Wind control

Chapter 679

Feng Ruo slowly pretended to be opposite Jing Mo's eyes far away. After a long time, he laughed and said, "What is this [answer] case, but you moved me. I'm really satisfied and very satisfied. So, can I ask why your memory has only recovered 30%? Does the remaining 70% need other conditions to recover?

"I can't recover!" Jingmo suddenly sighed quietly and looked at the extremely clear eyes of Feng Ruo, just like the clear sky in winter, without any impurities. "When I reincarnated, there were some mistakes, so 70% of my memory and the power of my soul were lost. If I guessed correctly, 70% of the memory was reincarnated to another person. I will never get it back from me, or from the other two people, so that is to say, there will be two or three of me in the world, but we are not really me. What we have is just a memory.

"Three of you?" Feng Ruo was really a little stunned. This matter was really incredible. It was like listening to a story! After thinking about it, he asked again, "So - is there a possibility that you can find the other two of you and then reintegrate your memory and soul power?" I think there should be a sense between the three of you, right?

"Of course there will be induction! After all, we come from one person's memory, but you should know that this is not the magic power of external incarnation, but reincarnation. When the memories of the three of us are reincarnated to three people, there will be differences in the first place. In addition, there will be three different memories out of thin air. If my memories are all concentrated I can't destroy the memory of the original owner, but now, I can't do it at all. For example, at this moment, I will be very kind and happy to see you. This is affected by the original memory. Therefore, even if one day, the three of us can meet together, we can't reintegrate! What's more, I doubt that my memory hasn't awakened yet!"

Jingmo sighed gently, looked up to Feng Ruo and asked, "You don't seem to care about my previous identity at all?" Don't you want to know or are you afraid to know?

"It should be - I don't want to know, because I'm not used to confised with a stranger, and you, now give me the feeling of déjà vu!" Feng Ruo smiled, and then changed the topic and said, "What's your next plan?"

"Next? I don't have a plan, or if you have a plan, I will have a plan. Don't mind and don't worry. If there is anything wrong, you can kill me anytime and anywhere. I said I will never fight back!" Jingmo smiled bitterly and then sighed, "Actually, you should be able to guess. The 30% of the memories I have woken up now can't extinguish the original memory at all, so I can only choose to merge. In the process of fusion, I have to have a good impression on you. Of course, what I'm talking about is only good impression It belongs to me, and I can't give you a hug. You can kill me anytime and anywhere, but you can't humiliate me and touch me! Do you understand?"

"Underp!" Feng Ruo looked at Jingmo strangely, but there was an indescribable feeling in his heart. After a long time, he exhaled and said, "Since you have no plan, follow me for the time being. I won't kill you casually, but as you said, if I find anything wrong with you, I will take action decisively. , without mercy! During this period, you have all the actions [from]. If you want to leave, you can leave at any time. I will not interfere with you, let alone reveal your secrets. If necessary, I will kill the wooden god Zhenjun with my own hands!"

After saying this, Feng Ruo's heart was relieved for some reason. He blinked slightly at Jingmo, who was a little puzzled and surprised. Then he turned into the previous appearance of Mu Fei. Then with a pinch of the sword, he released the nameless sword weapon behind him. At the same time, He bowed to Jingmo and said loudly, "The owner of Jingmo, the leader of the fifth team of the fire character camp, and your personal guard Mu Fei, I hereby welcome the camp owner to the customs. If you don't mind, I will download your trip! Also, by the way, I would like to remind you that the cultivation of the Jindan period looks good!"

With this, Feng Ruo laughed, released the nameless sword weapon, and flew towards the wooden temple hundreds of miles away. Now he has finally solved the big problem of Jingmo for the time being. Although there must be countless troubles waiting for him in the future, at least he doesn't pay attention to it for the time being.

Therefore, he had to seize the time to enter the sword washing pool while he was still in a cooperative relationship with Mushen Zhenjun. To be honest, it was only a hundred years since he entered the early stage of the spiritual baby to the late stage of the spiritual baby. This time is very fast for those ordinary monks. Yes, but Feng Ruo wants to take it for granted. Since he officially advanced to the spiritual infant period, he has actually embarked on a completely different path of cultivation from other monks!

If other late spiritual infant monks are most concerned about the impact of the distraction period at this moment, then the goal that Feng Ruo is most concerned about at this moment is to continue to improve the four innate spiritual veins in his [body]! And as long as these four innate spiritual veins are upgraded on the original basis, then the advanced divine division period is just a matter of course.

You should know that Feng Ruo's real strength now is completely against ordinary masters in the middle of distraction. Of course, Feng Ruo still has no confidence in the same pervert and the same lot of cards!

But he believes that if he can be closed in the sword washing pool for a period of time this time, the benefits and improvement of his realm will be very rich!

Feng Ruo thought about flying in front of her, and Jing Mo followed her slowly. She still has the previous memory, so she also understood that her cultivation suddenly jumped from the early stage of the golden elixir to the early stage of the spiritual baby, which would inevitably cause an uproar in the wooden temple. Therefore, according to Feng Ruo's instructions just In the middle of the golden elixir, this ability is naturally not a big problem for her.

The distance of hundreds of miles arrived quickly, and as it gradually approached the wooden temple, the traces after the war became clearer and more obvious. There is no doubt that this was caused by the beast tide a few months ago. Feng Ruo's cultivation was naturally not afraid at that time, but the monks in the wooden temple were undoubtedly going to suffer heavy losses Does Mo's fire character camp still exist?

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo looked back at the calm and comfortable Jingmo, but there was a burst of emotion in his heart. In the world, the most and most helpless, I'm afraid that the sea has changed into a mulberry field, and things have changed!

He really doesn't know what kind of relationship he and Jingmo will get along with in the future?