" The ghost fox leader seemed not to doubt that Feng Ruo still had any spare strength, and directly ordered Tiepeng in the distance. At this time, Tiepeng, in his eyes, was also covered by the black light like the six dragons. Obviously, he was controlled.

And when Tiepeng approached Fengruo like a puppet, the Qingcheng sword, which had been like a masterless ghost in the distance, suddenly came, directly pierced Tiepeng's body, and then strangled a few times. Tiepeng's whole body turned into flesh and blood in an instant, followed. Fengruo, who was already angry, That is, a calm voice sounded from a distance.

"Sorry, I let you down!" This sudden change obviously made the ghost fox leader stunned for a moment, because he somehow understood how Feng Ruo did it.

"Do you feel very confused? But in fact, it's useless for you to doubt, because a dead man doesn't care about it. Feng Ruo's expression was very indifferent. He just carried his hands and looked at it from a distance, as if he were talking about the world.

"Who the hell are you? Is it the Bifang Demon King? I don't believe that a monk in the early days of the spiritual baby can have such a magical power? At this time, the ghost fox leader suddenly asked excitedly.

"I can tell you this problem for free, no!" Feng Ruo shook his head slightly, and his heart was calm. In fact, he only appeared in the deep pit. Although the color light net was powerful, it could not trap him. At the critical moment, he escaped with the help of the ability of the purple water spirit. All this was just for the ghost fox leader. He lured out, because this guy's soul was very strange. Although he knew that the man was looking nearby, he could not lock it.

Now, as long as the ghost fox leader appears in front of him, he can't escape from the palm of his hand.

"Wait, I have something to say. I know you are very strong, but if you want to kill me, it will cost a lot of money. In this case, why don't we turn to cooperation? I can tell you the secrets of the lost land and the black abyss, and you hold With the ability to collect a large number of Longjing, I can guarantee that as long as you and I choose to cooperate, we can escape from this damn place in less than three years!"