Wind control

Chapter 605

This earthy yellow light is very fast and quite lethal. As soon as the sound of breaking the air, the dangerous breath has enveloped Feng Ruo.


At this time, Feng Ruo gave a slight soft sound, and a strange color flashed in his eyes. Then he did not dodge at all. He just raised his left arm slightly and directly faced the earthy yellow light. This was because he wanted to try how strong the physical defense level strengthened by the dragon god scales. On the other hand, because he found that the accidental attacker was a strange beast the size of a rabbit, not some kind of attack method of human monks, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

"Bun!" Almost in an instant, a huge impact force hit Feng Ruo's left arm. If this force had been in the past, he would not have been able to bear it directly at all. He either used the purple fire wings to move away in an instant, or used the Qingcheng sword or the purple flame machete to bombard the spirit beast in advance.

If you have to force a hard resistance, even if Feng Ruo is not seriously injured, he will be bombarded dozens of feet away.

But now, when the strange spirit beast approached Feng Ruo, countless faint light spots flashed spontaneously in his body. This light spot seemed to be extremely intelligent. In the blink of an eye, it gathered on Feng Ruo's left arm, and a strange defensive shield was formed between the lightning flint. It was easy to eject it. This extremely fierce blow did not even break Feng Ruo's defense!

Sensing this scene, Feng Ruo was thinking about it, because he suddenly found that the dragon god scales brought him not only eight or nine times the strength and defense of the body, but also had another unimaginable defense power.

This magic power reacted too fast, so Feng Ruo's mind appeared, and a defense shield had been formed, so that it would give him the illusion of automatic defense.

And it was precisely because he found this interesting place that Feng Ruo did not kill the rabbit-sized but not weak spirit beast, but let it collide again.

This time, Feng Ruo did not pay attention to the trajectory of the spirit beast at all, and there was no action. He just tried his best to pay attention to the changes in his body.

Sure enough, after he concentrated on the power of the soul, he found that as long as there was a sense of danger covering him, a layer of almost transparent and invisible trace of dragon scales began to quickly appear on the surface of his body. This layer of subtle dragon scales was like running water on his body. Circulating around the body, the place is about to withstand the attack, and this layer of subtle dragon scales will quickly gather to that position, thus forming a unique defensive light shield.

However, Feng Ruo also found that this layer of subtle dragon scale virtual shadow is still very weak, and it will attenuate with the increase of the number and intensity of defense. For example, after he suffered five or six collisions of the spirit beast, the defense effect of the dragon scale virtual shadow began to be greatly reduced, or even more and more thin.

"Hey! Is that good? Can't this virtual shadow of dragon scales continue to grow? - At this time, Feng Ruo was very satisfied and said to himself. Although this kind of defense magic power has restrictions on the strength of defense and the number of defenses, the advantage is that it runs extremely fast, which is very suitable for exchanging injuries for injuries in the extremely critical battle of life and death, so Move!


At this time, the spirit beast, which had been attacking Feng Ruo desperately like crazy, suddenly stopped attacking, turned around and directly got into the ground. The speed of escape was simply a little strange!

Feng Ruo was stunned, and then shook his head. He didn't bother to chase and kill for this. He didn't care about the strange beasts that came and went in a hurry, so he continued to move forward. Now he is not in a hurry, because he is absolutely safe here. Even if there is any accident, he can quickly return to his So this time he wants to explore here.

But just after Feng Ruo randomly chose a direction and walked forward for a distance, the golden sand sea on the ground suddenly stirred like boiling water, as if there was something big to rush out.


Feng Ruo frowned slightly, but felt a little bad. At the next moment, at least thousands of cold-sized spirit beasts that had just been seen came out of the sand sea. As soon as these spirit beasts appeared, they rushed straight to Feng Ruo, and the posture seemed to be their life-and-death enemy.

Although these spirit beasts are relatively small, thousands of them are dispatched at the same time, which can almost be compared to a huge sandstorm, especially the unique sound of breaking the air, which is even more terrible.

"Okay! As the old saying goes, if a person doesn't offend me, I won't offend, and if a person offends me, I will offend! Since you like to play, I will accompany you to the end!"

He smiled expectantly. Feng Ruo was still thinking about experimenting at this moment. Now his real strength has been strengthened by the dragon god scales! These little guys came in time!

With a low voice, Feng Ruo didn't even release the Qingcheng sword, and the whole person suddenly took a step forward. Only this step crossed a distance of hundreds of feet. Although this was not as powerful as the shrinking inch, it was better than the overall momentum!

As Feng Ruo took a step forward, the energy on his body appeared like substance. Suddenly, this powerful energy rushed to the dry spirit beast in front of him like an arrow. The sand swept up on the ground, driven by the energy, also became very lethal, like a golden cloud, roaring. Go!

It was just this simple energy that disrupted the formation of thousands of spirit beasts that rushed up crazily. Although they failed to kill them, nearly a hundred spirit beasts in front of them could no longer maintain the momentum of rapid charge!

This opportunity is enough for such a master as Feng Ruo. With a cold snort, two purple flame machete have been fired out, drawing two gorgeous shadows, and then began to harvest lightningly!

Although the strength of that kind of spirit beast is not weak, how can it compete with the purple flame machete? Without the advantage of speed, he was killed by the purple flame machete in the blink of an eye. Where the purple flame machete passed, there was almost no obstruction!

However, in the face of this absolute advantage, Feng Ruo was a little uneasy, because somehow, those strange spirits killed by the purple flame machete did not leave the body, but emitted a slightly dim yellow light, and completely disappeared!

After only a dozen breaths, the thousands of strange spirit beasts did not even rush to Feng Ruo's side, and were killed by the purple flame machete. The golden sand sea regained calm again, and there was no corpse of any kind of spirit beast.

After thinking for a moment, Feng Ruo did not leave again, but sat down cross-legged in place with a solemn look. Now he vaguely felt that in the third space of the ancient Shenxing Palace, the key breakthrough still had to fall on the strange spirit beast.