Wind control

Chapter 659 Punishment

After cleaning the battlefield, Jingmo immediately ordered to return according to the original way. This hunting was a great loss of vitality compared with the wooden camp, which was almost the same as the destruction of the whole army. The fire camp did not have much loss, but everyone knew that with Jingmo's character, the clock that left his companions to escape alone. Xiao and more than 40 others have been dead for a long time, and no one can change this result.

Zhong Xiao and others, again studying calculation, they and Jingmo are not at the same level. I guess they will never think of what Feng Ruo said at that time not only came true, but also realized so quickly and so incredible!

Of course, in addition, the rest of the people in the Huozi camp have greatly harvested a lot. The corpses of fifteen golden sand female insects and tens of thousands of golden sand insects are definitely a very huge wealth, and more importantly, they have won the higher trust of Jingmo with loyalty, which is for their future cultivation. And all kinds of development definitely have infinite benefits.

Among them, the biggest winner is Zhang Han, who jumped from an ordinary little guy to the leader of the third team, and also got the opportunity to enter the second level of sword washing pool. Such benefits make almost everyone envious!

The most eye-catching and jealous thing is that Zhang Han, from beginning to end, he has no other contribution except to stick to a little position and shout a few words. This lucky is simply against the sky!

Relatively speaking, Feng Ruo is still as unknown as at the beginning. No one really noticed him. However, Zhang Han is very loyal. He directly declared Feng Ruo a full member of the third team and no longer needs the so-called tests. Therefore, no one treats him coldly along the way.

Leaving the sinkhole area, all the way to the east, for three days, a very abrupt, like a bamboo shoot-like huge stone mountain appeared in everyone's eyes. This stone mountain is connected to the stone sky, and the bottom is connected to the ground. No matter how it looks, it looks like a huge pillar supporting this huge space.

Seeing this huge stone mountain, almost all the monks of the fire camp were full of joy and obviously relaxed a lot. If you don't need to ask, you can guess that this should be the so-called wooden temple.

Zhang Han was more excited, constantly talking to Feng Ruo about what to do in the future. Feng Ruo occasionally interrupted inadvertently, which was not an obvious question, but allowed Zhang Han to unconsciously tell the relevant information and information.

In such a side knock, Feng Ruo also has a general understanding of the wooden temple.

First of all, this wooden temple is only one of the seven temples under the ancient shrine, all under the jurisdiction of the ancient shrine. At the same time, it is necessary to devoutly believe in the ancient gods. Except for the ancient shrine, there is no power in this Kunwu world. All of them are slaves of the ancient gods, and no one can

Of course, there are also levels between these slaves. They should be divided into the most ordinary slaves, disciples and messengers. Going up, he doesn't even know Zhang Han. And since he was born, he has been living in this wooden temple area, so he has only heard of the other six temples, but he has never been there. .

However, according to legends, among the seven temples, only the five temples of gold, wood, water, fire and earth are real, while the Wind Temple and the Thunder Temple have always been unpredictable!

In the wooden temple, the level is very strict. The largest number are monks as slaves, with more than 100,000. These people are almost like ants. No one cares about their life and death, and they enjoy the least resources for cultivating immortals. If you are lucky enough to join the hunting camp, you can also have the opportunity to fly. Yes, otherwise you can only barely muddle along in the area near the wooden temple.

There is no chance to become stronger, and there is no chance to enter the sword washing pool!

These people like Zhang Han and the Huozi Camp are basically servants, but they are all qualified to enter the first level of the sword washing pool, so as to get the opportunity to refine the sword and body. Therefore, it is only a very close distance to become a disciple of the ancient god, which is why Feng Ruo Yi before. As soon as that state appears, it will be despised.

As for things like Jingmo, Mu Gao, Lu Ji and others, they are all disciples of the ancient gods. As long as they practice hard, they can go through some kind of trial and become the messenger of the ancient gods.

Of all this information, the most interesting thing is the sword washing pool, because according to Zhang Han, the sword washing pool is a miracle dropped by the ancient gods. It is the most magical thing. Even if the most rubbish sword weapon is thrown in, it can be refined into a very powerful sword weapon. In addition, if you are lucky enough to enter In the second layer of sword washing pool, not only the sword is refined, but also the body of the monk, which is said to make the monk absorb more speed and quantity of innate gold.

However, it is not so easy to enter the second level of the sword washing pool. Unless you make great contributions or are recommended by a disciple-level character, you are not eligible to enter.

After talking all the way, the group of people came to the huge stone mountain. From a distance, the stone mountain was only relatively high and steep, not very wide, but when they came nearby, they found that the area of the stone mountain was actually very huge. Feng Ruo roughly estimated that the week of this mountain, at least Hundreds of miles long.

However, there are no buildings on this stone mountain. On the contrary, there are countless dense caves of various caves, and then roads connecting up and down between these caves are built, just like termite nests, quite exotic.

And there are no guards under the stone mountain, but there are many very low-power monks looking, and their eyes are full of envy. Obviously, these people are not qualified to enter the hunting camp.

At this time, Jingmo, who flew in front of him, did not stop. He directly got up from the air and flew up to the stone mountain. It was not until he soared nearly a thousand feet that he fell on a very spacious [wide] field on the stone mountain. Zhang Han, who followed at the end, whispered to Feng Ruo with "Mu Fei, there's a good show now. Zhong Xiao and they are over. I found out if you can figure it out! At that time, I thought that we had no way to live, but you were so sure that Zhong Xiao and others would definitely die, tt-t-t-t-t-t-tt-tt-t-tt-t-t-tt-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-

"Hey hey! It's just a guess. Our camp owner is Yingming Shenwu. How can the Jinsha worm do anything about her? So let's just hold her snow-white thigh tightly!" Feng Ruo smiled and deliberately pretended to be confused.

"Shh! You can't talk nonsense like this!" Zhang Han was directly shocked by Feng Ruo's words, and his face turned pale, and he almost fell directly from the sword. It was not until he was sure that no one around him heard it that he finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he no longer dared to study the mystery with Feng Ruo.

When the last wave of Feng Ruo and Zhang Han fell to the platform [Guang] field, they saw that Zhong Xiao and more than 40 others were standing in front of an old man with pale faces as paper, and they were simply stunned. Looking at the appearance of them, they should have just returned to the stone mountain and were thinking about receiving it. The reward, but I didn't expect that Jingmo had just reported the news of Jingmo's death. Jingmo himself had already fallen from the sky!

"What? Xiaomo? What's going on?"

When the old man saw Jingmo and a group of fire camp monks behind her, he was first shocked, then overjoyed, and finally turned his head and asked Zhong Xiao and others angrily.

But how can Zhong Xiao and others, who have been dumbfounded at this time, can't quibble? In addition to the roar in their minds, they are pale. Some people even kneel to the ground in fear and keep kowtowing for mercy!

"He Shenshi, Jingmo's teaching is helpless, which makes you laugh. This is just a small matter. You don't have to ask in person. These pigs and dogs are better to leave it to me to deal with the trouble caused to you. Jingmo is deeply disturbed. He will plead guilty to He God every day!"

Jingmo's voice was very calm and indifferent. There was no trace of anger, and there was even a little gentle and beautiful smell. However, the words fell into the ears of Zhong Xiao and others, which directly made them unable to fight a chill. Even the others in the Huozi camp changed slightly. Obviously, they already knew Jingmo. The means of.

"Hehe! It doesn't matter. As long as Xiaomo can come back safely, it's better than anything else. You can deal with it!" The old man, who was known as the envoy of He Shen, smiled, but no longer ignored Zhong Xiao and others, and went straight back to the cave on the other side of the platform.

"Lord, spare my life! Zhong Xiao knew it was wrong! For the sake of following your subordinates for decades, please ask the camp owner for your kindness! This - this time my subordinates are really confused, but my subordinates really regret it very much. It's all them, right! That is, they forced their subordinates all the way and forcibly took them away, but their subordinates are really the heart-to-heart owners, and their liver and intestines are broken!"

At this time, Zhong Xiao finally reacted and immediately rushed over and knelt down in front of Jingmo, crying and begging for mercy.

"Hehe! All right! I will give you a chance and a chance, but this time I will only release one person. You can choose for yourself. Whoever survives in the end will be spared!"

Jingmo was very polite and pleasant. A pair of beautiful eyes slowly swept over Zhong Xiao and others. On his icy face, there was a very rare and fascinating smile, and his red lips gently opened: "Seven strings!"

"I'm here!"

After Jingmo, a woman in black, who was always like a shadow, took a step forward and said loudly.

"I sealed their mana, took off their swords and suits, and let them go to the Snow Valley [from] to fight. In the end, I will pardon the person who survived!" Jingmo was calm as if he were talking about something that was none of his business.