Wind control

Chapter 690 Stranger

"How do you feel? Is it still fun?"

Looking at Feng Ruo, who was pale and embarrassed, hundreds of times more miserable than herself, Jingmo couldn't help smiling and joked that she had practiced this dragon fairy formula in her previous life, and naturally knew how horrible it was. To be honest, she let Feng Ruo practice this fairy formula this time, which was actually a great adventure. Score, because even if Feng Ruo is very excellent in cultivation qualifications, after all, it can't be compared with the nine-level immortals. However, she couldn't watch Feng Ruo waste the extremely precious dragon bloodline so rudely. She used to be a nine-level immortal, and she knew better than Feng Ruo that the rarity of the dragon's bloodline was her previous life, which was impossible to ask for.

It is no exaggeration to say that if it is not because of that matter, the strength of the Shenlong clan in the nihilistic world, even the nine heavenly kings have to retreat three feet.

Now Feng Ruo can hold on hard, and the effect is not bad, which makes Jing Mo sigh of relief for a long time, and he is also quite proud, because from this point of view, he knows how great the potential of Feng Ruo's future is!

At this time, in the face of Jingmo's joke, Feng Ruo couldn't even reply, so he could only smile bitterly. Now his whole body is like turning over the river. Every subtle place is extremely painful. At this time, any innate spiritual vein, such as the purple water spirit, it is no longer working well.

"Don't talk, the pain is normal. The first layer of the dragon fairy secret is like this. It will take at least a dozen hours of pain before and after. In such a practice, you must practice every six days, and it is a small success after a full ninety-nine and eighty-one practice. Normally, not to mention the monks, immortals can't bear it, or they can bear it once or twice, but they can never bear it 81 times! But you are different. You have the blood of the dragon in your body, and it should be no problem to survive the eighty-eighth quenching! However, I have a way to relieve your pain a little. You can try to keep your mind peaceful. Just listen to my voice and don't care about the content!"

Jingmo said slowly. Her voice was neither high nor low, just like the evening breeze on the riverside, which was not slow. Listening to it, Feng Ruo felt a slight fatigue. It seemed that he was asleep and still awake, but the pain he had suffered before had really relieved a lot, as if he had a transparent shield.

After more than ten hours, the cone-like horrible pain in Feng Ruo's body finally dissipated. At the same time, an unprecedented powerful force also emerged from all parts of his body. This power is not integrated into his mana and four innate veins, but integrated into his whole body. This feeling I think it's wonderful, which directly makes Feng Ruo have more understanding on the body rune.

What made Feng Ruo even more happy was that it was difficult to activate the dragon god scales no matter how he abused himself before, and he was always like an external object. After his quenching this time, it actually formed a trace of connection with his physical strength. Although this connection is very weak, the meaning is absolutely different.

For example, in the past, the dragon god scales were only activated at the critical moment, and then the power was transported a little, and the degree of utilization was not high, but with this weak connection, it is like a mountain spring, which can continuously convey the power in the dragon god scales to Feng Ruo's body. In these two ways, which is better or worse is better?

At this time, after returning to normal, Feng Ruo did not dare to neglect it. After staying with Jingmo for a moment, he immediately sank his mind to understand the runes belonging to the body, because if the two of them wanted to escape from this chaotic world, they relied on him to condense the body runes!

The next thing is much simpler. While Feng Ruo let the Qingcheng Sword protect Jingmo, he himself jumped directly into the countless turbulence to practice. Of course, in this process, Jingmo also seized the time to practice. Because of her strong experience in her previous life, the speed of cultivation is actually faster than that of Feng Ruo. Many, but they can't be seen for the time being.

In a blink of an eye, the eighty-first quenching of the first layer of the dragon was sealed again and again. At this time, according to Jingmo, the immortal formula of the first layer has been cultivated to the realm of Xiaocheng, but there is still a long distance from the second layer of cultivation. At least for a long time, it can't Ge's.

However, Feng Ruo didn't want to practice the second level of the Shenglong Jue before crossing the disaster, because the pain was really unbearable. Fortunately, with his current physical strength, he was not afraid of the chaos at all, and his physical runes were also greatly improved than before. Now, He only needs to return to the Cangwu world again and pick up the underground palace under the Tianfeng for a period of time, and this physical rune can be done!

Originally, according to Jingmo's wishes, Feng Ruo should continue to practice in this turbulence, but he was really worried about Xiaojiu and Lan Ling, Lian Su, especially Mu Hanyan, Mu Feixue and Qing Lanxuan, who were practicing in the ancient Shenxing Palace. He did not know what impact the collapse of the Kunwu world Knowing that he can't change anything, he has to return as soon as possible.

For Feng Ruo's decision, Jingmo is just silent. During this period, they have avoided not talking about each other's identity and the distant future.

Feng Ruo was also silent. When he decided to turn Jingmo into his own woman, it was to rob the Tongtian Tower in the hands of the wooden god Zhenjun Yingrong, but he didn't expect that people were not as good as Tian. Not only did Jingmo's identity change, but the whole Kunwu world also completely collapsed because of In the chaos, under the threat of death, he and Jingmo have come to this point.

If Feng Ruo is not a hypocrite, it is not necessary. His style of doing things has never been good or evil, but follows his original intention. To use it is to use it. If you like it, you like it. You don't need any excuses.

And the reason why he kept silent is that there is no need to explain anything to Jingmo, let alone promise anything. The more you say, the more boring it is. She is his woman. This alone is enough!

As for whether Qing Lanxuan can accept Jingmo? Feng Ruo didn't think about it at all. It's not that he didn't dare or felt guilty, but because sooner or later, he would kill Qingyun with his own hands! Qing Lanxuan's biological father, whom she has always loved and always admired!

Qingyun will not let down Feng Ruo because of his baby daughter, and Feng Ruo will not let down Qing Ruo because of Qing Lanxuan!

This is a dead knot!

No one can change! Feng Ruo can't do it either!

On that day, when he was within the second class of the Ancient Shenxing Palace, it was because he understood this that Feng Ruocai did not take the initiative to ask to see Qing Lanxuan. This kind of thing, no matter right or wrong, no hatred, passing by, like a stranger, it is so simple!