Wind control

Chapter 785 Blizzard Land

"Luling City?"

Feng Ruo whispered silently, looking at the piece in his hand that exuded a light cyan, quite strange identity jade charm. The three words "Luling City" on it are looming. If you don't know the inside story, most of them will probably regard it as a kind of strange treasure.

During the slight movement of the mind, a wisp of fairy spirit was injected into the jade charm from Feng Ruo [body]. Suddenly, a green light lit up. At the same time, the red demon crystal was also taken out by Feng Ruo, and floated in the green light.

The value of this red magic crystal on the market is 10,000 fairy crystals, which is equivalent to ten magic crystals of three-level green demons, which is very expensive. This thing is very difficult to get, but it is very simple to melt into the identity jade charm. With a wisp of fairy spirit as a guide, the magic crystal will naturally be automatically melted into the Face.

Of course, this is only the simplest way. If you want to refine this thing into a semi-immortal weapon, you need a lot of rare materials to cooperate with it. For example, the bright yellow semi-immortal armor that does not return to the cold is, but I don't know how many valuable materials are added and finally refined.

At this time, under the action of the green light, the magic crystal began to emit a blood-colored magic spirit, which is the purest magic spirit. In a sense, it is also a very special force. Now what Feng Ruo needs is to melt the identity jade charm with these pure magic spirit.

From a certain point of view, in this state, this identity jade charm is like a mold that can be transformed at will. It can be transformed as it as it is. At this time, Feng Ruo's heart somehow remembered that when he was in the Cangwu world a long time ago, Mu Feixue often played a waist pendant magic weapon, which was A very funny and exquisite little thing.

The magic spirit emitted by the magic crystal in my heart has formed the appearance of the waist pendant, and then quickly merged with the identity jade charm. When Feng Ruo realized this, the style was exactly the same, and only the dark green waist pendant had appeared in front of him. However, this is not a magic weapon, but It is equivalent to the existence of Lingbao.

With a slight sigh, Feng Ruo rubbed the waist pendant with his hand, and then the image of Mu Feixue was branded in the dark blue halo like a light ink landscape, elegant and ethereal.

After thinking about it, Feng Ruo also branded the image of Qing Lanxuan on the other side of the waist pendant, and then pulled out two wisps of divine thoughts and attached to it. In this divine thought, it was hidden the memory picture of the meeting and acquaintance between him and the two of them. In this way, the image of Mu Feixue In the dark blue halo, you can hear their muttering words and cheerful and crisp laughter.

Finally, Feng Ruo sent several wisps of fairy spirit to his waist pendant, and arranged a miniature imperial fairy array. In this way, except for the three of them, no one could pry into the secret inside, and in the eyes of others, he could only see the identity jade charm of Luoling City, that's all.

Put away the waist pendant, and Feng Ruo then took out the second set of magic cloud heavy armor he collected. This is still the seizure after he and Guan Hong cooperated to kill two and three-level green demons in Jinshi Town. One of them has been transformed into a more powerful magic cloud heavy armor by him, and the second set has not had time to be sold Take it for Guan Hong to transform.

Feng Ruo has been transformed into a set, and now he is naturally familiar with it. However, the first step of transforming the magic cloud heavy armor requires a large amount of fairy spirit to be refined. Fortunately, the fairy spirit in the Liuyun Tianchi is free, otherwise he will really have a headache, but even so, press According to his estimation, there is no time in a few years to complete the transformation of this magic cloud armor.

In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed. Guan Hong and Han coincidentally woke up from the practice of entering the fixed. In fact, local immortals like them do not pay attention to time. Sometimes it may take decades or even hundreds of years to practice at a time. However, the reason why Guan Hong and Han do not return so fast this time When they woke up, a large part of the reason was that they suddenly found that the fairy spirit for them to absorb was gone.

"Hey! Brother Guan, what happened? Has the demon clan captured Liuyun Tianchi? Or is the lease term of your mobile cave arrived? Why don't you have the spirit of immortality? Han Buji muttered, and Guan Hong was also full of doubts at this time, because according to reason, the fairy spirit in his cave was still very abundant. Although the three of them would be a little nervous to practice at the same time, it would not be suddenly interrupted.

"How do I know? The lease term is still three years! Huh? What is that?"

Guan Hong and Han's eyes suddenly focused on the small lake, because I don't know when there was a large area of graceful trance in the small lake. I don't know what the name of the vines were. These vines were not as crowded and messy as algae, but very orderly, as if they had been carefully cloth In the same way, and the purple flowers blooming on the vines are even more beautiful and touching, as if they were natural!

But what surprised the two of them more was that in the clear lake, a set of magic cloud heavy armor, which had been reduced by about half, was lying quietly there. The countless vines grew out of the magic cloud heavy armor, and all the fairy spirit in the whole moving cave seemed to be covered by the vine. The vine was absorbed, and the two three-level immortals could not compare with these strange vines in terms of absorption ability.

"What the hell! What the hell is this? Is it something of the demon clan? How can the speed of absorbing the spirit of immortals be so terrible? Also, where is that boy Mu Fei? Han shouted exaggeratedly. No wonder he has lived for seven or eighty thousand years and has never seen such strange vines. In particular, this vine is actually associated with a set of magic cloud armor of the demon clan. Even if he and Guan Hong have rich experience, they can't think of the reason for this?

"Yes! What about Mu Fei (bookstore, the fastest update Did you go out?" Guan Hong guessed, but there was a burst of embarrassment in his heart, because according to reason, he was the real owner of this mobile cave. Whether it was cold or Feng Ruo wanted to leave, he would know it at the first time. But now that Feng Ruo went out, he didn't even notice it. What is this magic power? It seems that he really didn't look at it at the beginning!

Guan Hong's guess is right. After he and Han didn't return for a while, Feng Ruo came back excitedly, "Hey, Brother Guan, Brother Han, you are settled. "It's not strange, it's very strange!" Han smiled strangely and came to Feng Ruo and said, "Brother Mu, how did you do it? How could you do it without knowing it? That's forbidden!"

"Oh, it turned out to be this matter. I finished the identity jade charm before, so I wanted to go out for a walk, but it was not easy to disturb Brother Guan, so I went out casually. Is there a problem?" Feng Ruo laughed dumbly and said, what did he think he was going to make a fuss?

"Go out casually? It's so casual! Isn't that a problem? Brother Mu, it's easy to crack a fairy ban or fairy array, and I can do it easily, but it's different for you to do this without alarming the master of Lao Guan. You are simply amazing! Lao Guan, we picked up the treasure this time, haha! Don't say anything. Let's get ready and go to the Blizzard!" Han Buji laughed and patted Feng Ruo on the shoulder heavily, and said very excitedly.

"Uh-Brother Han, how do you know? I just met a few immortals outside and also talked about this blizzard field. I was about to come back and ask you where this blizzard land is. Shall we explore it with those people? I didn't expect you to be unpredictable for a long time. Awesome, awesome!"

"What and what? We don't partner with those guys. It's enough to have the three of us. Oh, by the way, Brother Mu, did you make that thing? I almost thought it was a demon invasion just now!" Han didn't return, pointing to the vines in the small lake.

"Hey hey! That's right, a little trick!" Feng Ruo said sloppyly, and then waved casually. The vines in the small lake completely turned into crystal water droplets and returned to his hands. Finally, he took out the set of magic cloud heavy armor, which had been reduced by about half, and laughed, "It's not bad. In another two or three years, this set of magic

"Two or three years?"

At this time, Guan Hong and Han no Gui couldn't help looking at each other. They really couldn't imagine that Feng Ruo could really transform a set of magic cloud heavy armor so simply, which was incredible!

"Brother Han, tell me, what's going on with the blizzard? I've heard a lot of people talking about this blizzard field outside these days. It is said that there is something good in it!" Feng Ruo changed the topic and said that he didn't want to tell the secret of the purple water spirit. In the past half of the year, he has put some purple water spirits into the small lake, and then bound the set of magic cloud heavy armor with the purple water spirit. In this way, the purple water spirit can automatically absorb the spirit of the fairy spirit for him and He wandered around leisurely, but he didn't expect that the speed of the purple water spirit to absorb the spirit of the fairy spirit was too horrible. As a result, it shocked Guan Hong and Han Buli.

Hearing Feng Ruo's words, he did not continue to ask, but explained, "The blizzard is a very special area in the nihil world, just like the flowing cloud pool where we are. Well, let's describe it this way. This blizzard is like the terrain of rivers, mountains, rivers, deserts and seas The name does not refer to a specific location, but to describe a certain terrain. For example, our Liuyun Tianchi actually belongs to the Liuyun area. In addition, there are many places such as Blizzard, Tianleize, Xuanbing, Hurricane Nebula and so on. Some of these places are very suitable for us immortals to live in, such as This cloud area, but more, is full of danger and unpredictability. Of course, correspondingly, these places also contain a lot of treasures, so many immortals like to enter such areas to take risks!"