Wind control

Chapter 796 Native Fairy Crystal

The woman named Sister Miao was obviously responsible for managing the fairy veins. At this time, after handing over to the Qingqiu maids, she did not talk nonsense. With a long whip in her hand, she trapped Feng Ruo and the other two people firmly, then picked them up and flew up and flew down the canyon.

Being treated in this way, his eyes will turn red. This is simply a great shame, and Guan Hong's face is as heavy as water, and he doesn't know how resentful he is in his heart, including Feng Ruo. At this moment, he has a very strong impulse to kill this wonderful sister and then remove eight pieces of corpses.

However, none of the three of them said anything, because they are in this situation at this moment. Instead of swearing, it's better to find a way to escape, otherwise the three of them will be detained here forever in the next million years.

The canyon is extremely huge and unfathomable, and all the way down, a powerful fairy ban will be arranged almost every 300 feet. On the contrary, no defenders have been seen.

In this way, he passed through the whole ten immortal bans in one breath, and a huge platform appeared in front of Feng Ruo and others. In the middle of the platform was a gorgeous pavilion, where more than a dozen guards could be seen. On the other side of the platform, the rock wall was completely hollowed out, revealing a huge dark hole. It's like the big mouth of a fierce beast, which should be the entrance of the fairy mineral vein.

With a " bang", the three of them were directly thrown to the platform by Sister Miao. Because all their magical power was sealed, they were suddenly thrown to pieces and embarrassed. But before they could get up, Sister Miao's long red whip had been pulled like a storm, because in the red long whip was Infused with the power of the fairy, even if the strong ** defense of the three of them were drawn to the skin and flesh, after a pot of incense. Sister Miao seemed to finally take a deep breath and roared ferociously like a mad dog, "Get in. Everyone must collect a native fairy crystal and 10,000 catties of accompanying mine every month, otherwise I will let you taste what life is better than death!"

No one said anything to the three of them, and even their eyes were extremely calm at this moment. Of course, they were all people with rich experience and extraordinary realm. Even if you fall into this situation. But in addition to the initial anger, it has completely calmed down at this moment, and they can also see that Sister Miao is so hysterical that this person is basically useless. I'm afraid that her cultivation will never go any further. Although she is as dirty as a bedbug, she is not as knowledgeable as her.

Stumbling into the dark fairy vein, the three of them first looked at each other, smiled bitterly, and didn't want to say anything. But it was stopped by Guan Hong. "If you don't return, don't feel too much. If you lose your horse, you don't know whether it's a blessing or not. If it weren't for this kind of thing, we are afraid that we won't be able to enter a real fairy vein in our whole life. This is also a kind of luck! Moreover, Mu Fei said it well. The world is unpredictable. Who knows what will happen in the future?

"Yes! Brother Guan is right. This is a real fairy vein! In the Ziyao fairyland, even if it is the existence of the top ten star generals, I guess there is no luck to come in person!" Feng Ruo also smiled indifferently and said that he was telling the truth, because the fairy veins are really amazing, which is related to the foundation of countless immortal cultivation, like the huge Ziyao fairyland, but only three small fairy veins, that is, these three small fairy veins are closely protected by the three stars of Ziyao Tianjun's most trusted. Handsome care.

The reason why the Qingqiu clan can have so much power and detachment in the Ziyao fairyland is actually because there is a medium-sized fairy vein and two small fairy veins in Qingqiu Mountain. Feng Ruo even guessed that the reason why Ziyao Tianjun would marry the Qingqiu fairy of the previous generation. If you are a concubine, you have this kind of combination of interests!

So, today, as Guan Hong said, the three of them can enter one of the fairy veins. From a certain point of view, it is really a great luck.

As for the question of how to escape, Feng Ruo has no clue for the time being, but he is not desperate, but very confident, because first of all, although the golden silk thread of Daluo Tian bound fairy charm sealed all his magical power, in fact, he can still continue to practice the secret of the imperial fairy, which also ensures a Very useful variables.

In addition to this too virtual fairy formula, another variable is Feng Ruo's purple water spirit. In fact, when the Daluo Tian bound fairy charm bound him, he deliberately released part of the purple water spirit to form a small drop of water. At this moment, he held it in his hand. This part of the purple water spirit will not be affected by the Da The control of the heavenly fairy charm means that he has a relatively powerful means of attack and defense after losing all his magical power.

However, Feng Ruo did not intend to tell Han and Guan Hong in advance. In fact, he did not want to escape in a short time at all, because this is a fairy mineral vein. If he simply escaped, Feng Ruo himself would not let himself go.

At this time, when he heard the enlightening of Feng Ruo and Guan Hong, the cold mood was better, but he must still feel very guilty, so after sighing, he didn't say anything more, but followed Feng Ruo and the other two forward.

It is dark in the belly of this huge mountain, but there is still half of the fairy power in Feng Ruo's body at this moment, and their bodies have long been strong to some extent, so they can naturally see a long distance.

The belly of the mountain is huge, and there are traces of chiseling everywhere, but the three of them did not see a person who mines fairy crystals, let alone feel the fluctuation of the spirit of the spirit. This situation is completely beyond Feng Ruo's expectation, because according to his imagination, since this fairy vein is a fairy vein that produces fairy It should be very abundant. Why does it look like a dead place at this moment?

Guan (Bookstore the fastest update Hong knows more than Feng Ruo. At this moment, he explained: "The fairy vein is a very important existence and has a quite high strategic position, so under normal circumstances, once After exploring the location of the fairy vein, the immortal master will personally arrange a powerful fairy forbidden for this fairy vein. This fairy forbidden will seal all the native fairy crystals in this fairy vein, so that the fairy spirit in it will not overflow. In addition, because the native fairy crystal is very precious, it is impossible to use the great power. To mine, because it will be a lot of waste, so it can only be collected slowly through the simplest way. Fortunately, all these fairy veins will have been collected by those divine immortals and even golden immortals.

"Yes, the native fairy crystal is very precious!" At this time, Han Buli also said, "The fairy crystal we circulate in our daily life is actually not a fairy crystal at all. It's just the ore around the native fairy crystal in the fairy mineral vein, which is just accompanied by the native fairy crystal. As the old witch just said, we must collect 10,000 catties of companion mine a month. In fact, we After three hundred years of fumigation in a special fairy array, it has become the fairy crystal in our circulation. Normally, 10,000 catties of companion ore is equivalent to 10,000 fairy crystals.

"What? How can it be so exaggerated?" Feng Ruo couldn't help but be shocked and said, "Doesn't that mean that our mine for ten years of mining here is equivalent to collecting a million fairy crystals?"

"Yes! Otherwise, why would Ziyao Tianjun and those great families have to block the fairy veins no matter what? This is ** naked profiteering. They control the source of the fairy crystal, which is equivalent to controlling hundreds of thousands of immortals in the whole Ziyao fairyland. Then they use this cheap method to obtain a large number of resources for cultivation of immortals. The final result is that these families are getting stronger and stronger and more difficult to shake. As for you, no, it Free wild immortals like us don't have much room to survive except for clinging to them.

"So that's it!" Feng Ruo sighed and said, "In this way, the value of the native fairy crystal is really immeasurable! Fortunately, I didn't care much about it before. Now it seems that I really sit in the well and watch the sky.

"Yes, the value of the native fairy crystal is very high, and this thing is also divided into quality. It is said that it is divided into five grades, the first grade is the lowest, and the fifth grade is the highest. In fact, to tell Lao Guan and Brother Mu, although I am the son of the Rosefinch Han family, I have lived for Jing, that's what my grandfather rewarded me. As for other times, the native fairy crystals I get are basically the first-class native fairy crystals. Of course, the highest-grade fairy crystals produced in the whole Ziyao fairyland, including the six fairy mineral veins including Qingqiu Mountain, are only four grades, and the number is extremely rare. As for the five-grade native fairy crystals, they need to go to other fairyland that have existed for hundreds of millions of years or more. The cold sighed again.

At this point, Feng Ruo and the other people were silent again, because they were too small. Perhaps compared with the monks in the micro world, they were unreachable, but in this nihilistic world, any small family can make them unable to eat, not only because of these small families. The crowd is also because they have more resources.

"We need to form our own power, our own strength, and develop our own resources. Since two million years ago, the first generation of Ziyao Tianjun could take his purple fire family to separate from the fire fairyland and finally establish the Ziyao fairyland, so we can also do the same and build a Our own fairyland, all this starts from here, Brother Guan, Brother Han, what do you think?

After a long silence, Feng Ruo suddenly became extremely calm, but the self-confidence in his tone was extremely strong!

(I've been very dull recently. Please smash the monthly ticket at the end of next month and get a little inspiration. By the way, winter is really coming. It's so cold. Brothers in the north should pay attention to the cold. As for the brothers in the south, alas, I will say that I don ) ( To be continued)