Wind control

Chapter 581 Snow Yancheng 3

Although Xueyan City is cold all year round and its location is steep, somehow it can give people a lazy feeling of desolation. After entering from the city gate, you will see all the buildings, and the streets are extremely casual, as if the original builders did not plan seriously at all.

This is the most intuitive feeling for Feng Ruo and Chi Yan, and the black wind, because according to legend, Xueyan City is the gateway to the Hanyu Ice Palace, so with the samazing atmosphere in the Hanyu Ice Palace, this Xueyan City should not be bad!

But now, it's really incredible.

In addition, there are few pedestrians in the whole city. Occasionally, a few people are in the gas refining period, or the low-level monks in the foundation period are in a hurry. All the shops have not opened, and even the guards of the city are not seen. It seems that the snowflakes falling from the sky are dead and slow.

"Feng Ruo, there seems to be something wrong with this place! Is this a city of immortality? Han Feng was the first to say that he had stayed in the world of human immortal cultivation for a long time, so he also noticed the strangeness in the snow geese city at the first time.

"Maybe! But maybe this is the characteristic of Xueyan City!" Feng Ruo nodded and whispered, and now he is also a little confused, because according to the information he obtained in the past, there are at least tens of thousands of monks in Xueyan City. There is no reason to be so lonely!

At this time, a figure ran out of a dilapidated street corner in the distance. This guy was just the late stage of refining, but it seemed to be worse than Feng Ruo at the beginning. The two snow silkworm suits were tattered, and it was estimated that there was only a little defense, and there were a lot of black blood stains There is no doubt that this guy should have just come back from hunting.

Without thinking about it, Feng Ruo stopped this guy.

Although the monk could not see the real cultivation of the five people, he also knew that their strength was unfathomable by their demeanor, so he stopped wisely and asked respectfully, "Several seniors, do you have any instructions? The younger generation Chi Qing, as long as the younger generation knows, he will know everything!"

"Hmm! Not bad!" Feng Ruo nodded with satisfaction. This little guy named Chi Qing is only in his twenties. Although he is depressed, he is still energetic. The most important thing is that this boy is very smart.

He casually took out a medium-grade five-elong stone and threw it into Chi Qing's hand. Feng Ruo then asked Chi Qing, who suddenly became extremely ecstatic, "I heard that there is a snow spring in Xueyan City. The spring water is clear and the aura is strong. If you can soak it, you can participate in the

Hearing Feng Ruo's words, Chi Qing, who was still a little excited on his face, suddenly became embarrassed and said helplessly, "Senior, you don't know anything. The Xueling Spring is indeed the signboard of my Xueyan City. In the past, there was an endless stream of immortal cultivation, and it was also the people brought by Qi, the whole Xueyan City is also quite lively. Even major businesses have opened branches here, and scattered monks like us will get more benefits and opportunities! However, for some reason, just a few decades ago, the snow spring suddenly dried up, and then soon, the barrier to the divine mountain was closed!"

"In this way, the vitality of Xueyan City was destroyed. Since there were no immortal cultivation predecessors from all over the country to come here, those firms were also closed one after another. At the beginning, some of the great forces in Xueyan City, including the city owners, left one after another, and the remaining monks with a Yes, the current Xueyan City is actually almost the same as a dead city! As far as the younger generation knows, there are only less than 800 monks left in this Xueyan City. In fact, the most powerful is only in the middle stage of foundation building. We are also full of long-term survival. Even if we want to sell the goods obtained from hunting, we have to go to the ice rock town 300 miles away. If we encounter a tide You have to dodge in advance!"

After listening to Chi Qing's words, Feng Ruo's face was a little ugly. His source was very closed, so he did not know that the Snow Yan City had been abandoned. In this way, his original plan was a little ineffective.

After thinking about it, Feng Ruo still said to Chi Qing, "It doesn't matter. You can take us to see the exhausted snow spring first. Since you are here, you have to leave a souvenir for yourself!"

"Yes! This is an honor for the younger generation. Please, seniors!" Chi Qing agreed without any hesitation. It's nothing else. It's just that the middle-grade five-educt stone that Feng Ruo gave him just now is enough for him to practice for a few years. This kind of good thing that falls from the sky. If he refuses, it's a fool. At this time, Chi Qing is even planning how to spend

At this time, Feng Ruo and other five people turned around the abandoned streets with Chi Qing and headed towards the most core of Xueyan City. The position was against the ice cliff more than a thousand feet high, and above the ice cliff was the cold mountain ice field, that is, the scope of the cold mountain area.

However, it is not easy to climb over this thousand-foot-high ice cliff. There are not only countless ice beasts in the area, but also the guards of the cold jade ice palace. The most important thing is that when entering the ice field, the temperature will drop to the extreme. Even the monks who are as strong as the golden elixir period can

In the past, the Snow Yancheng had a passage to the hinterland of the ice field, but now it has been closed. Unless it is a hard break, there is no other way.

As it gradually approaches the snow spring, the houses on both sides of the road are becoming larger and larger. Obviously, before the Snow Yancheng is abandoned, those who can live in this area are all face-headed people. Unfortunately, now they have become empty houses or occupied by some low-powerful little monks.

However, Feng Ruo also found a detail, that is, these huge, exquisite and solid courtyards seem to have experienced many attacks, countless scratches and impact marks, and even frozen blood stains in some places.

Chi Qing was very good at observing words and colors. After finding that Feng Ruo looked at the traces of the battle around him, he immediately explained, "Senior, those are all left by the beast tide. Since the beginning of its establishment, this snow geese city has often been attacked by the beast tide from the divine mountain, which appears every few years There are countless small beast tides, but with the help of major forces and the guards on the divine mountain, this can support the defense of the snow geese city. But now the snow geese city has been completely abandoned, and naturally it can no longer resist the beast tide. There were several small forces that wanted to integrate the abandoned snow geese city. But they all completely collapsed under the impact of the beast tide. Since then, before the beast tide comes, we will hide to the ice rock town.

"Oh! So that's it!" Feng Ruo nodded, but he thought to himself, was there something wrong inside the Hanyu Ice Palace? As a result, the snow spring dried up, and they even had to give up the Snow Yancheng. After all, in the eyes of outsiders, the Snow Yan City has little to do with the Hanyu Ice Palace, but those who know the inside story understand that the Snow Yan City is extremely important to the Hanyu Ice Palace.

"It seems that I can't sneak into the Hanyu Ice Palace so rashly. At least I have to get some recent effective information, so it's easy to decide!" Thinking of this, Feng Ruo casually asked Chi Qing, "Where is that ice rock town? Since it is only three hundred miles away from the Snow Yancheng, will it not be disturbed by the tide of beasts?

"Senior, this Ice Rock Town is very different from Snow Yancheng!" Chi Qing turned around and nodded to Feng Ruo, and said familiarly, "This ice rock town was established for a very short time. According to others, it was established about 200 years ago. At that time, it was led by the two major sects, Miaoyinmen and Qianhuanzong, and then joined many other small and medium-sized forces to build this ice rock town However, it is a town, but the scale is much larger than that of Xueyan City, where there are at least more than 100,000 monks. It is said that Qianhuan Sect even moved the mountain gates to Bingyan Town, and it is said that there are spiritual infants masters there! So it's also very easy to deal with the beast tide.

"Oh? Thousands of illusions? Miaoyinmen?" Hearing this, Feng Ruo couldn't help frowning. Chi Qing didn't know, but he knew that behind the Qianhuan Sect was the Chiba Gate, one of the five sects. As for the backer behind the Miaoyin Gate was the Jiushen Palace. These two sects established an ice rock town near Xueyan City, which clearly provoked the Han

As for why Jiushen Palace and Chibamen dare to have this courage, it is mostly because of the Zhishuijie, because the news that the Zhishuijie was found was in that section.

Perhaps, the reason why Xueyan City was abandoned has a lot to do with Ice Rock Town!

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo has decided to go to Bingyan Town to learn about the situation. He took a look at Chi Qing, who was leading the way in front of him. His heart moved slightly, and then asked, "Chi Qing, where do you usually hunt? Are all the hunting proceeds for sale in Ice Rock Town?

"Well, I would like to thank you that in fact, my strength is too low. I can only hunt on the edge of Xueyan City, but if it is the strong in the ice rock town, they can go deep into the divine mountain to hunt, where there are high-level spiritual beasts. If you are lucky enough to collect a few spiritual grass with ice As for the hunting income, except for part of the ice rock town in exchange for the five elements stone, the rest is reserved for my own refinery or alchemy. I am now striving to enter the foundation period as soon as possible. In this way, I can compete for the guard of the ice rock town. If I am lucky, I can be favored by the envoy Chi Qing has some longing.

"Oh! Join Shenshan? The light in Feng Ruo's eyes flashed slightly. Naturally, he knew that the divine mountain in Chiqing's mouth was the cold mountain area, and it also belonged to the cold jade ice palace. In this way, it seems that he did not have no chance to sneak into the cold jade ice palace.

"Senior, the former is that snow spring!" At this time, Chi Qing pointed to the seven or eight hundred feet ahead of the road, where there was a huge crack, which was directly inclined to the ice cliff, but Feng Ruo's eyesight had already been clearly seen. Presumably, the snow spring dripped out through this crack.

At this time, although the snow spring has dried up, it can still feel the unique cold meaning in the air.

Just as Feng Ruo was about to take a closer look, a rapid bell suddenly rang from the distance, and when he heard the rapid bell, Chi Qing's face suddenly became extremely pale, and his whole body trembled a little, almost paralyzed on the ground.

"Senior, no, it's not good. Yes, it's a beast tide. I'm dead!"

"Is it a beast tide?" Feng Ruo was a little surprised. He took a funny look at Chi Qing, who was shivering and was almost scared to death, and then motioned Qing Yan to arrest him.

"Don't worry, no one will die. We still need you to lead the way to Ice Rock Town! All right, let's go!"

After saying this, Feng Ruo took the lead and went directly to the outside of Xueyan City. Now he is only showing the strength of a golden elixir monk, but it is also enough to make Chi Qing stunned.

At this time, with the rapid bell ringing, many panicked monks suddenly came out of the originally desolate Snow Yancheng. Obviously, this beast tide was very unusual, which made them unprepared at all.

"It's a little interesting!" Feng Ruo talked to himself, while the red whisker and the black wind were Chi Qing, who were going to be soft with their hands and feet. They followed like an idle walk, and even had the heart to appreciate the awkward appearance of those fleeing monks. For them, no matter how powerful the beast tide was, it was bean sprouts. If Feng Ruo We only need to release a little fluctuation of the dragon, which is enough to scare off the beast tide!

At this time, the rumble sound sounded from above the huge ice cliff in the distance. With Feng Ruo's eyes, it can be clearly seen that countless snow-white spirit beasts roared down from the ice cliff of more than a thousand feet like an avalanche. Although these spirit beasts are only level five or six, they are better than a Even if he was a monk in the early days of Jindan, he had to avoid the edge for the time being.

"I really didn't expect it! This beast tide was actually formed from the cold mountain ice field. What on earth does the Hanyu Ice Palace want to do? Interesting, interesting!"

Feng Ruo looked at the gradually formed, and there was more and more high-level spirit beasts, but there was a strange smile at the corners of his mouth. Now, there is a guess in his heart, but it can't be verified at this moment.

At the speed of Feng Ruo and others, even if most of the strength is hidden, it is much faster than those ordinary monks, so they soon rushed to the huge gate without any defense.

Now, they understand why the Snow Yancheng was abandoned. It is really because the beast tide rushed directly into the Snow Yancheng from the thousand-foot cliff, so no matter how powerful the defense is, no matter how strong the gate is, it is useless!

"Let's stop here!"

Feng Ruo said lightly that he is not a good man, but sometimes it does not prevent him from doing something good with the effort of his hands. This beast tide can't help it at all. As long as they need them to stay here for a moment, then the remaining monks in the Snow Yancheng can have a glimmer of life.