Wind control

Chapter 549 Colorful Dragon scales

In that magnificent palace, in front of the angry dragon, Feng Ruodang really felt extremely small. He just carefully touched the entrance of the palace and felt a kind of pressure that made him completely suffocated. He even had an illusion that as long as he dared to move forward, his whole body would be crushed. The watermelon "slammed" like that and became rotten!

This situation was completely unexpected. It seemed that the majesty of the Dragon God was indeed sacrosanct. Naturally, he did not dare to try at this moment, so he could only quickly turn around and prepare to leave. But at this moment, a lingering light in the corner of his eyes suddenly saw the position of the huge palace near the door of Flashed.

Looking at it, Feng Ruo couldn't help but feel happy. It turned out that the colorful light was actually a dragon scale that the dragon had fallen off. At this moment, he was lying there quietly.

For a moment, countless thoughts flashed in Feng Ruo's mind, because this colorful dragon scale that was dropped by the dragon must be worthless. I guess it's not to mention in the Cangwu world, but in the nihilistic world, I'm afraid they are all treasures, but these are not important. The important thing is that with The runes on the eight stone tablets outside have landed.

After some hesitation, Feng Ruo decided to take a risk. He did not dare to reveal the colorful dragon scales on the dragon, but there should be no problem with the falling off colorful dragon scales!

Of course, the premise of all this is that Feng Ruo can resist the terrible pressure.

Feng Ruo estimated that it was less than 80 steps from his current position to the entrance of the hall, but this seemingly short distance may be the distance between life and death!

"Try it once. Anyway, I still have the small blue tower in my hand. If it really doesn't work, sacrifice the anti-sky defense of the small blue tower!"

Feng Ruo thought to himself that, fortunately, his various magical means were not lacking, and he did not hesitate. He immediately took himself as his eyes and arranged a four-ele-one defense array for himself, because he had the ability to depict his mind and could concentrate this defense array on himself. This method has long been He can't be more familiar with it. He learned it when he was in the sea of dead wood.

After more than a dozen breaths, with the formula in Feng Ruo's hand, the yellow light released by the four elephants began to converge with Feng Ruo's body as the center, thus forming an external defense shield for him.

Under this kind of defense shield, the speed of sealing will be reduced by half, but the defense ability will be greatly improved.

At this time, Feng Ruo did not dare to neglect, and immediately moved forward under the terrible pressure. Sure enough, the shield formed by the four elephants to one defense array was very effective. He walked forward more than ten steps in one breath, and the defense shield began to collapse quickly!

He doesn't dare to seal Ruo, but he is not in a hurry. This is just his first level of defense.

At the moment when the defensive shield formed by the four elephants returned to a burst of law collapsed, the light in Feng Ruo's hand suddenly lit up like smoke, but this was all the defensive charms in his hand. He didn't care whether he was high-level or low-level or not. Anyway, he threw it out, and finally gave him

Taking this opportunity, the mana in Fengruo's [body] also began to operate, protecting his whole body. At the same time, the purple fire also joined in, blocking the most terrible pressure from above.

I have to say that the power formed by Feng Ruo's whole body mana is also extremely powerful. In this case, it can temporarily resist the pressure. Of course, there is also the credit of the second set of meridians formed by the purple water spirit.

Because in the face of the terrible pressure at this moment, it is equivalent to two Fengruo resisting at the same time, which can disperse the pressure.

Taking this opportunity, Feng Ruo walked forward more than 30 steps desperately, less than half of the colorful dragon scales.

But at this time, the pressure that Feng Ruo is under is getting worse and worse. Even if he has two sets of meridians, even if there is purple fire to help him, the mana in his [body] is being consumed at a terrible speed. If he doesn't return, I'm afraid he will be crushed into pieces soon!

Although he was reluctant, Feng Ruo had no choice but to sacrifice the small blue tower. According to normal circumstances, the defensive shield formed by the small blue tower would maintain 60 breaths, which was enough for him to walk back and forth.

But Feng Ruo also knows that he is facing the pressure of the Dragon God at this moment, and I'm afraid that this small blue tower will also be subject to checks and balances!

Sure enough, as soon as the defense shield of the small blue tower appeared, it showed an extremely unstable phenomenon. It is estimated that it can only maintain about eight or nine breaths, but such a time is enough for Feng Ruo to enter the hall!

At this moment, Feng Ruo almost tried his best, and finally rushed into the hall at the moment when the defense shield of the blue tower collapsed, and quickly jumped on the colorful dragon scales.

And the moment he touched the colorful dragon scales with his hands, the previous pressure suddenly disappeared. At this time, Feng Ruo, who was surprised and happy, was relieved and collapsed to the ground. It seemed that his previous guess was really correct. This colorful dragon scale was the treasure.

After a short breath, Feng Ruo did not dare to stop. He picked up the colorful dragon scales the size of a water tank, and turned around and fled to the outside. He didn't even care about the situation in the hall. This is his principle, not greedy!

Feng Ruo is very clear about where this is. It is already a great creation to get this colorful dragon scale. He is already satisfied, so no matter how many good things there are in the palace, he will not see it, think about it, and will not take it!

With this colorful dragon scale to protect himself, there was no pressure at all. However, after running dozens of steps outside, he was suddenly surprised to find that the dragon scale the size of a water tank in his arms began to shrink quickly!

Feng Ruo didn't understand the situation, but he didn't have time to think about it, because the magnificent palace behind him began to make a rumbling sound of collapse.

So Feng Ruo doesn't know where he is now. He may have caused trouble. Now he is not even thinking about remembering the runes on the eight stone tablets. He just wants to escape as far as far as he can! Otherwise, if the Black Dragon King and others know that he has collapsed the palace, he will have to skin him!

By the time Feng Ruo escaped to the middle of the [Guangzhou] field, the dragon scale in his arms had shrunk to the size of his nails, but this scene made him laugh bitterly. This time, he really didn't expect that he wanted to beat chickens and eggs at such a high price?

When his heart was sad, the colorful dragon scales the size of the nails in Feng Ruo's hand shrank again, and then turned into a colorful glow and sank into his chest. Then he just felt a coolness rising from his chest, and then extended to his whole body.

"Well, what's going on?"

Feng Ruo opened his mouth and was a little stunned. The change in this matter was really beyond his expectation. At this time, he couldn't care about the roaring sound of collapse behind him. He took off the suit he was wearing, and then looked at it in his heart. I don't know when. Unexpectedly, there was a small extra colorful dragon scale the size of a fingernail, which was exactly the same as the colorful dragon scale that had just disappeared in his hand.

But the only difference is that this small colorful dragon scale grows in his heart, as if it had existed since he was born.

The appearance of this small colorful dragon scale does not seem to have much impact on Feng Ruo's body. Except for the constant coolness, there is no change.

"This is terrible!"

Feng Ruo sighed secretly. The change of these colorful dragon scales was really beyond his imagination. He wanted to record those runes with this thing, but now he actually ran to himself.

With great emotion, Feng Ruo couldn't help looking back and saw that the magnificent palace had completely collapsed. As for the dragon with colorful glow, it disappeared, but maybe it was buried by the ruins!

At this moment, Feng Ruo naturally did not have the heart to remember the runes on the eight stone tablets. He wanted to leave here early. His idea had just risen, and countless colorful lights suddenly appeared around the field, and only a rumbling sound was heard. Then these colorful lights suddenly flashed, and Feng Ruo's eyes temporarily When he was blind, a huge pulling force threw him into the air and then hit the ground again!

When Feng Ruo got up from the ground in shock, he found that he was already on the top of a desolate high mountain. After carefully looking around, he immediately understood that he had returned to the previous high mountain.

Just when Feng Ruo was in a trance and shocked by all the magical experiences before this time, on the [Guangzhou] field where he had stayed, the colorful lights still did not disappear. Instead, they condensed towards the five flying dragon sculptures. Somehow, the five flying dragon sculptures could actually suck all those colorful lights. When there was no more colorful light on the whole [Guangzhou] field, only a clear dragon chant could be heard, and the five flying dragons were completely alive.

"Absurd! How can the inheritance of the Dragon God be obtained by a poor human? What do the guardians here eat? With an extremely majestic voice, the five flying dragons were all turned into five completely wrapped in colorful lights, and they could not even tell whether they were male or female.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, is it? How can those guardians have so much ability? There must be something wrong with this matter!" Another voice went on, but it was much milder.

"That's right. That's it. It's useless to say more. Since that human can integrate the scales of the Dragon God, it should naturally not be simple. Moreover, how can we guess the will of the Dragon God? In those years, the Dragon God left 108 inheritance dragon scales, which was just one of them. Even if there was any change, there was nothing important. What's more, the boy couldn't even understand the god's determination, and the future achievements were not great. It's really not worth the attention of my five dragon messengers!" With the last sound, the figures transformed by the five flying dragons no longer said anything, and then turned into countless colorful lights and disappeared in place.