Wind control

Chapter 773 No Return

The strange chain that binds Feng Ruo's hands and feet is silvery white. It looks very slender and carefully distinguishes. This thing seems to be made of some kind of silk thread, which is very resilient. What's more wonderful is that this chain can actively avoid the impact of the spirit of the fairy spirit, that is to say, if it traps Force can't break the chain.

After observing for a while, Feng Ruo became more and more interested in the chain. As soon as his mind moved, the Qingcheng sword flew out silently, and then began to skillfully cut the chain on his feet.

At the beginning, Feng Ruo was still very confident in the Qingcheng Sword. After all, after his re-hardening, the sharpness of the Qingcheng Sword was greatly improved, but after a moment, he was a little dumbfounded, because the toughness of the chain was unexpectedly abnormal. The Qingcheng Sword was cut up, just like massaging it. There is no force at all. If the force is light, it will have no effect. If the force is heavy, it is easy to hurt yourself.

"Don't be in vain. The chain is made of ten-thousand-year-old mixed dragon tendons. Unless it is a fairy soldier, it can never be cut. If there is no such certainty, those demon practitioners will be so relieved to throw you here? In addition, you'd better not struggle hard, because this mixed dragon tendon is very // the fastest text update of the book fan building no pop-up window no advertisement // evil charm, the more you struggle, the closer it will be tied up, all the way to your bones, that kind of pain, you can't imagine!"

At this time, the man in the pile of bones said weakly again, as if he was really desperate.

Feng Ruo still ignored the desperate unlucky guy. To be honest, he didn't believe that this so-called mixed dragon tendon could trap him at all. For now, he has several ways to try!

Put away the Qingcheng sword, and Feng Ruo's right hand directly turned into a purple fire. Although the mixed dragon tendon was tricky and strange, it could not bind the purple flame. As a result, it was only in a blink of an eye. His right hand broke free with wisps of flames, but his left hand could not do this, which also showed that the mixed tendon was really powerful.

But what if it's powerful? Now the mixed dragon tendon can only bind Feng Ruo's left hand. In fact, this is equivalent to getting out of trouble!

Hey hey, smile. Feng Ruo didn't continue to pay attention to the mixed dragon tendons that were still tightly wrapped in his left hand. He didn't mind making this thing an ornament on his wrist. Next, it was time to deal with the mixed dragon tendons on his feet. This was a little troublesome, because his two feet were real **, but there was no way to turn into purple

After thinking about it, Feng Ruo pressed his right hand on the mixed dragon tendon and released a purple fire to burn, but it was only for a moment. The mixed dragon tendon couldn't withstand the burning of the purple fire, and immediately began to tighten. As soon as it tightened, it suddenly suffered like himself. His legs seemed to be strangled, and it was extremely painful.

Seeing this scene, Feng Ruo quickly stopped burning with purple fire. It seemed that this mixed dragon tendon was indeed abnormal. Just like a living thing, it is very difficult to deal with. If he continues to burn, even if he can burn the mixed dragon tendon, it is estimated that his legs will be ruined, because this way of strangulation is not cut off and can be reconnected. The mixed dragon tendon locks not only his legs, but also the source of strength on his two legs

"Tut-t! It's a little interesting!"

With a sigh, Feng Ruo directly urged Zi Shuiling to come out. Where my mind moved, I saw a crystal clear water mist spreading, covering the mixed dragon tendon like spring rain. Although the mixed dragon tendon is soft and hard to eat, it is extremely difficult to deal with, but the purple water spirit is also the same. Even the magic gas can be devoured and decomposed, not to mention this mixed dragon tendon?

And the most terrible thing is that the threat posed by the purple water spirit itself is almost negligible. If Feng Ruo can watch the purple water spirit integrate into the mixed dragon tendons. But the mixed dragon tendon did not tighten again, as if he didn't notice it.

In less than a stick of incense, the mixed dragon tendons, which were still tightly bound to Feng Ruo's legs, suddenly bounced off and fell to the ground, curled up into a small silver ball, and Feng Ruo also completely regained his freedom.

If the tiredness, tiredness and others know that Feng Ruo can not be afraid of the Xuanshui essence in the magic pool. If they can know that Feng Ruo has regained his freedom in such a short time, it is impossible to let Feng Ruo alone in this magic pool, but if they are wrong, they have not changed. It's a chance.

He smiled and Feng Ruo picked up the mixed dragon tendon on the ground with satisfaction. This is a good thing and can't be discarded casually. At this time, he has seen the man trapped in the pile of bones. The guy has become a skeleton. If he hadn't opened his eyes and gasped, he would have been like a dead man What's the difference?

" me..." Perhaps because of the surprise and rekindling hope for life, the man's already weak breathing became more and more rapid, and he couldn't even speak clearly.

"Why should I save you? Is it good?" Feng Ruo smiled and said slowly. Of course, he could not sit back and watch this unlucky man die here, but he still had to do it.

"...Hehe...of course...of course it's good, as...Brother Tao...Hehe..." The more anxious the man was, the more he breathed. When Feng Ruo saw that he really couldn't say it, he raised his hand casually. Suddenly, an invisible big hand grabbed the man directly and caught him out of the pile of bones With a weak look, Feng Ruo thought for a moment and took out a semi-finished elixir to restore the spirit of the immortal spirit for him. This semi-finished elixir is also Feng Ruo's original trophy, but the spirit that can be recovered is really pitiful, and Feng Ruo has looked down on it.

After taking this semi-finished elixir, the man's state is obviously much better, but he did not immediately beg Feng Ruo to help him untie the two mixed dragon tendons, but said hurriedly, "Brother Dao, we must leave here immediately. If those demon practitioners come back, we can't leave. Oh, of course, If you don't return, you will never forget it. If you want something, you will do everything!"

Looking at the rush to get angry, he almost scratched his ears and cheeks. Feng Ruo just shook his head with a smile and said, "No, those bastards have robbed my magic cloud heavy armor. I have to grab it back and express my anger by the way. If you are in a hurry to leave, you can go first!"

"Uh-" The anxious expression on Han's face stagnated. He looked at Feng Ruo incredulously, as if he were looking at a madman, "Brother Taoist, with all due respect, your set of magic cloud heavy armor can't be taken back. Although you are very powerful, you are still the strength of the How about paying you for a set of magic cloud heavy armor? Also, I can help you become a member of Luoling City!"

"Oh? Falling City?" Feng Ruo looked at the cold in surprise. He didn't expect that this guy's identity was not simple. He could settle in Luoling City. This was what Guan Hong and others wanted at the beginning.

However, Feng Ruo still shook his head and said calmly, "It still doesn't work. That's the magic cloud heavy armor I personally transformed. Only I'm the real master. Even if you give me another 100 sets at that time, it's not as good as this one!"

Feng Ruo's words are very exaggerated in the cold ears, but he can't refute it anymore, because he can see that Feng Ruo is not joking, and he doesn't have the ability to escape alone now. He can only rely on Feng Ruo, so he has to cry and stop saying anything.

But Han doesn't know that what Feng Ruo said is not an exaggeration, but the truth. The set of magic cloud heavy armor he transformed is indeed not comparable to other magic cloud heavy armor, not only because of Feng Ruo's painstaking efforts on it, but more importantly, there are also two wisps of too empty gas, that is Magic Cloud's heavy armor is worth a hundred times.

As for how to take it back, Feng Ruo is also very confident, because although the magic cloud heavy armor is worn by the boredom, the owner of the magic cloud heavy armor is still him. As long as he wants, he can take it back at any time. I'm afraid that the boredom can't imagine it anyway.

Feng Ruo did not speak again, but released two wisps of purple water and began to decompose the mixed dragon tendons on his body. At the same time, he was calculating how to do it in his mind? Because the boredom, boredom and others are likely to appear at the same time, and they seem to have accomplices, so they must calculate every possible situation to have absolute confidence, and this is also the reason why he has to stay in this demon pool.

Soon, the two mixed dragon tendons on Han's body were cracked by Feng Ruo. Han didn't return to be interesting. He didn't ask what the magic power was, let alone urge him to leave this place. At this time, most of him had already guessed Feng Ruo's plan.

After Han Bui regained his freedom, Feng Ruo threw him 20 fairy crystals to let him recover automatically. As for how much he could recover and whether he could play any role, Feng Ruo did not expect it at all, because Han Buzu's body had been eroded by the Xuanshui essence for a long time, and these 20 fairy crystals only temporarily That's all.

After waiting patiently for nearly an hour, the stone wall at the entrance of the magic pool opened 'boom'. Then, the tiredness, boredom, and another demon cultivator appeared. There is no doubt that they came to search for the benefits hidden on Fengruo's body.

However, Feng Ruo did not attack immediately. He just looked over with a strange smile on his face, as if he had seen an old friend he hadn't seen for many years. As for the coldness around Feng Ruo, he had already closed his eyes and was completely desperate again. He believed that Feng Ruo had some strange magic power, but at this moment Three demon practitioners, and more importantly, as long as the three people shout casually, more demon practitioners will appear. At that time, they can't escape at all! ( To be continued...RQ