Wind control

Chapter 835 Star Residence

"I still don't understand!" Feng Ruo thought for a moment and said, "This is just a manor. If the Qinglingxing Shuai came, could he also compete?"

"Hey hey, you don't understand that it's right. What do you think of Luoling City?" At this time, Han Bui couldn't help interrupting again, "The falling spirit city is not the kind of monk city in the mortal world or the micro world you imagine, but the city that belongs to the fairyland. Let's put it this way, except Ziyao Tianjun, no one can destroy your manor, unless the premise is to destroy the whole falling spirit It's impossible. This Luoling City itself belongs to an eye in the Ziyao Fairyland, which is closely related to the whole Ziyao Fairyland! Therefore, Luoling City and several other big cities are called Star City, and the manor similar to ours is called Star Residence!"

"According to the rules of Luoling City, only the cultivation of the third-level immortals can be qualified to enter it, or have a more advanced identity jade charm. You must have known this for a long time, but do you know why it is so difficult to enter the Luoling City, that is, because the benefits of cultivation in Luoling City are very great In the spirit city, the standard for measuring the identity of an immortal is the star house. The acquisition of this star house is not so easy. It must be enough contributions to be qualified to build, but this construction needs to be done by yourself. The amount of resources consumed is unimaginable, so that's why I say that if your manor is in terms of rules Model, in the Falling City, it is second only to the owner of the Falling City.

"If you still don't believe it, you might as well use your identity to see the whole Luoling City. You should have this qualification now. Oh, by the way, your star residence has the right to move freely, that is to say, you can move to the other four star cities anytime and anywhere. In short, this is the world's first-class cultivation cave!"

After listening to the cold words, Feng Ruo picked up the waist pendant curiously, in fact. After he woke up, he really didn't have time to pay attention to this.

As soon as the waist pendant fell into Feng Ruo's hand, he knew that this thing had changed a lot, and a strange fluctuation appeared from it. His mind came into contact with this fluctuation, and everything in the whole huge manor, including a grass, a tree, a flower and a fruit. All the details in every corner of the building are like a clear reflection, which comes to his mind, which is completely different from his use of mind to search and observe!

Because he found that this manor, in nature, is somewhat similar to the Seven Star Palace. That is to say, he can change everything in this manor with just a move of his mind. Of course, the overall quality and function of this manor cannot be compared with the Seven Star Palace. But the concept of construction is consistent.

At this time, as soon as Feng Ruo Shen thought turned, he saw the whole picture of the whole Luoling City. As Han Nogui said, this Luoling City is definitely not the monastic cities he knew before, because these are completely two concepts.

The whole falling spirit city is like a starry sky, and every star is a star. And the star residence where he is located is the brighter star in the whole Falling City. Feng Ruo found that in terms of brightness, only six star residences can compare with his own star residence. No wonder he will make a fuss before he returns!

In the starry sky formed by the Falling City, it is not an endless starry sky. Feng Ruo's mind swept over and found that there were more than 100,000 bright stars. What's more strange is that the nature of these star residences is also very different. They can be roughly divided into two types. The first is a private star residence. His divine mind can only be scanned on the periphery, and he can't know the situation inside at all. Even if it is the kind of star residence with the lowest brightness, you can know how It's reliable! No wonder Guan Hong used to be very enthusiastic about becoming a person in Luoling City.

The second kind of star residence is open, and Feng Ruo's mind can easily enter it, but he immediately found that these places have the function of a market. In short, anyone can enter. In addition, he also found that because his current identity is extremely noble, he can You don't have to go there in person, just choose and buy with your mind, and you can do it naturally.

Except for these more than 100,000 bright stars, the rest of the places are dark nothingness. If you can't see where is the entrance and exit of the Falling City? What's more, I can't think of where this Luoling City was built, because as far as he knows, the whole Ziyao Fairyland is the same as in the micro world, with sky and land. Is it possible that this Luoling City and several other big cities are built in the sky of Ziyao Fairyland?

Feng Ruo didn't pay much attention to these doubts, because he only needs to verify it to understand that what he is really confused now is that his star residence is obviously very good and valuable. It is estimated that it will take at least a long time to build, but the former owner is willing to give such a precious star residence. He?

Feng Ruo carefully searched everything in the star house through the waist pendant, and found that there were many treasures that surprised him, but unfortunately, there was no clue in it. I could only guess that this precious star house should also belong to ice dance.

"What are you going to do next?"

After figuring out the situation of Xingju, Feng Ruo did not return to Guan Hong, and Liao Min asked.

"What else can I do? Of course, I'm following you. With this Star Residence, as long as we don't leave the Ziyao Fairyland, we can teleport it back at any time. Therefore, we are not afraid of the pursuit of the Qingqiu clan at all now!" The cold doesn't come back with a strange smile.

"Yes, that's what I think. With this star residence, we have a foothold in the Ziyao fairyland. As long as we don't anger Ziyao Tianjun, there is basically no danger. Mu Fei, if you still want to achieve your original goal, then this star residence is your biggest foundation. You know, even if it is a Some small and medium-sized families may not have such a luxurious star residence!" At this time, Guan Hong also said.

"So do I. I have nowhere to go now. If my Taoist friends allow me, I want to hide from the limelight with you. Of course, if you don't worry, I can also choose to be loyal to you and be a staff member!" Liao Min finally smiled and said that she now knows Feng Ruo's identity best, so no matter from which point of view, she has to choose to always follow Feng Ruo.

"Hey! Lao Guan and Sister Liao are right. Mu Fei, you now have the foundation of Xingju, so we can form our own power. Of course, the most important thing is to improve our own strength. Even if we may not be able to create a new fairyland by ourselves in the future, at least we have to mix into the existence of the Purple Fire Family! The cold is a little excited.

"Oh, well, that's it for the time being. Anyway, we are not going to leave the Ziyao Fairyland recently. It doesn't matter if we are tracked by the Qingqiu clan. Also, there is one thing that must be said. I just saw that this star house is good, but the annual consumption is People, all kinds of protective immortals, fairy arrays and so on need a large number of native fairy crystals and all kinds of scarce materials. We are not short of native fairy crystals for the time being, but we have to find other materials together. I'm very worried. It won't be long before we will be eaten poor by this star! Feng Ruo sighed.