Wind control

Chapter 666 Benefits

Facing Jingmo's hot eyes, Feng Ruo's heart first jumped, but then turned into a consteritonishment on his face. He was deliberately stunned and shrank back at a loss. He said, "Well, a camp leader, don't you think that the mysterious master who saved you is me, right?"

"This is definitely a big misunderstanding, camp owner! This is definitely a great injustice. I would like to swear in the name of the ancient god. I am really not a mysterious master. I am just an unknown and lucky boy. If I have half a lie, let the ancient god show his spirit and kill me directly!" Jingmo opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't say it after all. He just looked at Feng Ruo in a daze. His eyes were full of complex looks, and he looked a little pitiful. I don't know if she believed what Feng Ruo said, or didn't believe it. She just stood in the same place, like Ye, trembling and helpless!

"Well, owner, are you all right! That man is really not me!" Seeing Jingmo's appearance, Feng Ruo couldn't help softening his heart. He saved Jingmo and others that day, and he didn't want anything in return at all, so he didn't care much about Jingmo's attitude, let alone simply revealing his identity, which made no sense at all.

But he really didn't expect that Jingmo's reaction was so fierce. Could it be that the swordsmanship he used that day was too handsome and more heroic?

"Hey, the camp owner Mingjian, my subordinates are definitely not the mysterious master, but I met that brother once that day. Although he left only a shadow to his subordinates, it is enough for my subordinates to remember Wunei! If it hadn't been for the fact that my subordinates were a man, my subordinates would certainly be willing to be slaves and maidservants, and secretly promised to repay this life-saving kindness!"

"Oh? Have you met that father-in-law? Sure enough, the important clues thrown by Feng Ruo directly diverted Jingmo's attention.

"Well, in theory, my subordinates have seen the kindness-in-law!" Feng Ruo was secretly relieved and continued to make up: "The benefactor is nine feet tall, and his face is like a crown jade... His eyes are like the star river, his long hair is shawl, the tiger's back is on the waist, he is wearing purple light armor, and his whole body is full of sword spirit, as bright as clouds, just Suddenly, a strong wind came, and the golden sandworms died one after another. Then my subordinates glanced at the benefactor, but the benefactor obviously didn't like to be looked at, so he knocked both of us unconscious with a wave of his hand. When we woke up again, we saw you as the camp owner. Feng Ruo's nonsense on this side was irrelevant, but Jing Mo was distracted by it. After a long time, she sighed for a long time and seemed to say to herself, "Is it him? Yes, it must be him! In the whole wooden temple, except for him, who else can have such a terrible sword spirit!"

"What? He? Who is he?"

Feng Ruo, who was talking about dry mouth, almost fainted. What is this called? He picked up a stone and hit his own foot! Is there really a character he casually fabricated? That's all. The problem is that the guy has never appeared at all. In case Jingmo, a stupid child, is excited to marry that guy and be a slave, it will be a big loss! But if you say it now, you can't change it!

"Well, in fact, I just took a small look at that time, so there may be any error. You must be careful!" What am I cautious about?" At this time, Jingmo seemed to suddenly regain his vitality. He entered the state of the iceberg again and slightly turned around and carried Feng Ruo. His eyes were so thorough that it made Feng Ruo feel that he was seen through.

"I believe you, Mu Fei. I heard that you have been very successful in refining swords this time, and you have been praised by Yun Qing. You must still have some level. In this way, you can refuse not to go to the Yunzi Camp, so I can't treat you badly. The fifth team of my Huozi Camp is not yet the leader You let me down, right?" Er, the battalion owner, this, this, my subordinates are sparse and shallow, and their prestige is not enough. I'm afraid it's difficult to convince the public! Do you think about it again and again? Feng Ruo's head has been big three times at this time, and women are really difficult to deal with! How could he have the intention to command a team? Besides, he was busy stealing the innate Jins. How could he have time?

"I said you can do it, and you can do it. Do you want to disobey your fate?" At this moment, Jingmo's eyes seemed to have a gorgeous color flashing. This is not some kind of momentum or some kind of pressure, but another thing that makes Feng Ruo very palpitate, so he can only huddle and say unwillingly, "Yes, I dare not." Well, that's right. However, your fifth team does not need to be expanded for the time being. Be sure to select people who are loyal and strong enough to be elected. Everyone must be nodded by me to join. You will be my personal guard!" Jingmo's words spoke very quickly, and the unquestionable taste inside was even stronger. Without waiting for Feng Ruo to refute or refuse, her whole body had risen to the air, and then the sword light flashed and turned into a red light and disappeared far away.

"Uh! Guard! [Guard! Guard?? Still close to the boss, spare my life! This - this is unscientific!,,

Although Feng Ruo is very unwilling, he has to accept this position that outsiders are envious of. The leader of the fifth team of the Huozi camp, plus the personal guard of the owner of the Huozi camp. To be honest, he is also wondering now. It seems that he has not done anything out of line, and the response is also very appropriate. What about weirdness? Are you still doubting that he is the so-called mysterious master?

But in the next few days, Feng Ruo's doubts gradually dispelled, because there was nothing wrong with Jingmo except for some gaffes that day. It was still the appearance of the iceberg beauty. His vigorous nature really made the people of the fire camp suffer enough, especially Zhang Han's newly formed third. The team is asked to practice the actual combat desperately every day to achieve the overall cooperation. It is really painful.

For example, at this moment, the third team led by Zhang Han will bear the joint attack from the second team and the fourth team. Jingmo's request to them is that they must resist the time of a burner, otherwise, the training will be doubled!

And this kind of training is also normal, because the hunting camp is about cooperating with each other. If they can't cooperate perfectly with each other, once they encounter powerful spirit beasts, they will collapse like scattered sand.

"Hey hey! Tomb brother, it's so leisurely! We are in the Huofu camp, but there is no one who doesn't envy you!"

Just as Feng Ruo leaned against a ** rock, drinking spiritual tea tastefully while squinting his eyes to watch the fight between the three teams, a very magnetic low voice sounded from not far away. There was no need to look back. Feng Ruo knew who came. It was the former trump card of the Huozi Camp and Jingmo. The most trusted leader of the first team, Chu Mengyou!

The owner of this name, which sounds like a lot of powder, is actually a nine-foot tall and extremely tough man. I guess if we meet for the first time, everyone will feel very strange.

But in fact, in the fire character camp, Chu Mengyou is the first master outside the quietness, and has reached the peak of the later stage of foundation construction. From Feng Ruo's perspective, it is only a matter of time before he breaks through the Jindan period. And the first team he led is extremely strong. It has always been the right-hand man of Jingmo! Although there is no name of personal defense, there is the reality of personal protection.

So this time, Feng Ruo not only suddenly became the leader of the fifth team, but also was named as a personal guard by Jingmo, which made the whole first team very unconvinced. If Feng Ruo hadn't been appreciated by Yun Qing, they would not have dared not make trouble, otherwise someone would have come to the door to make trouble.

However, Feng Ruo really didn't pay attention to all this, let alone think about teaching these guys a lesson, because it was really invincible and boring, and he never wanted to do it.

"Ha! It turned out to be Brother Chu! I'm flattered. I'm not worthy of envy. I'm still alone, and I can't be leisurely! On the contrary, Brother Chu, you are the mainstay of our fire character camp, so when this beast tide is coming, you should work harder. Come on, Brother Chu, I would like to use tea instead of wine, to respect Brother Chu, and the brothers of Brother Chu's first team. Our fire character camp is all up to you!"

Feng Ruo laughed and flattered Chu Mengyou by the way. Sure enough, Chu Mengyou looked much better.

"Good! Brother Mu is really a happy person. After the beast tide receded this time, Chu must have a good talk with Brother Mu!" Chu Mengyou laughed loudly, and then sat down directly on the rock opposite Feng Ruo.

Feng Ruo first took out a jade cup from the storage belt and poured a cup of spiritual tea for Chu Mengyou. Then he smiled and said, "Brother Chu is a busy man. If you come to me at this time, won't you think about my spiritual tea?" Haha! How come? Brother Mu is a cheerful person, and Mr. Chu does not hide it. He heard that Brother Mu has recently successfully refined a best sword weapon, and his strength has greatly increased. Therefore, there are rumors outside that Brother Mu has become the second largest master of my fire character camp. Therefore, some people are very interested and want to compete with Brother Mu through Chu. " Oh! Competition?? The second largest master of Huozi Camp? Feng Ruo smiled and shook his head and said, "How can you take the rumors seriously? With Brother Chu here, how dare I, Mu Fei, play tricks on the door, so please ask Brother Chu to refuse for me, or simply say that I know that I am invincible and avoid fighting!"

Feng Ruo's modesty immediately added a little good impression to Chu Mengyou. He laughed and said, "It doesn't matter. I, Chu and Brother Mu, love each other with each other. Why are you afraid of rumors? In fact, Brother Mu, you misunderstood. This kind of competition is not meaningless. Presumably, Brother Mu also knows The previous hunting camp will get more benefits. For example, Yunqing's Yunzi Camp, due to its great contribution, three places are allowed to re-enter the sword washing pool for quenching every year, and there will be more advanced skills to be taught!"

"Re-enter the sword washing pool? Can there be a higher level of skills?" Hearing this, Feng Ruo jumped up excitedly. Isn't this the goal he wants to achieve most?