Wind control

Chapter 925 Sword Heart Xiaozhu

(Happy New Year's Day, Taoist friends, the New Year begins, and everything is going well. During the double monthly ticket period, I beg for a guaranteed monthly ticket!)

Feng Ruo didn't pay much attention to the shock and doubts of the cold weather, because after lingering with Mu Feixue, he suddenly thought that this was not the most effective way to fight back in the current situation!

You know, Yunkong picked up the wind and washed the dust for himself. He originally wanted to use his existence to slap the dreamer's power fiercely, and then naturally angered the dreamer. Although he did not dare to kill Feng Ruo directly on the surface, he secretly didn't know how much he wanted to beat him with ashes. The unlucky colliding is absolutely intolerable to him.

However, if he took Mu Feixue in person and then showed in this high-profile way that Mu Feixue is his woman, what would the effect be?

First of all, it will disrupt the layout of the clouds and make his so-called wind and dust washing completely meaningless, and he can't confirm what Feng Ruo is doing or which side he is on? After all, Feng Ruo's previous behavior was different from the Meng family's power. In this way, even if he wanted to continue to test Feng Ruo in other ways, he had to enter the trial of the Purple Fire Temple, which gave him a lot of buffer time. Secondly, Mu Feixue's identity is also a big deal in the dream family's In addition to the three main surnames of Wu, Yun and Meng, the Mu family is the first surname in the ranking, which is the backbone of the Zihuo family. With her accompanying her, then at least the senior management of the Meng family will be more afraid. The most important thing is. This will save the face of the Meng family, so it has nothing to do with it except to completely irritate Meng Xuanlong.

But how could a Meng Xuanlong put it in Feng Ruo's eyes? There are many children in the Meng family. Even if he is a direct line, he is far from the head of the family, and even the identity of Meng Xuanyuan is not even close!

Admittedly, Feng Ruo's behavior is not a once-and-all, at most a delay. When the dream family and Yunkong came to their senses, they would definitely have to liquidate him, but at that time, he had already come out of the Purple Fire Temple. Will he stay in this heavenly city stupidly? He will definitely retreat again or simply sneak out of the purple fairyland. Do both of them dare to send people to chase him?

It is no exaggeration to say that it is definitely a very stupid move, because Feng Ruo only has the strength of four-level immortals on the surface, but his hidden strength is enough to shake the five-level immortals. In addition, group fighting is also Feng Ruo's best at it. Don't forget that there is also a purple- Even if Yunkong personally brings people to chase and kill, he will take care of it and tell him to go back!

These thoughts and ideas. Feng Ruo did not talk to Mu Feixue, and there is no need to say it. Mu Feixue did not ask. No one knows Feng Ruo's potential better than her. Even if he is not counted as a child of the dream family, but as an ordinary immortal, he will not lose to anyone, because today, except for the formation attainments and the All other forces. It was all achieved with Feng Ruo's own efforts. If it is changed to any other dreamer, who dares to do it under the same conditions? With so many life and death that Feng Ruo has experienced, he casually took it out once. Who dares to survive safely?

The twelve sub-ced cities of Tiancheng are equally extremely huge. There are thousands of miles between them, and in this sub-city. In order to show respect for the emperor, no one can fly away in the air, so the way of walking is all kinds of flying mounts.

But the flying mounts here are different from those in the micro world. They are all extremely powerful alien beasts. These alien beasts are born to be extremely powerful, but they can't be cultivated, can't be transformed into human beings, and can't be like those immortals. Therefore, even those immortals don't regard these alien beasts as

There are a large number of powerful foreign beasts in this heavenly city, and then for the earth immortals in the city to ride. Of course, the range of riding is only 30,000 miles in the heavenly city.

At this time, the cold day first took out a jade card, pinched the fairy formula with his hand, and then after a few breaths, his wings spread more than a hundred feet, and the whole body was black. The strange beast with nine heads fell from the sky.

When I jumped up in the cold weather, I just wanted to invite Feng Ruo and Mu Feixue to walk with me, but I heard a clear phoenix in the air, and then my whole body was blue. It seemed that a strange beast with phoenix blood fell from the air. The tail feather of this strange beast was extremely gorgeous. With The black nine-headed beast in the cold sky was half smaller, but looking at the trembling appearance of the nine-headed beast, I knew that the beast was powerful.

"This is a bluebird, with a little phoenix blood, which is relatively powerful among all the strange beasts. It is said that it was captured from the strange micro-world of Menglin. Its strength is about equivalent to that of a five-level earth fairy. Unfortunately, it can't bring out of the heavenly city, otherwise it is really a

Mu Feixue explained softly to Feng Ruo, and then pulled Feng Ruo and jumped on the back of the blue devious bird. Then the blue bird made a clear sound again, and gently flapped its wings, penetrated into the sky like a sharp sword, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. It was not until this time that the nine-headed It's absolutely impossible to go up.

However, Feng Ruo did not let Mu Feixue rush directly to the small building of the heart of the sword, but began to take a ride along the main city of the huge heavenly city and look at the night scene by the way. After half an hour, it was estimated that when the wind and dust-washing banquet had already begun, the two of them came to

I have to say that this small sword heart building is indeed quiet and extraordinary. Even in the night, it has an extraordinary charm. From this, we can know the demeanor of Wu Shang, the owner of the small sword heart building.

Feng Ruo and Mu Feixue jumped off the bluebird on the shore of Ming Lake. This Ming Lake covers a large area, facing the mountains, and the waterfall can be seen hanging upside down from a distance. There is a small island in the center of the lake. The island is a small building with a sword heart, and then a long plank road

Walking on the plank road, the breeze blows, the water ripples, coupled with a bright moon in the sky, the reflection of the bright moon in the water, which is really unique. The sword heart building on the island in the distance is a hazy light, and the faint sound of the piano flows through, and a fragrance of wine comes slightly, !

However, in the small sword heart building, Feng Ruo only sensed that there were four or five people, but his strength was not very strong. It should be the maids, let alone the cold sky. I think he was not qualified to enter this small sword heart building. In addition, he only had a little vague shadow. It can be seen that the strength of It's not the same.

Feng Ruo and Mu Feixue walked on the island so easily hand in hand, and then he felt an unconcealable murderous atmosphere swept out of the small building, which was the same person who explored his mind nine days ago. ( To be continued.