Wind control

Chapter 768 Transformation

Feng Ruo finally chose to wait. He can't take risks and can't escape by luck. Now the stronger he is, the more he knows, but he has to be more cautious and afraid.

In the waiting time, Feng Ruo carefully inspected the whole seven-star palace again, which made him feel incredible that the dense dust and broken situation in the seven-star palace could not be repaired. He could not even use his too weak gas to blow even a wisp of dust.

Fortunately, this dilapidated environment is nothing for Feng Ruo. In this huge palace group with a radius of dozens of miles, he can settle down by finding a corner alone.

In addition, Feng Ruo also pays attention to the changes of the magic cloud outside all the time, and then distinguishes the law of the strength of the magic. After all, he can't hide here all his life. Sooner or later, he needs to escape.

In another aspect, Feng Ruo has to face a very difficult choice, that is, in the current stage of waiting for the opportunity, he chooses to continue to practice and use the 3,000 fairy crystals on his body and the fairy spirit stored in the past to improve his strength to a higher level? Or should we use these fairy spirits to continue to transform the magic cloud heavy armor?

The reason why there is such a difficult choice is that there is no trace of fairy spirit in the seven-star palace. In addition to 3,000 fairy crystals and a certain amount of fairy spirit stored by the purple water spirit in Feng Ruo's hand, he has no source of living water, and these fairy spirits are not enough to raise his strength to the third level. Immortal, he knows very well that the third-level immortal is a hurdle. Although the first-level immortal will be very fast, it is very difficult to go from the second-level immortal to the third-level immortal. In Jinshi Town, even masters like Guan Hong and Xiao Li took thousands of years to finally advance, so, Feng If you can achieve today's strength, it will be very excellent. If he wants to go further, it is impossible to advance without the support of a steady stream of fairy spirit.

In this case, Feng Ruo is very inclined to use this limited fairy spirit to transform the unfinished set of magic cloud heavy armor, which is not only super strong in defense. At the same time, it is also a treasure that can greatly resist the invasion of magic gas. If he can find an opportunity to escape in the future, with such a set of magic cloud heavy armor, it will undoubtedly be easier.

After weighing it over and over again, Feng Ruo finally chose the last solution, which is to transform the set of magic cloud heavy armor with the power in his hand.

This set of magic cloud heavy armor has been quenched with a large number of fairy spirits before, which is basically formed, and now there is only the final stage left.


made the decision, Feng Ruo did not hesitate. Directly take out the set of magic cloud heavy armor that is still three feet in size. At this moment, the magic cloud heavy armor still looks dark and secluded, just like the big mouth of an unknown monster in the dark night, which makes people feel cold.

After a short time of this set of magic cloud heavy armor, Feng Ruo first pointed his eyebrows with the middle finger of his left hand, and at the same time, a secret of Taixu immortal flashed in his mind. Suddenly, a wisp of warm Taixu's spirit flew out of his eyebrows. Although there is only one small wisp, it fills the surroundings with a faint breeze within dozens of feet, which is caused by the spirit of Taixu. Although there is so little Qi of Taixu, he has no doubt that if he wants to, he can fully use it to induced an extremely huge wind. This is the mystery of Taixu Qi!

At this time, this wisp of too weak gas did not disperse, but a soft flow of water. As the middle finger of Feng Ruo's left hand slowly moved, it finally fell on the magic cloud heavy armor on the ground. Although this set of magic cloud heavy armor has shrunk to the size of three feet, the weight has not been reduced at all, at least tens of thousands of jin, but at this moment, it is attached to it by the gas of It floats as light as a feather, without a trace of lag!

When the magic cloud heavy armor floated ten feet above the ground (bookstore, the fastest update, Feng Ruo waved casually, and it hovered there. It doesn't move.

Then, an extremely pure purple flame appeared in the palm of Feng Ruo's right hand, and an extra fairy crystal appeared in his left hand. When he combined the two into one, he only heard a slight explosion, and the fairy crystal completely melted and disappeared, but there was a wisp of silver in the purple fire. Light, this is what he relies on. If it were other immortals, it would be impossible to continue to transform the magic cloud armor in this environment.

At this moment, when the group successfully absorbed the fairy spirit in the fairy crystal, Feng Ruo gently placed it on the magic cloud heavy armor. Although the purple fire was only the size of a fist, at this time, it directly turned into countless flames to completely cover the whole set of magic cloud heavy armor, and that The purple fire is getting more and more vigorous!

Feng Ruo watched carefully. Every other time, he put a fairy crystal into the purple fire again, and every time he put a fairy crystal, it will make a little change in the purple fire.

After Feng Ruo invested more than a hundred fairy crystals, the surface of the magic cloud heavy armor finally changed. It was no longer a cold, gloomy and terrible darkness, and there was a little burning flexibility in it!

Seeing this scene, Feng Ruo didn't see any ease on his face. The middle finger of his left hand once again attracted the second wisp of too weak gas, but this wisp of too weak gas is not used to hold up the magic cloud heavy armor. His idea is to integrate this wisp of too weak gas into the magic cloud heavy armor, so that Moyun's heavy armor has become more flexible and faster. After all, it weighs tens of thousands of pounds. Although Feng Ruo is now a second-class immortal, these weights will also slow down his speed when he escape.

With the addition of this second wisp of too weak spirit, the originally very stupid and huge magic cloud heavy armor suddenly became light. This lightness is not a weight reduction, but a light and flexible from the inside to the outside. If this magic cloud heavy armor has temperament, it should be as elegant as the wind to come and go calmly. Let's describe it.

Seeing this change, Feng Ruo was also very surprised, because he was also anexperior. Naturally, he could see the changes that had taken place in the unfinished magic cloud heavy armor at this moment. He really didn't expect that the too empty spirit was so magical.

However, it's a pity that Feng Ruo can only release two wisps of too empty gas now. If he consumes more, he will be a little overwhelmed.

Adding the spirit of Taixu is not the end. After Feng Ruo put more than a hundred fairy crystals into the purple fire, he didn't care about it and let the blazing purple fire continue to burn. He sat aside and began to meditating and wait. Every three days, he continued to invest a certain number of fairy crystals and purple fire.

In this way, after ninety-eighties, the magic cloud heavy armor that had always been burned by the purple fire seemed to have shrunk in a circle, and the original dark appearance also turned purple-red, but this purple-red is temporary, which is caused by the powerful burning of the purple fire. Once the purple fire If you remove it, it will be restored to black!

At this time, Feng Ruo stopped waiting. When he came to the magic cloud armor, he clenched his fist with his right hand and bombarded directly at the magic cloud armor. His full-body punch hit the magic cloud armor, but it did not cause any change. The magic cloud armor did not move, but made a dull sound.

"Damn it, it can't be done!"

Of course, Feng Ruo's fist is not a play, but he is trying to transform the magic cloud heavy armor in this primitive way. There is nothing he can do. Who told him that the fairy spirit and purple fire that can be used now are so scarce? If this is in Xianjuan Mountain, he can use the imperial fire fairy formula to transform, but

"Strange! Normally, it should be almost done. How can there be no change? Feng Ruo couldn't help whispering to himself. In fact, his punch just now was not to concentrate his whole body, but he calculated it in advance. After all, this magic cloud heavy armor has been burned by the purple fire for so long, and it has become very good in flexibility. At this time, it is the easiest to transform according to reason.

But now the magic cloud heavy armor still seems to be hard, and it can't reach the normal standard in terms of flexibility. If Feng Ruo increases its strength, I'm afraid it will directly cause irreparable hard damage to the magic cloud heavy armor.

"Did you make a mistake in a certain link?" Feng Ruo had a headache. This set of magic cloud heavy armor cost him a lot of painstaking efforts. Let's not to mention the fairy spirit used to quench it at the beginning, it was the burning of 981 days, which consumed his nearly 2,000 fairy crystals. Such a large investment, if there is a mistake, it is a tragedy!

In distress, Feng Ruo did not dare to continue to try. After walking in place for a few times, he suddenly saw the magic cloud rushing outside the Seven Star Palace, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart. In an instant, he understood what the problem was. It turned out to be a lack of magic!

Yes, that's it. After all, this magic cloud heavy armor was created by the demon clan. It was right for him to quench it with the spirit of immortals before. However, in the process of transformation, there is no lack of magic gas. After all, this thing is used to resist magic gas. There is a saying that it is called attacking poison with Now that the magic cloud heavy armor has been transformed to this extent, it should be led by magic gas.

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo was still hesitant and didn't care whether he would disturb the demon clan that might exist in the magic cloud. He rushed directly to the edge of the Seven Star Palace, and then carefully poked out his right hand!

As Feng Ruo expected, the magic outside was very fierce. He only poked out a fist and immediately stirred the magic gas in the whole sky, like a huge whirlpool, roaring down.