Wind control

Chapter 685

Chapter 655

After Feng Ruo just said this, more than a dozen figures suddenly rushed to the distance. It was the close men of the two wooden temples who had just escaped from the collapse of the stone mountain. At this moment, they had not recovered from this shocking upheaval. At this time, when they saw Feng Ruo and Jingmo, they were immediately furious. Without saying anything, they launched attacks one after another. //[Kun] [Kun] [Xiao] [Say] [Net... But how could Feng Ruo pay attention to such a level of attack at this time, and he really didn't want to entangle with them. With Jingmo, the purple fire wings flashed again, avoiding dozens of miles away and swept away in the direction of the Fire Temple mentioned by

Not long after Feng Ruo flew south, an extremely dangerous feeling emerged in his heart without warning. The danger was so frightening that it was as if the whole world was about to collapse.

"Damn! Not good!"

He took a breath of cold air, and Feng Ruo didn't even care about the monks of the wooden temple who had been chasing behind him. He pulled Jingmo into his arms. At the same time, he instantly activated the two towers of the wooden and water attributes, and the two anti-sky defense shields directly protected them.

But in this way, Feng Ruo still felt unsafe. As soon as he explored his hand, he took out all the top five elements stones in his storage belt. During the change of his mind, he set up a whole nine four elephants and one defense array outside in one breath. Finally, he directly used the magic power of the word 'empty' three times to

When Feng Ruo finished all this, he heard an extremely dull roar coming from above his head. The muffled sound was shocking just by listening to it, and what was more terrible was that the sound could be constantly superimposed, so that the destructive power increased exponentially. It was just a breath, and the sound was between the whole world. It has formed an extremely horrible soprabom!

Feng Ruo saw with his own eyes that the more than a dozen monks in the wooden temple who chased him, except for the two monks in the distraction period, the rest of the spiritual monks could not even resist for a moment, and directly turned into countless fragments in the terrible sound explosion wind. As for the two monks in the distraction period, Next, however, the sound explosion wind continued to strengthen, and they did not have the anti-sky defense shield of the Tongtian Tower in their hands, so they only supported more than a dozen breaths, like two dead leaves, completely collapsed and disappeared!

At this moment, with the more and more horrible sound explosion wind, the whole Kunwu world has become a purgatory on earth. No monk can resist it at all. There is nowhere to hide and nowhere to go. The once strong and thick ground completely bursts, and then it was instantly destroyed into powder!

As for the stone sky shrouded in the high sky, it is also torn apart and fall. This kind of collapse has brought about greater collapse!

In just dozens of breaths, the whole Kunwu world, whether human beings or those powerful spiritual beasts, all creatures have been completely annihilated and no longer exist!

The underground cave, which used to be like a maze, the huge and magnificent stone sky, has been completely disappeared. There is no existence in the original Kunwu world. What's left is a void chaos and the towering wind that I don't know when it will stop!

Kunwujie disappeared completely in this short time!

Due to the early arrangement of Feng Ruo and Jingmo, coupled with the anti-sky defense shields unfolded after the activation of the two Tongtian towers, as well as Feng Ruo's three 'empty' magic power, they finally survived from this irreversible destruction and collapse, but the two of them had already turned pale, even the silence with the Mo is no exception! This is the real power to destroy the world! What magical magic and spiritual treasures are all garbage swallowed up in an instant!

When the initial violent wave disappeared, the defense shields released by the two Tongtian Tower could not be supported and completely disappeared. Suddenly, the pressure on the two of Feng Ruo increased infinitely, because at this moment, the turbulence after the collapse of the Kunwu world was still extremely horrible. Without the defense shield of the Tongtian Tower, the nine The four elephants returned for a while, which was simply vulnerable and was pierced in an instant. ^//^ [Kun] [Kun] [Xiao] [Say] [Net... Facing this scene, Feng Ruo is really helpless, because at this moment, the whole Kunwu world has disappeared. There is no so-called heaven and earth, chaos everywhere, and rampage everywhere. Even if he wants to hide, there is no place to hide. Since However, with his strength at this moment, he can still support it for a period of time, but the chaotic turbulence will take at least tens of thousands of years to gradually calm down, and then gradually form a new world.

Can he last that long? The answer is naturally imaginable.

"Feng Ruo, it's impossible to wait for death like this. There must be space cracks in these turbulences. We must find a space crack to escape, otherwise we will only have a dead end!"

At this moment, Jingmo, who was in Feng Ruo's arms, suddenly calmed down. Although her and Feng Ruo's posture at this time were extremely ambiguous, the two of them really couldn't associate, and they couldn't even feel it when they hugged each other tightly. In the face of death, everything became unimportant

"Space cracks? Will you enter the nihilistic world?" Feng Ruo was stunned and then asked with some surprise. Although his current strength is far beyond Jingmo, it is the first time that he has experienced such a terrible thing, so he can only be helpless for a while!

"No, the nihilistic world is a more advanced space interface. The collapse of the Kunwu world cannot affect it at all, let alone open up a space crack. I mean, this collapse of the Kunwu world is likely to have a certain impact on several other worlds, and then produce space cracks. As long as we take the initiative to find it We can definitely find it, but the premise is that we can stick to it until then!" Jingmo's voice was very calm. Invisibly, Feng Ruo's anxious mind also calmed down. Although she only said such a general direction, Feng Ruo understood what he should do, and at the beginning, he broke into the Kunwu world through the collapse of space, so he was very confident about this.

No more to say anything, Feng Ruo first summoned the Qingcheng Sword and the Broken Golden Sha Sword, and the Qingcheng Sword protected him and Jingmo, while the Broken Golden Sha Sword opened the way in front. Now he can't see it, and he can't feel everything around him. It has completely turned into chaos here. He doesn't know In the end, they can't control anything except themselves!

In this way, it was difficult to groped forward. Feng Ruo's power consumption was extremely huge. If it hadn't been for the incomparable spirituality of the Qingcheng Sword, he didn't need to distract himself at all. Let him concentrate on controlling the broken golden sword, and he didn't even have

(It's been very bad recently, whether it's mood or grades. Up to now, this book is the result of the strong support of those friends who subscribe to the genuine version. I don't want to report it, so even if the subscription is so low, I will still guarantee the complete version. This is the minimum principle of life. As for those What, but please don't gossip like that. If you don't like it, you can leave. That's my level. I don't need you to show your sense of superiority. Since you are so powerful, why don't you write a book for us? Everything has a bottom line, and I will enthusiastically accept sincere opinions, but that kind of cynicism, thank you, I don't need it! If you think this book is unreadable, please click on the upper right corner! Why make it difficult for us all?

In addition, you don't need to teach me a lesson. I don't care. I have nothing in the first place, and I'm not afraid to return to the state of nothing. At worst, I don't want the author number of my lazy bird. Everyone is angry and emotional. If I can't be wronged, I have to laugh all day long, so please don't bully people too much!

Say a few more words and complain, please forgive me!)
