Wind control

Chapter 618 Five Dragons

Everything that follows is naturally extremely smooth. When Feng Ruo integrated all the green jade ** into the Qingcheng sword above, a cyan bead the size of a child's fist naturally appeared on the open space below. It seems that there is always a cloud and fog outside of the blue bead, and occasionally a khaki can be seen. The strong wind blows, and these visions alone are enough to prove the extraordinaryness of this thing!

"Tut-tut! This is really cheap for this foodie of silver armor!"

With a sigh, Feng Ruo put away the inheritance bone beads of this Si Ling fierce beast with a casual move. In fact, if this Si Ling fierce beast is not the nature of the earth attribute, but other attributes, he may gritt his teeth and integrate it into the Qingcheng sword.

At this time, after putting away the inheritance bone beads of this fierce beast, Feng Ruo began to concentrate on refining the Qingcheng sword. Now the Qingcheng sword can no longer see the body and is completely wrapped in a ball of cyan light, and the five gathering arrays around him are also running at full capacity, constantly transforming a large amount of pure aura into The power of the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire and earth is then entered into the Qingcheng Sword.

With the passage of time, the roar of the sword gradually sounded from the Qingcheng sword, and the light wrapped in the Qingcheng sword became more and more fierce.

Seeing this scene, Feng Ruo did not dare to neglect it. With a low scold in his mouth, he immediately hit a series of strange sword formulas. With this sword formula, a cyan sword shadow appeared in an instant on a gathering array in the east direction. The sword shadow was still very vague at the beginning, and it could only be recognized that it was condense Yes.

But after several breaths, the blue sword shadow became clearer and clearer, until it turned into a sword about four feet long and two inches wide, which looked extremely light and sharp!

At this moment, seeing that the sword shadow was about to take shape, Feng Ruo quickly bit the tip of his tongue and spewed out a mouthful of heart and blood. All of them were pointed to the sword shadow. In an instant, only a Qingyue dragon chant was heard. The sword weapon was directly condensed into shape, and on the sword body like Come on, let's be very angry!

But at this time, Feng Ruoke was not in the mood to appreciate it. He shouted again and hit a series of complex and strange sword formulas at the second gathering array. As before, when the sword formula fell, another sword shadow emerged from the gathering array, but this time the sword shadow was black, which was pure. The water aura is condensed.

The shape of this sword shadow is different from that of the first sword shadow. It is about six feet and seven inches long and about one foot wide, which is very close to the Aoki Shashen Sword. The sword front shows a dark color, which reminds people of the breath of death for no reason.

This sword shadow also consumed Feng Ruo's painstaking efforts. In the end, the painstaking efforts completely turned into a black dragon, which also hovered over the black sword weapon.

When the black sword was formed, Feng Ruo did not stop at all, so he continued to play the sword formula. This time, the sword formula fell from the metallic gathering array, and the natural appearance on it was also a golden sword shadow, but the sword shadow had no shape. All of it was just a little golden light, until Feng Ruo's pains This golden light turned into a sword weapon the size of a willow leaf. Similarly, there is also a lifelike golden dragon shadow hovering on it.

And he spewed out three mouthfuls of pains of painstaking efforts in a row. Forgiven Feng Ruo's strong cultivation, he has turned pale at this moment, because the painstaking efforts he spewed out this time is to make the Qingcheng Sword better to communicate with himself, so he can' It is equivalent to nearly 60% of his strength!

However, Feng Ruo also has no choice. After all, the effect of refining the Qingcheng Sword this time is surprisingly good. If he doesn't pay a little, I'm afraid that there will be shortcomings in communication with Qingcheng Sword!

Therefore, Feng Ruo can't care about anything else at this time. He casually grabbed a few elixirs from the storage belt, and then opened the fourth gathering array again. This one is a fire attribute, and the sword shadow formed is a flame from the beginning. Although it is a virtual shadow, it is the domineering and arrogant. The intention of arrogance and murder is the clearer!

When Feng Ruo gritted his teeth and spewed out his heart and blood again, he only heard a shocking roar, a pair of teeth and claws, majestic, and the dragon completely formed by the purple flame appeared. The way this dragon's appearance completely covered the previous three, and it was not a level of existence at all, because the flame The dragon actually formed an entity!

But the next moment, Feng Ruo found that his purple fire was more than half less. Needless to say, the purple fire was absorbed by this flame dragon, so it became so abnormal!

Fortunately, no matter how fierce the flame dragon is, it is just a refinement after all. After hovering for several times, the flame dragon turned into a sword full of flames!

The shape of this sword is no different from that of a normal sword, but the two dragon claws exposed on the hilt show the extraordinary of this sword!

It's just that Feng Ruo at this time has long been in a state of running out of oil. He looked at the last gathering array with great difficulty. He could only grit his teeth and continue to do it, because this gold, wood, water, fire and earth was calculated by him in advance, and it was the real foundation of the Qingcheng sword. The power will get a few discounts, so even if he vomits blood, he has to activate this last level!


With a sigh, Feng Ruo spewed out the last mouthful of blood. When this mouthful of blood was ejected out, his face had completely turned into a piece of white paper, and even his breath was like a hairspring. It seemed that he was not far from death, because his five mouthfuls of blood were almost equivalent to suicide!

Fortunately, at this moment, all five gathering arrays were activated, and the rest of the matter could be done by itself. He took a difficult look at the finally formed yellow flying dragon. As soon as his body softened, he fell into a coma.

At this time, the Qingcheng sword, which had been wrapped in countless lights above the sword house, suddenly burst into countless colorful lights. At the same time, the five attributes that had formed entities around it were different, and the swords of different sizes also trembled violently. At the same time, you can see a strong suction from the colorful light. Form and start to suck these five swords towards the position of the Qingcheng sword!

The earth-based sword weapon, the metal sword weapon, and the water-based sword weapon are the easiest to absorb, but after struggling for more than ten breaths, they were absorbed by the colorful light of the Qingcheng sword, followed by the wooden sword weapon, which struggled for more than 30 breaths to be fused!'

And the fire attribute sword that absorbs half of the purple fire is the most difficult to deal with. No matter how the Qingcheng sword absorbs it, it can't move. After at least one hot tea, the fire sword is extremely reluctantly fused by the Qingcheng sword!

When all the five swords with different attributes were fused, a reiki whirlpool suddenly appeared above the sword house. Countless auras were like the flood of the dyke, crazily input to the aura whirlpool. The aura whirlpool was so horrible that the courtyard space of Feng Ruo was a little unsustainable!

Just as the courtyard space was about to be absorbed and collapsed by the aura vortex, a colorful glow suddenly fell from the sky, which not only stabilized the courtyard that was about to collapse, but also injected more pure aura into the aura vortex.

This scene lasted for a cup of tea, and the aura whirlpool just disappeared. If Feng Ruo knew this, he would not dare to quench the Qingcheng sword in the courtyard space for fear of killing him, because the aura whirlpool is equivalent to another form of natural disaster! It's just that this is the ancient Shenxing Palace, so it has been weakened to a large extent!

But even so, if it weren't for the appearance of the colorful glow, the consequences would be unimaginable, and the lightest result would be to completely collapse the space of Feng Ruo's courtyard!

However, this also proves from the side that the quality of this re-refined Qingcheng sword has reached a very high level, and it can even cause the change of heaven and earth to form a natural disaster!

And when the aura vortex finally disappeared, the five gathering arrays completely turned into flying ashes and disappeared. The only thing left was the Qingcheng sword that kept hovering above Feng Ruo's body.

At this moment, the Qingcheng sword is completely different from before. It is no longer an invisible body, but a flying sword the size of a palm. There is no whistle on the sword, let alone any light. It looks extremely stable, and it is even easy to ignore. This feeling is somewhat similar to the Aokisha Sword.

It's just that from this moment, the Qingcheng Sword is carefully hovering around Fengruo, it can be seen that the spirituality of the Qingcheng Sword is better than before!

When the Qingcheng Sword hovered around Feng Ruo, the whole courtyard space suddenly trembled slightly, and then the colorful glow appeared again, which was extremely strangely absorbed the whole courtyard space, except for Feng Ruo and Qingcheng Sword.

Wait until the next moment, the colorful glow paused slightly, and then turned into a shiny bracelet, silently put on Feng Ruo's left hand, and finally silently integrated into his wrist, as if nothing had happened.

"I really didn't expect it! There are fools and fools. You boy, you have subdued this space object in such a confused way. I'm afraid that even if the ancient god senior knows it, he will be surprised and helpless!"

At this time, Mu Hanyan's figure emerged from nowhere. He said to himself a little funnyly, casually the hovering sword, and then waved his long sleeves, took Feng Ruo, who was still in a coma, and disappeared directly in place.